Maybe they’re right, “Persetankan segala perasaan nak avoid online segala.”
Look, I’m typing an entry lagi! Siap kasi makan haiwan Restaurant City, siram pokok kat Barn Buddy. Dalam hati I cemburu bila tengok kawan-kawan dah maju main Island Paradise, Farm Ville ect. Mungkin I kolot game fesbuk sekarang.
Oh, nari-nari I rosak semalam. Time orang semua buat revision untuk paper petang tu, I sibuk keluar nak makan McD Big Breakfast. Time balik I perasan, air-cond jadi panas and meter enjin memang dah kat merah. So berhenti kat tepi sambil buat muka cool cuba buka but depan. Damn, berasap. Cool lagi, call mak tanya patut buat apa. Picnik bawah pokok, baca notes untuk exam. Dalam hati sebal sebab first time kena gini. Pukul 12, tinggal nari-nari tepi jalan, bawa kereta manual orang balik bilik. (Yes, I still know how to drive stick car!)
Petang mak datang selamatkan nari-nari. Tu pun banyak kali berhanti sebab enjin panas sangat. Kasihan nari-nari demam panas. Tadi mak call, bagitahu nari-nari dihospitalized for a week sebab enjin problem. Ayat sedih yang keluar, “Is it my fault mom? The way I drive?” Mujur mak kata it is not. Dah sampai time dia sakit. But still, I’m the one who responsible kat kereta itu.
Tapikan, most of all, I lagi sebal bila banyak plan I after paper Isnin ni kena cancel. Thought nak pegi karoke 5 jam lepas paper tu. Plan nak tengok Pisau Cukur auwww. ABG’s day lagi. Mungkin, Tuhan nak suruh I saving minggu depan. Mungkin.
Tips untuk pengguna kereta. Basuh kereta sendiri, jangan hantar car wash sahaja. Luangkan masa kualiti bersama kereta. Ohh rindu! ;-p
p.s: Rakan-rakan setadi, mari kita buang broadband, laptop & segala yang memungkinkan kita bermain sepanjang malam. Sangat khas untuk gadis L07 dan pengguna P1 wimax. Lu tau la siapa lu kan. Ahahaha
31 October 2009
The unknown.
Petang tadi waktu I tengah paper CEIS I received a text message from the unknown number. So here we go;
[16:21:40] IDK: Awk...
[17:05:16] ME: Siape?
[19:36:28] IDK: Awk x knal sy?
[19:59:30] ME: Tak. I mean, ur num is nt in my lists.
[20:01:07] IDK: Omg..seriously?? U don’t knw who I’m?
[20:01:55] ME: Nope. I hd no idea. Im sory.
[20:03:16] IDK: Oh shit..u r diana naubi right?
[20:04:41] ME: Yes. Ala... Who is this?
[20:06:56] IDK: So... it is u diana naubi.. 1 day we’ll face each other.. I’m u’r worst nightmare..
[20:19:06] ME: Oh realy. Ceh ok then, my mom said don’t talk to strangers. So gd bye.
[20:21:19] IDK: Oh yeah.. But the problem is we r not talking, we r messaging right now. (^.^)
Right before nak delete all the message of the day sebab my phone sangat senang full message. (-.-“) And I have a high level of curiosity because it seems like I pernah ingat that number. Even now pun dah 100% hafal that number.
[02:18:54] ME: Again im asking u. Siapakah?
[02:20:24] ME: Nasir mokmok. Engkau ke sayang? Agaga. Apesal akuw br ingat num kaw?
[02:21:35] IDK: Ye.. Dh2.sambung esok.. aku nk tdo.
[02:22:14] ME: Ceh. Kurang hasam punya adik. Gtawu je la.Wokey2. Gd nite!
Damn bro, lu memang pandai bikin gua panas. Ceh, wa respect lu la memang lu worst nightmare wa la beb. Hihi. Feels like going home. Wuuu~
Moral of the story: Next time sila jangan hafal number orang, terus save senang. Btw, even till now my contact number tak update. Ciss
[16:21:40] IDK: Awk...
[17:05:16] ME: Siape?
[19:36:28] IDK: Awk x knal sy?
[19:59:30] ME: Tak. I mean, ur num is nt in my lists.
[20:01:07] IDK: Omg..seriously?? U don’t knw who I’m?
[20:01:55] ME: Nope. I hd no idea. Im sory.
[20:03:16] IDK: Oh shit..u r diana naubi right?
[20:04:41] ME: Yes. Ala... Who is this?
[20:06:56] IDK: So... it is u diana naubi.. 1 day we’ll face each other.. I’m u’r worst nightmare..
[20:19:06] ME: Oh realy. Ceh ok then, my mom said don’t talk to strangers. So gd bye.
[20:21:19] IDK: Oh yeah.. But the problem is we r not talking, we r messaging right now. (^.^)
Right before nak delete all the message of the day sebab my phone sangat senang full message. (-.-“) And I have a high level of curiosity because it seems like I pernah ingat that number. Even now pun dah 100% hafal that number.
[02:18:54] ME: Again im asking u. Siapakah?
[02:20:24] ME: Nasir mokmok. Engkau ke sayang? Agaga. Apesal akuw br ingat num kaw?
[02:21:35] IDK: Ye.. Dh2.sambung esok.. aku nk tdo.
[02:22:14] ME: Ceh. Kurang hasam punya adik. Gtawu je la.Wokey2. Gd nite!
