30 January 2010
Kertas dan hari mengundi
28 January 2010
Kau drive sorang-sorang kat satu jalan satu lane. Tiba-tiba kau nampak lembu kat depan lane kau, diri tegak tak bergerak. Lane kanan kau satu trailer panjang tengah bergerak laju mendekati lembu dan kereta kau. Kiri kau ada divider besi sepanjang jalan dan kau boleh nampak pokok-pokok besar macam dekat taman negara. Belakang kau ada satu lori sawit yang ikut rapat dengan kau sejak dari tadi. Bila kau tengok meter, kelajuan kau 110km/j.
What should u do?
p.s: Selamat mengundi, jangan jadi perosak undi ok!
26 January 2010
The way I want
Oh, this is not my experience as I have such a stone hearted heart. And I am proud to have one. At least I am not wasting my time crying and grieving my life. Thats why I always said that I’ll survive no matter what ever happen to me. Or maybe I haven’t yet facing the hard parts of life yet. Eg, I can’t face the fact that I might be losing my family members, I don’t want it to happen in any way.
Did u know, when you have a lot of close friends you might be facing a lot more conflict? It is good to have tons of friends but I don’t easily trust people to be my close friend. I rather be so-so with everyone or walk alone to the classes and looks like a nerd than stick in a group of people and act like we’re bff. Take note, act. Life is full of hypocorism. U won’t know if someone back-stabbing u. (or it won’t be called as back-stabbing ahaha)
Oh, I don't mean this to anyone, it is just a random thinking. So, no heart feelings okay.
I agree with Ariana Naziha when she said, “Jangan mengumpat. Kelak anda akan diumpat oleh teman-teman mengumpat anda.” And thats why I started to be less talk and less gossip. Anyways, it is not good thou to say bad things about people.
Ok now I want you to judge me, am I freak or what?
I will never ever forget about my friends since I was in the first year. U guys mean a lot to me. But, mind if I have my own space because I seriously wanna be out of the circle. Someone u had no idea what she’s doing right now. Someone u less care. Someone invisible yet I’m still here peeps.
I choose this path and I am happy to be like this.
And thank God I met him. In some way, I had changed. Less socialized and been civilized. No matter what others said, I am sure u did that for our own goods, for my own goods.
Btw, big thanks to Yat & Min cause always always be with me. I won’t find anybody else like u guys. Muah!
It was back then in 2007.
Ok, nights people!
25 January 2010
Tag Diri Sendiri
Eh scandal!
24 January 2010
23 January 2010
Putih, No?
22 January 2010
Mimpi Pelik

20 January 2010

13 January 2010

Gambar Genting sudah diupload.
12 January 2010
08 January 2010

06 January 2010

05 January 2010
Gaga Ulalala
03 January 2010
POLIS: Saman 1 9/24/2008 1:35:00 AM JOHOR BAHRU RM100.00 T/PATUHI ISYARAT L/LINTAS 1-BBB740299
My 2009
Who were you with? Family
Did you kiss anyone at midnight? No
Did you make any resolutions? Not really
2009: Your Love Life
Did you break up with anyone? Yes
Did you get anything for Valentine’s day? No
Did you meet anyone special? Maybe
Did you fall in love? Yes
2009: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? Yes
Did any of your friendships end? No, maybe
Did you dislike anyone? Yes, a few
Did you make any new enemies? Not sure, maybe no
Did you resolve any fights? Yes
Who was your closest friend? Irena
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? Sometimes
2009: Your BIRTHDAY
Did you have a cake? Yes, thanks mok!
What did you do for your birthday? Dating
Did you have a party? Yes
Did you get any presents? Yes
If so, what was the best thing you got? Love
2009: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year? Yes
Did you dye your hair? Sadly, no
Did you get your hair cut? Yes
Did you change your style? Yes
Were you in school? Yes
Did you get good grades? Not really
Did you have a job? Internship
Do you drive? Yes
Did you own a car? Yes
Did anyone close to you gave birth? Yes
Did you move at all? No
Did you go on any vacations? Yes
Would you change anything about yourself now? Yes
2009: Wrap Up.
Is 2009 a good year? Kinda
Did 2009 bring any new insights? Yes
Do you think 2010 will top 2009? Hopefully yes!