28 February 2010
Video injured
25 February 2010
Ahh cantik!!!
24 February 2010
The 10 things
22 February 2010
21 February 2010

Kalau kecil-kecil dulu i kena sogok dengar cerita fairytales. Pasal cinderella dan prince, pasal sleeping beauty dan prince charming. Semua pasal putera-putera kacak. Kalau cerita pasal katak pun mesti ada kaitan dengan prince, prince yang terjadi katak sebab sumpahan.
18 February 2010
Going out

While waiting for my adik kesayangan to get ready for the girls day out. Heh heh. Obviously, we're going to stalk our brother. Nyehnyeh, dating without kakak is so not good. Am going to buy new lens. Yea-yea, i am so bored with my current lens, without colour is so not cool. And u know what, wearing selendang like this makes me feel, macam pakai tudung singkat pula.
17 February 2010
New layout lagi
Going back to utm tomorrow. Bet no entry for the whole week. Why must balik awal la? Blame the fyp. I cant stand to be a final year student. Ergh, too stress! And I haven’t decide yet what to do after I grad. My dad ask me to continue my study but I just don’t know either my mind can accept more. Maybe I need rest? Gaha!
Btw, I masuk satu benda yang need me to talk more than 5 mins per day. So anyone yang nak I call dia and merepek, sila let me know. But you must listen to me for more than 5 minutes straight. Nyeh, so if interested nak dengar suara hot katak, tinggalkan phone number dekat facebook! Kita berbual berkenal. :)
Ok night!
16 February 2010
So ini kampung!

12 February 2010
Now, 80% to 100%

11 February 2010

09 February 2010
You hate me?
We Hate Linda Onn
06 February 2010
1) Where is your cell phone?
The clcm num is next to me as usually. But I can't find my mxs phone. (-.-")
2) Relationship?
3) Your hair?
I cut it yesterday. Hiks. Loving it! Oh, i cut it myself in the toilet yaww!
4) Work?
5) Your sisters?
My soulmate, my bestfriend, my girlfriend, my foe, she's everything!
6) Your favorite thing?
Laptop maybe.
7) Your dream last night?
Too tired to dream of anything. ;/
8) Your favorite drink?
Frapucchino chocolate cream chip starbuck. miahaha. belagak!
9) Your dream car?
Nissan GTR. But it is not a family car, accord maybe?
10) Your shoes?
Crocs. Most of them from him. miahaha.
11) Your fears?
12) What do you want to be in 10 years?
Someone useful to the community & family.
13) Who did you hang out with last weekend?
14) What are you not good at?
I had no idea for now. Talking maybe.
15) One of your wish list items?
Canon EOS 500D.
16) Where you grew up?
Johor kesayangan. :)
17) Last thing you did?
Playing with Gaga
18) What are you wearing?
shirt, kardi, jeans. as usual
19) What aren’t you wearing?
my ring. misplaced it
20) Your pet?
Gaga the kitten. Heeee.
21) Your computer?
Something i cant live without
22) Your life?
23) Missing?
24) What are you thinking about right now?
assignments. semka. ergh!
25) Your car?
at home. need to service tomorrow
26) Your kitchen?
Small. My mom said so.
27) Your favorite color?
28) Last time you laughed?
Just now. Hakim bullied Gaga so badly and it is funny to see him with cat.
29) Last time you cried?
Cant recall
30) Love?
04 February 2010
I miss u too!
Yeah. Yeah. I know I did abandon this blog. Blame the wi-fi will ya?
Currently watching true blood, and guess what, I don’t know that it is an 18sx story. I tried hard to not to watch the censored parts but yet I need to listen to it to make sure I haven’t miss the conversation. And I can’t imagine how guys can watch porn, it is like a sickness. And why girls love to naked more than guys? Ahh. I’ve watched both season btw, any suggestion what should I watch next? I can’t stay awake reading without anything to watch. And nahh, I’m not into Korean addictive drama.
As usual, an entry might come out each time I have test on the next day. Yeah, I can’t stay awake without any entertainment. (-.-“)
The FYP starts to killing me softly now. The dilemma is getting worst each day. Luckily the test week gonna be over tomorrow so I can concentrate on assignments and lab things. Like yeah. Okay, another few more months to go, then I’ll be free. Patient Diana, patient. And again, I’m not going back home this week. Why must have crappy seminar?
Damn I just realised that my previous entry gila geli obsess diri sendiri. Fine will delete it later on. Bahaha.
So any idea on what should I watch next please let me know okay!
♥ ♥ ♥
Goodbye and Goodnights!
Oh I miss u too blog. I really do. :-)