Damn bro, lu memang pandai bikin gua panas. Ceh, wa respect lu la memang lu worst nightmare wa la beb. Hihi. Feels like going home. Wuuu~
Moral of the story: Next time sila jangan hafal number orang, terus save senang. Btw, even till now my contact number tak update. Ciss
28 October 2009
1. Oh I am so busy right now until I don’t have the time to online. Yeah, I only have few days to study for my final and I haven’t started yet. Damn me, damn those assignments.
2. I still have two assignments that need to be done. And I don’t have the mood to do it. Again, damn me.
3. I need to prepare for my project presentation tomorrow but I realised I have zero information about what I’m doing. Need to read full report by tonight. Damn me.
4. I have CEIS paper this coming Friday evening. A seriously reading thingy subject with full of computer things in it. How to memorize everything? Damn, damn me!
5. I’ve decided to stay at UTM during the weekend. Sad.
6. I miss to blog, I miss to read others blog but I don’t have the time.
7. I am back at my room now. After cleaning up the mess, being at my room is like no other. But still, I want to go home.
8. I’m out of food. Need to buy my favourite snacks. But I don’t have the time. Tolong!! Can I have 78 hours per day?
9. I’m eating ayam penyet right now. Want some? My current weight now is 45.5kg. Need to eat more!
10. Goodbye laptop, goodbye everyone!
2. I still have two assignments that need to be done. And I don’t have the mood to do it. Again, damn me.
3. I need to prepare for my project presentation tomorrow but I realised I have zero information about what I’m doing. Need to read full report by tonight. Damn me.
4. I have CEIS paper this coming Friday evening. A seriously reading thingy subject with full of computer things in it. How to memorize everything? Damn, damn me!
5. I’ve decided to stay at UTM during the weekend. Sad.
6. I miss to blog, I miss to read others blog but I don’t have the time.
7. I am back at my room now. After cleaning up the mess, being at my room is like no other. But still, I want to go home.
8. I’m out of food. Need to buy my favourite snacks. But I don’t have the time. Tolong!! Can I have 78 hours per day?
9. I’m eating ayam penyet right now. Want some? My current weight now is 45.5kg. Need to eat more!
10. Goodbye laptop, goodbye everyone!
25 October 2009
Dota ohh Dota!
Semalam I ada discussion yang takes time till midnight. While busy cakap-cakap dengan kawan-kawan, issue DOTA keluar. And I asked them why girls hate dota?

Untuk I, bukan I benci mana tapi kadang-kadang rasa menyampah bila dengar lelaki cakap, "Wah kerja aku banyak, tak tahu bila masa nak buat. Stress!" Tapi kejap lagi I tahu dia main dota 3-4 game. Microsoft Words terbongkang minimize. Kejap lagi datang complain lagi, "Aku stress."
Lagi satu I menyampah, bila diorang buka game sure mesti tengah malam. Memang routine eh? Okeh, game start pukul 12 eh bro. So the game starts and diorang akan main tanpa henti, berjam-jam. Bila sedar-sedar azan Subuh dah berbunyi. Baru sibuk-sibuk siap-siap nak tidur. Esoknya bangun pukul 3 or 4 petang.
Haaa. To the girls yang ada kekasih main Dota ni sure stress. Pernah orang cerita dulu, satu group of guys yang main Dota 3 jam berterusan. Kekasih message tak reply. Bila call pun tak angkat. Last-last satu group tu gaduh dengan girlfriend, serentak. Sengalkan?
Mungkin pemain Dota yang pernah baik dengan I pernah dengar I panggil heroes Dota as binatang buruk. Ye lah, binatang yang buruk rupa bagaikan beast hodoh. HAHA. Ayat tak puas hati sebab ada gadis cantik mana pun pemain Dota tak pandang bila dah start game. ;-p
DuniaOrangTiadaAwek - itu jawapan Eacha.
Saya sangatlah bersetuju dengan ayat itu. Mungkin untuk manusia yang single, anda digalakkan bermain Dota. And kepada peminat fanatik Dota juga boleh juga berkecimpung dengan dunia single selepas ini. Kepada lelaki yang ada kekasih tetapi masih main Dota, maybe nanti bila I dah kaya I create satu game baru nama DOPTA (Dunia Orang Perasan Tiada Awek). Gerenti standard macam Dota.
Tips untuk gadis yang mempunyai kekasih fanatik Dota.
1. If mereka kata Dota gf nombor satu, bila diorang perlukan kasih dan sayang seorang kekasih jangan lupa mention nama heroes kegemaran kekasih anda. Biar diorang berimaginasi beast hodoh itu akan memberi kasih-sayang itu.
2. Sewaktu kekasih anda main Dota, elakkan menghubunginya supaya tidak mudah kecil hati. Buat segala assignment yang ada ataupun main Pet Society dalam fesbuk. Sibukkan diri anda. Tapi bila dah 3 jam dia bermain, mulalah memberi panggilan peringatan yang kekasih anda masih mempunyai kekasih yang memahami.
3. Selepas kekasih anda bermain Dota, sila mention banyak-banyak perkara yang anda telah/dapat lakukan sepanjang dia bermain Dota. Comparekan betapa terurusnya hidup anda tanpa Dota. Sesungguhnya Dota it pembaziran masa.
4. Jangan sesekali berkecimpung di dalam dunia Dota. Macam nak suruh orang berhanti merokok tapi kita merokok. Ia aneh. Mungkin tahu basic seperti nama binatang hodoh itu, cara game itu bergerak sudah memadai.
5. Buat satu parti anti-Dota bersama gf kawan-kawan kekasih kamu. Sewaktu lelaki-lelaki itu main Dota, adakan perjumpaan. Mungkin seronok juga sewaktu lelaki itu main Dota, kami si gadis tengok movie ramai-ramai. Ataupun jikalau waktu tengah malam mereka main, ugut cakap nak pergi clubbing sambil pakai baju daring. HAHA (Apesal I fikir macam ni pula?)
6. Btw, ini tips yang paling I suka, tinggalkan kekasih yang main Dota. It is not worth it untuk ada kekasih yang main Dota tengah malam sampai pagi. Bila siang dia tidur. Dan kes ini terjadi selama berminggu-minggu. Itu bukan spesis manusia lagi, patut single betul. ;-p
Sudah-sudah. I dah start merepek!
p.s: Kejap lagi I nak cipta satu game yang addictive untuk gadis pula.

Untuk I, bukan I benci mana tapi kadang-kadang rasa menyampah bila dengar lelaki cakap, "Wah kerja aku banyak, tak tahu bila masa nak buat. Stress!" Tapi kejap lagi I tahu dia main dota 3-4 game. Microsoft Words terbongkang minimize. Kejap lagi datang complain lagi, "Aku stress."
Lagi satu I menyampah, bila diorang buka game sure mesti tengah malam. Memang routine eh? Okeh, game start pukul 12 eh bro. So the game starts and diorang akan main tanpa henti, berjam-jam. Bila sedar-sedar azan Subuh dah berbunyi. Baru sibuk-sibuk siap-siap nak tidur. Esoknya bangun pukul 3 or 4 petang.
Haaa. To the girls yang ada kekasih main Dota ni sure stress. Pernah orang cerita dulu, satu group of guys yang main Dota 3 jam berterusan. Kekasih message tak reply. Bila call pun tak angkat. Last-last satu group tu gaduh dengan girlfriend, serentak. Sengalkan?
Mungkin pemain Dota yang pernah baik dengan I pernah dengar I panggil heroes Dota as binatang buruk. Ye lah, binatang yang buruk rupa bagaikan beast hodoh. HAHA. Ayat tak puas hati sebab ada gadis cantik mana pun pemain Dota tak pandang bila dah start game. ;-p
DuniaOrangTiadaAwek - itu jawapan Eacha.
Saya sangatlah bersetuju dengan ayat itu. Mungkin untuk manusia yang single, anda digalakkan bermain Dota. And kepada peminat fanatik Dota juga boleh juga berkecimpung dengan dunia single selepas ini. Kepada lelaki yang ada kekasih tetapi masih main Dota, maybe nanti bila I dah kaya I create satu game baru nama DOPTA (Dunia Orang Perasan Tiada Awek). Gerenti standard macam Dota.
Tips untuk gadis yang mempunyai kekasih fanatik Dota.
1. If mereka kata Dota gf nombor satu, bila diorang perlukan kasih dan sayang seorang kekasih jangan lupa mention nama heroes kegemaran kekasih anda. Biar diorang berimaginasi beast hodoh itu akan memberi kasih-sayang itu.
2. Sewaktu kekasih anda main Dota, elakkan menghubunginya supaya tidak mudah kecil hati. Buat segala assignment yang ada ataupun main Pet Society dalam fesbuk. Sibukkan diri anda. Tapi bila dah 3 jam dia bermain, mulalah memberi panggilan peringatan yang kekasih anda masih mempunyai kekasih yang memahami.
3. Selepas kekasih anda bermain Dota, sila mention banyak-banyak perkara yang anda telah/dapat lakukan sepanjang dia bermain Dota. Comparekan betapa terurusnya hidup anda tanpa Dota. Sesungguhnya Dota it pembaziran masa.
4. Jangan sesekali berkecimpung di dalam dunia Dota. Macam nak suruh orang berhanti merokok tapi kita merokok. Ia aneh. Mungkin tahu basic seperti nama binatang hodoh itu, cara game itu bergerak sudah memadai.
5. Buat satu parti anti-Dota bersama gf kawan-kawan kekasih kamu. Sewaktu lelaki-lelaki itu main Dota, adakan perjumpaan. Mungkin seronok juga sewaktu lelaki itu main Dota, kami si gadis tengok movie ramai-ramai. Ataupun jikalau waktu tengah malam mereka main, ugut cakap nak pergi clubbing sambil pakai baju daring. HAHA (Apesal I fikir macam ni pula?)
6. Btw, ini tips yang paling I suka, tinggalkan kekasih yang main Dota. It is not worth it untuk ada kekasih yang main Dota tengah malam sampai pagi. Bila siang dia tidur. Dan kes ini terjadi selama berminggu-minggu. Itu bukan spesis manusia lagi, patut single betul. ;-p
Sudah-sudah. I dah start merepek!
p.s: Kejap lagi I nak cipta satu game yang addictive untuk gadis pula.
24 October 2009
The Hate Letter From A Boyfriend
1 The great love that I have for you
2 is gone, and I find my dislike for you
3 grows every day. When I see you,
4 I do not even like your face;
5 the one thing that I want to do is to
6 look at other girls. I never wanted to
7 marry you. Our last conversation
8 was very boring and has not
9 made me look forward to seeing you again.
10 You think only of yourself.
11 If we were married, I know that I would find
12 life very difficult, and I would have no
13 pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
14 to give, but it is not something that
15 I want to give to you. No one is more
16 foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
17 able to care for me and help me.
18 I sincerely want you to understand that
19 I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
20 if you think this is the end. Do not try
21 to answer this. Your letters are full of
22 things that do not interest me. You have no
23 true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
24 I do not care for you. Please do not think that
25 I am still your boyfriend
Ok now read only the odd numbers. :-)
It is totally different!
2 is gone, and I find my dislike for you
3 grows every day. When I see you,
4 I do not even like your face;
5 the one thing that I want to do is to
6 look at other girls. I never wanted to
7 marry you. Our last conversation
8 was very boring and has not
9 made me look forward to seeing you again.
10 You think only of yourself.
11 If we were married, I know that I would find
12 life very difficult, and I would have no
13 pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
14 to give, but it is not something that
15 I want to give to you. No one is more
16 foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
17 able to care for me and help me.
18 I sincerely want you to understand that
19 I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
20 if you think this is the end. Do not try
21 to answer this. Your letters are full of
22 things that do not interest me. You have no
23 true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
24 I do not care for you. Please do not think that
25 I am still your boyfriend
Ok now read only the odd numbers. :-)
It is totally different!
23 October 2009
Si gemuk hitam

Siapa masih ingat pada si buruk rupa itu?
This photo really reminds me of something.
And actually it is not something I should remember pun.
But then I can’t stop laughing.
New resolution, nak muka tembam begitu.
And tolong, jangan gunting rambut lagi.
Ok, nights!
This photo really reminds me of something.
And actually it is not something I should remember pun.
But then I can’t stop laughing.
New resolution, nak muka tembam begitu.
And tolong, jangan gunting rambut lagi.
Ok, nights!
p.s: Dota bukanlah satu permainan yang seronok, ia seperti gangguan otak sewaktu minggu ulangkaji. ;-p (Why tade kaitan? HAHA)
22 October 2009
I'm so addicted
I currently listen to AAR album. And this song really caught me. Maybe because of the lyric or maybe their voices are suit to be together. Voice okay, Tyson Ritter is still mine. Maybe you can google for the song. My internet connection is damn slow to update my blog song. Ngeee.

Another Heart Calls - AAR
Do you remember when we didn't care?
We were just two kids that look the moment when it was there
Do you remember you at all?
Another heart calls
Yeah, I remember when we stole the night
We'd lie awake but dreaming till the sun would wash the sky
Just soon as I'd see you, but didn't, but didn't I tell you?
As deep as I need you, you wanna leave it all
What can I do?
Say it's true
Or everything that matters breaks in two
Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you
Talk to me, I'm throwing myself in front of you
This could be the last mistake that I would ever wanna do
All I ever do is give, it's time you see my point of view
Just as soon as I'd see you, but didn't, but didn't I tell you?
As deep as I need you, you wanna leave it all
What can I do? Say it's true
Or everything that matters breaks in two
Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you
But I know what you want is to figure it out
And god knows I do too
What can I do? Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you
I'm sorry
So what
But you don't think I've said enough
I'm sorry
I don't care
You were never there
Just as soon as I see you but didn't I, but didn't I tell you?
As deep as I need you, you wanna leave it all
What can I do? Say it's true
Or everything that matters breaks in two
Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you
But I know what you want is to figure it out
And god knows I do too
What can I do? Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you
Do you remember when we didn't care?
We were just two kids that look the moment when it was there
Do you remember you at all?
Another heart calls
Yeah, I remember when we stole the night
We'd lie awake but dreaming till the sun would wash the sky
Just soon as I'd see you, but didn't, but didn't I tell you?
As deep as I need you, you wanna leave it all
What can I do?
Say it's true
Or everything that matters breaks in two
Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you
Talk to me, I'm throwing myself in front of you
This could be the last mistake that I would ever wanna do
All I ever do is give, it's time you see my point of view
Just as soon as I'd see you, but didn't, but didn't I tell you?
As deep as I need you, you wanna leave it all
What can I do? Say it's true
Or everything that matters breaks in two
Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you
But I know what you want is to figure it out
And god knows I do too
What can I do? Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you
I'm sorry
So what
But you don't think I've said enough
I'm sorry
I don't care
You were never there
Just as soon as I see you but didn't I, but didn't I tell you?
As deep as I need you, you wanna leave it all
What can I do? Say it's true
Or everything that matters breaks in two
Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you
But I know what you want is to figure it out
And god knows I do too
What can I do? Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you
Oh yes, the lyrics is meaningful for me. Hell. I need to cut it off. Goodbye fellas!
Go and start google for that song!
p.s: Aneh rambut Tyson at that moment. ;-p
Go and start google for that song!
p.s: Aneh rambut Tyson at that moment. ;-p
21 October 2009
Cheap oiii.
They asked me, why always using celcom number lah? So, let me tell you the solid reason why, IT IS FREAKING CHEAP BABEH!
Yeah, if before I used to use maxis and enjoying the super savers calls during the night and texting my active5. But then I realized, why my credit won’t last long? And it stress me up when I’m in emergency and need to call during the peak hour. You know how expensive it is? Okay, I tak mampu to live with maxis.
So, I’m changing to Celcom Exec50. (Sumpah advance sebab terus daftar postpaid.) And I did add my guy as my supplementary line because I always call him and text him. Aigoo. So it’s been 6 months plus I had been using it. Overall, I love it! My bills never exceeded RM 100 monthly eventhough I always call my guy everyday and talk non-sense. Instead of text message him, I send MMS. Oh, not forgetting I always video call him when I am damn bored in my room studying. Even we’re at the different room, I can see him juga! HAHA.
Sangat cheap kan?
Oh, about contacting others. I rather call than messaging people now. 1 minutes cost me only 15 cents to any number while texting costs me 12 cents each. So I don’t prefer to text people using my celcom number unless it is emergency. Ouh, the rate for calling Singapore number is 24 cents per minute. Yes, murah-murah!
If your usage not exceeds RM50 monthly, it only will cost you RM54. But rugilah because macam dapat free call RM50. But bila you exceed certain price of it you will get many discounts. I still remember my bills ada tu exceed RM100 dah gelabah sebab check bill online. But once the bill sampai rumah I just need to pay around RM90. Haa.. so tak pernah exceed rm100 lagi. Bangga.
So, to those who prefer to change using postpaid. Gunalah Celcom. And if ada family atau kekasih boleh guna 1+5 plan. HAHAHA. ;-p
For more info, boleh browse through this page [CELCOM]. Eceh, promote celcom sekali lagi tanda terima kasih dapat panggilan murah. ;-p
Ouh btw, for me to save more, I have maxis youth club. So I can text my friends only 1cent each. Yeah, sumpah jimat. But my common fan yang always text me is my dear sister kak Ann and siblings yang sewel. Hiks. Jangan begitu cepat 25 years old tolong. HAHA!
p.s: Ini entry memang tak munasabah sebab tengok bil bulan lepas murah gila. ;-p
Yeah, if before I used to use maxis and enjoying the super savers calls during the night and texting my active5. But then I realized, why my credit won’t last long? And it stress me up when I’m in emergency and need to call during the peak hour. You know how expensive it is? Okay, I tak mampu to live with maxis.
So, I’m changing to Celcom Exec50. (Sumpah advance sebab terus daftar postpaid.) And I did add my guy as my supplementary line because I always call him and text him. Aigoo. So it’s been 6 months plus I had been using it. Overall, I love it! My bills never exceeded RM 100 monthly eventhough I always call my guy everyday and talk non-sense. Instead of text message him, I send MMS. Oh, not forgetting I always video call him when I am damn bored in my room studying. Even we’re at the different room, I can see him juga! HAHA.
Sangat cheap kan?
Oh, about contacting others. I rather call than messaging people now. 1 minutes cost me only 15 cents to any number while texting costs me 12 cents each. So I don’t prefer to text people using my celcom number unless it is emergency. Ouh, the rate for calling Singapore number is 24 cents per minute. Yes, murah-murah!
If your usage not exceeds RM50 monthly, it only will cost you RM54. But rugilah because macam dapat free call RM50. But bila you exceed certain price of it you will get many discounts. I still remember my bills ada tu exceed RM100 dah gelabah sebab check bill online. But once the bill sampai rumah I just need to pay around RM90. Haa.. so tak pernah exceed rm100 lagi. Bangga.
So, to those who prefer to change using postpaid. Gunalah Celcom. And if ada family atau kekasih boleh guna 1+5 plan. HAHAHA. ;-p
For more info, boleh browse through this page [CELCOM]. Eceh, promote celcom sekali lagi tanda terima kasih dapat panggilan murah. ;-p
Ouh btw, for me to save more, I have maxis youth club. So I can text my friends only 1cent each. Yeah, sumpah jimat. But my common fan yang always text me is my dear sister kak Ann and siblings yang sewel. Hiks. Jangan begitu cepat 25 years old tolong. HAHA!
p.s: Ini entry memang tak munasabah sebab tengok bil bulan lepas murah gila. ;-p
Repekan di perpustakaan
Bila budak malas study dah mula berbicara;
1. Tahukah anda, kertas-kertas yang kita gunakan untuk menjawab exam adalah daripada pokok. Kasihan pokok kalau exam masih diteruskan. Pupus pokok nanti.
2. Satu graduan yang dah berkerja kata apa yang kita pelajari kat U ni takkan diaplikasikan langsung bila kerja nanti. Semua pun guna software, tak pun technician yang buat. Ambil contoh, apa yang kita pelajari darjah 6 tak digunakan pada waktu sekarang. ;-p
3. Sepatutnya, nota-nota ringkas dibenarkan dibawa masuk ke dalam dewan peperiksaan. Bila dah kerja nanti, engineer masih memerlukan buku untuk dirujuk. Jadi perlukan semua ini dihafal?
Em.. okay, adik dah bising suruh sambung buat kerja. Later!
Pegi rebus buku dalam cerek air kemuadian minum. Takpun, buat buku sebagai alas tidur, semoga proses pemindahan ilmu dapat dijalankan. Extra tips, tukar otak jadi hard disc kemudian copy-paste-save, hanya dengan beberapa click.
Tips lapuk tapi Insya-Allah berjaya, belajar awal kemudian tawakal. Sila jangan berputus asa!
20 October 2009
Yo Babeh!
Thank you open wireless L12 KTHO! I can online yo babeh! So I can update my blog for today.
Today was a blast, as all my classmate going to the open house. But we’re not wearing baju kurung like I imagined last night la kan. We take photos and share the moments together laughing and eating like for few times. I makan 4 rounds you! Haha. The convoy, and all those stupid taxi who always separating us. Ceh, but I realised something, my Chinese classmate drive safely. Sopan sangatt!
But I need to get back to UTM first as my mom didn’t give me the permission to join them to Caya’s & Aman’s house at Batu Pahat. But I left my digi cam to Miza. Hopefully she takes photos of their happy moments! Alahai... sebal deh gue, enggak dapat bersama beraya. Can’t wait to see them!
Btw, I am at my sis’s room during study week. I bought a lot of foods just now! Damn, I still can’t stop eating now. Nyum-nyum! Later on once I get back my camera I’ll take photo of the foods. HAHA!
p.s: I want to watch Papadom & Surrogates before final boleh?
Today was a blast, as all my classmate going to the open house. But we’re not wearing baju kurung like I imagined last night la kan. We take photos and share the moments together laughing and eating like for few times. I makan 4 rounds you! Haha. The convoy, and all those stupid taxi who always separating us. Ceh, but I realised something, my Chinese classmate drive safely. Sopan sangatt!
But I need to get back to UTM first as my mom didn’t give me the permission to join them to Caya’s & Aman’s house at Batu Pahat. But I left my digi cam to Miza. Hopefully she takes photos of their happy moments! Alahai... sebal deh gue, enggak dapat bersama beraya. Can’t wait to see them!
Btw, I am at my sis’s room during study week. I bought a lot of foods just now! Damn, I still can’t stop eating now. Nyum-nyum! Later on once I get back my camera I’ll take photo of the foods. HAHA!
p.s: I want to watch Papadom & Surrogates before final boleh?
Good Luck!
Ouh, I forgot something. Something important lagi.
Yeah I know most of us will face our study week by this week. Haha. So, good luck dear! I will be sitting for 4 papers this semester, thank god. While my sis will be sitting for 7 papers, HAHA, padan muka kau budak!
Yeah, I just started to read my first paragraph of my notes and suddenly something bugging me. Damn, why at this moment ada internet connection? Why? So, see, I writing an entry for my sayangness blog. Wuhu. Padahal I had nothing to share pun. (-.-“)
I’m listening to AAR album. Yeah, Tyson Ritter voice is so damn hot. Wuhu.
Okeh, need to get back to my reading. Good night fellas!
p.s: I’m going to Miza’s house tomorrow. Hope it will be blasts cause everyone going! <3
Yeah I know most of us will face our study week by this week. Haha. So, good luck dear! I will be sitting for 4 papers this semester, thank god. While my sis will be sitting for 7 papers, HAHA, padan muka kau budak!
Yeah, I just started to read my first paragraph of my notes and suddenly something bugging me. Damn, why at this moment ada internet connection? Why? So, see, I writing an entry for my sayangness blog. Wuhu. Padahal I had nothing to share pun. (-.-“)
I’m listening to AAR album. Yeah, Tyson Ritter voice is so damn hot. Wuhu.
Okeh, need to get back to my reading. Good night fellas!
p.s: I’m going to Miza’s house tomorrow. Hope it will be blasts cause everyone going! <3
19 October 2009
Spill out
Do you know certain time I felt like I am from the outer space. Yeah, at least I have a human face but certain time I take simple things differently. Worst, I act weirdly. Ok, it is something not to be proud off. But I used to live that way.
Once I started to believe in someone, I gave all the trust to that person without having any second thought. I don’t even doubting to share. But at the end, I lost my faith to him/her, without any reason, without any words, I just go. And live alone like I used too.
Anyways, living alone is not that bad. You know, the feeling of doing anything without someone stopping you or judging you. It’s precious cause you have you own life without anyone bugging in. But well, certain time you’ll feel lonely but who cares?
When I’m envying people, I put myself in the negative ways. Like, "if I can be better like him/her surely it will be great". Sometimes when I’m being like this, I am someone bored for you to hang out with. But seriously, it is so not me.
I easily get stressed with human’s attitude. I annoy but I rarely talk about it, after few days I forgot. But why some people love to be a nosey parker? Heh, trying to be like mami jarum? Or if you want something glamour, Gossip Girl babeh! Ok, get a life. It brings nothing good.
Anything else?
Yes, Diana Kau Memang Freak!
Once I started to believe in someone, I gave all the trust to that person without having any second thought. I don’t even doubting to share. But at the end, I lost my faith to him/her, without any reason, without any words, I just go. And live alone like I used too.
Anyways, living alone is not that bad. You know, the feeling of doing anything without someone stopping you or judging you. It’s precious cause you have you own life without anyone bugging in. But well, certain time you’ll feel lonely but who cares?
When I’m envying people, I put myself in the negative ways. Like, "if I can be better like him/her surely it will be great". Sometimes when I’m being like this, I am someone bored for you to hang out with. But seriously, it is so not me.
I easily get stressed with human’s attitude. I annoy but I rarely talk about it, after few days I forgot. But why some people love to be a nosey parker? Heh, trying to be like mami jarum? Or if you want something glamour, Gossip Girl babeh! Ok, get a life. It brings nothing good.
Anything else?
Yes, Diana Kau Memang Freak!
16 October 2009
ILY sis.
At last I am done with the blog layout. Phew. But I still not satisfied with my header ni. Will do something bout it once I am free soon and if I already install Photoshop in my laptop. Damn, blame the computer viruses that affecting my systems few days ago. Because of that I need to format my laptop. Luckily all of my precious assignments are still well kept in my hard disc. But still, thanks to Hakim. :-)
Ouh, I have something to share.
It is a lovely afternoon. I’m doing my assignment at the dining room while my sis took a nap at the living room. Suddenly she’s awake and both of us heard the ais-krim calong motorcycle passing by outside.
My sis asking me either I want to but the ice cream or not cause it’s been a long time since we last ate that type of ice cream.
I don’t mind of having it but I asked her to pay for me as I had no idea where is my purse. Lagipun, saving babehh.
Without any doubt she just grabs the towel as she being too sexy to go outside and asked me to stop the motorcycle.
I ran outside and stopped that guy and my sis bringing her purse along with a big smile. I bought durian flavour while my sis tamak try all those flavours available. ;-p
While waiting for that guy my sis asked me how much will it cost?
I said, I don’t know. Because it’s been a long time kan tak beli. I took my ice –cream and wait for my sis pula.
So my sis prepared rm2 for each ice-cream. Mean rm4 for overall la kan. Then that guy said it is rm1 each.
So done, we enjoying our ice-cream. My sis suddenly tell me it is too cheap until she want to buy ten of it. Heh, see, i told you, tamak!
Now she is listening to lagu apetah. And she is keep smiling while chatting with IDK who. Crazy yes I know. But still, I love you sis.
p.s: I don’t have the lovey dovey feeling today. Wondering why, too busy maybe? Hiks.
Ouh, I have something to share.
It is a lovely afternoon. I’m doing my assignment at the dining room while my sis took a nap at the living room. Suddenly she’s awake and both of us heard the ais-krim calong motorcycle passing by outside.
My sis asking me either I want to but the ice cream or not cause it’s been a long time since we last ate that type of ice cream.
I don’t mind of having it but I asked her to pay for me as I had no idea where is my purse. Lagipun, saving babehh.
Without any doubt she just grabs the towel as she being too sexy to go outside and asked me to stop the motorcycle.
I ran outside and stopped that guy and my sis bringing her purse along with a big smile. I bought durian flavour while my sis tamak try all those flavours available. ;-p
While waiting for that guy my sis asked me how much will it cost?
I said, I don’t know. Because it’s been a long time kan tak beli. I took my ice –cream and wait for my sis pula.
So my sis prepared rm2 for each ice-cream. Mean rm4 for overall la kan. Then that guy said it is rm1 each.
So done, we enjoying our ice-cream. My sis suddenly tell me it is too cheap until she want to buy ten of it. Heh, see, i told you, tamak!
Now she is listening to lagu apetah. And she is keep smiling while chatting with IDK who. Crazy yes I know. But still, I love you sis.
p.s: I don’t have the lovey dovey feeling today. Wondering why, too busy maybe? Hiks.
13 October 2009
Random craps
Datang bulan dilemma alert! Btw, why it seems like so damn weird right now? I mean, the way ‘it’ showing itself. Heh. And why I’m telling it here? It is because of the pain. Ceh, or maybe I am too tired. (-.-“)
Please, cepat la lepas this moth ni. Sure it will be a busy month, with the study week and the final exams. Not including the assignments that need to submit before the finals. You know, this is the moment that I usually say, “Why I feel this semester is so damn busy?” Padahal I am the one who love to do things last minutes. So, serve me right la kan. Stress seniri sampai mintak balik rumah everyday. This study week new resolution, JANGAN BALIK RUMAH BOLEH TAK? ;-p
So here comes the main reason why I’m posting an entry tonight. But I know, this is the feeling for once aje, tomorrow sure the feeling will be flushed out of my mind. And that’s why I’m posting it now, tade nak procrastinate lagi.
Aryanti always said that I’m ego facing everything through my life. Well sayang, it have its own pro and cons. And certain time I can be so fragile until I fall and cry all night long. Hah, tak memasal. I don’t show my exact feeling, I’ll let it be.
I am imperfect, I make mistakes. I know I hurt a lot of people with my behaviour. Sometimes, I’m being too selfish and don’t care bout others. But the real things is, each things happen to me, I’ll consider, is it my fault? Why did they doing that? Why am I being like this? And I’m facing it like nothing happen over and over again. At last I realised everything will be okay. But still I know how to feel guilty. (-:
How I gained my egoness?
It is easy, just cut all the strings that will bring you to the main problem and it is over. What I mean by cut is cut everything! Don’t put yourself in the middle of the problem and don’t let yourself being used by someone who doesn’t deserve you. It is not worth it. Worst, why hurting yourself for someone who doesn’t care bout you? If they care pun, it is not real they’re faking it you know. Maybe it is not simple as that. ;-p
For some people, even for years pun then still attached with the strings without realising it. Maybe.
Life is like a drama, each and everything we do will creates something different. We fall, we gained our strength back, we laugh, we cry. Everything goes with their flow, the ups and downs, the pain and the happiness. Life is fair. If our life been documented sure it will be a great story, because life is unexpected.
Haih, am I talking about life? ;-p
Ok, I need to back with my assignments. Good morning!
p.s: Sorry for all my wrong doings. I mean it, to everyone. (-:
Please, cepat la lepas this moth ni. Sure it will be a busy month, with the study week and the final exams. Not including the assignments that need to submit before the finals. You know, this is the moment that I usually say, “Why I feel this semester is so damn busy?” Padahal I am the one who love to do things last minutes. So, serve me right la kan. Stress seniri sampai mintak balik rumah everyday. This study week new resolution, JANGAN BALIK RUMAH BOLEH TAK? ;-p
So here comes the main reason why I’m posting an entry tonight. But I know, this is the feeling for once aje, tomorrow sure the feeling will be flushed out of my mind. And that’s why I’m posting it now, tade nak procrastinate lagi.
Aryanti always said that I’m ego facing everything through my life. Well sayang, it have its own pro and cons. And certain time I can be so fragile until I fall and cry all night long. Hah, tak memasal. I don’t show my exact feeling, I’ll let it be.
I am imperfect, I make mistakes. I know I hurt a lot of people with my behaviour. Sometimes, I’m being too selfish and don’t care bout others. But the real things is, each things happen to me, I’ll consider, is it my fault? Why did they doing that? Why am I being like this? And I’m facing it like nothing happen over and over again. At last I realised everything will be okay. But still I know how to feel guilty. (-:
How I gained my egoness?
It is easy, just cut all the strings that will bring you to the main problem and it is over. What I mean by cut is cut everything! Don’t put yourself in the middle of the problem and don’t let yourself being used by someone who doesn’t deserve you. It is not worth it. Worst, why hurting yourself for someone who doesn’t care bout you? If they care pun, it is not real they’re faking it you know. Maybe it is not simple as that. ;-p
For some people, even for years pun then still attached with the strings without realising it. Maybe.
Life is like a drama, each and everything we do will creates something different. We fall, we gained our strength back, we laugh, we cry. Everything goes with their flow, the ups and downs, the pain and the happiness. Life is fair. If our life been documented sure it will be a great story, because life is unexpected.
Haih, am I talking about life? ;-p
Ok, I need to back with my assignments. Good morning!
p.s: Sorry for all my wrong doings. I mean it, to everyone. (-:
08 October 2009
I repeat, IS IT WORTH IT?
Oh well, whatever it is I don’t care anymore. Get a life okay. A life without including me in, I had enough. I had once or maybe lots of time trying to avoid some people for few months because I hate to show that I am hating someone. But you, I mean, yes you hypocrite person, I am sick of you too much until I can’t stand to have you anymore in my life. So get out and please don’t show yourself in front of me, not even once.
I had once felt this way. But I learnt how to accepting people’s weird attitude. Then I learnt how to forgive and as the time goes by, I realized, I started to forget. Hating people is not good for our life, it is a sickness. So, stop hating.
06 October 2009
Total Craps.
Its been a long time since my last entry. Yeah, I have been busy with all my things. And loads of assignments need to be done before study week. Seriously, this the moment I feels like want to quit studying. Damn-damn.
It is not done yet, I have test at 8p.m.And I don’t even started yet. Heh, really? Ok, I WANT to start but I can feel my body doesn’t perform like usual. I feel sick. Wish I can get an excuse as I am not fully prepared yet. Heh, pernah fully prepare ke eh? ;p
Last week was hectic, until I can’t find the time to blog. So you now how busy am I back then. But still, I still read some of my favorite’s blogs. And like I said, I tweet a lot compared to blog now. Even I realized I tweet the unimportant things each time I online. But what the heck I locked my tweets eh? Seriously, I hate stalker.
Certain time I had the feeling to delete everyone in my facebook friend lists and be more strict to accept the request. I mean, if I don’t know you, I don’t bother bout the request. I hate to see strangers news feed. I hate others to see me, Eventhough they’re not really stalking me like everyday but they still have the possibility to look into my life. Pathetic isn’t it? I tried to protective, without reason.
Why suddenly I talk about this? I don’t know why now, I usually get a friend request from guys that usually add girls. I mean, if I check throughout our mutual friends it is full of girls and hello, I don’t even know him. Like, what the hack, are you collecting girls in your friend list? And are you proud of having like thousands friend in your friend list but you don’t even know them? Like derrrrr… It is just a feeling. Maybe.
Gapo mu hah nak moody-moody? Mu ni pelik, aneh!
Hihi. Ok this crazy Diana will end her craps here. Till then.
It is not done yet, I have test at 8p.m.And I don’t even started yet. Heh, really? Ok, I WANT to start but I can feel my body doesn’t perform like usual. I feel sick. Wish I can get an excuse as I am not fully prepared yet. Heh, pernah fully prepare ke eh? ;p
Last week was hectic, until I can’t find the time to blog. So you now how busy am I back then. But still, I still read some of my favorite’s blogs. And like I said, I tweet a lot compared to blog now. Even I realized I tweet the unimportant things each time I online. But what the heck I locked my tweets eh? Seriously, I hate stalker.
Certain time I had the feeling to delete everyone in my facebook friend lists and be more strict to accept the request. I mean, if I don’t know you, I don’t bother bout the request. I hate to see strangers news feed. I hate others to see me, Eventhough they’re not really stalking me like everyday but they still have the possibility to look into my life. Pathetic isn’t it? I tried to protective, without reason.
Why suddenly I talk about this? I don’t know why now, I usually get a friend request from guys that usually add girls. I mean, if I check throughout our mutual friends it is full of girls and hello, I don’t even know him. Like, what the hack, are you collecting girls in your friend list? And are you proud of having like thousands friend in your friend list but you don’t even know them? Like derrrrr… It is just a feeling. Maybe.
Gapo mu hah nak moody-moody? Mu ni pelik, aneh!
Hihi. Ok this crazy Diana will end her craps here. Till then.
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