27 May 2011

Hey Jodohku


I pergi blog-walk tadi and I stop by at this famous blog, Edriena Hazelina. And her recent entry sangat amat menarik perhatian. So I am taken this from her blog. Untuk bakal jodohku kalau ditakdikan engkau jodohku. Sungguh, kalau fikir pasal benda gini, macam nak pergi masa depan tengok siapa bakal suami I, on spot cari dia so that tak ada rasa takut rasa putus cinta lagi. Bhaha. Kawin. (Sungguh, gatal)

Apa khabar jodohku?

Berat rasanya kelopak mataku untuk tertutup. Bagaimana dengan kamu?

Apa kamu selalu terbangun di sepertiga malam terakhir? .. dan apakah mulutmu terus menerus berzikir dimalam hari?

Jujur aku rindu kamu, wahai jodohku..

Tapi saat ini belum saatnya untuk kita bertemu, bukannya aku tak mahu, atau aku tak rindu. Tapi sememangnya kerana perjalanan kita masih panjang, dan masih banyak kewajipan yang harus kita penuhi saban waktu.

Kadang–kala aku berfikir, apa nanti saat subuh tiba kau akan membangunkanku? Mengajakku bertafakur dan bersujud kepada-Nya?

Berat hati ini menantikanmu, gelisah pula hati ini memikirkanmu.

Adakah kau selalu menghiasi langkahmu dengan kebaikan-kebaikan?. Apakah nanti saat zuhur tiba, kau akan meninggalkan kesibukanmu sementara, hanya untuk menghadapNya?

Jodohku, sihatkah kamu?

Kalau aku berada disampingmu saat ini, mungkin aku akan merawatmu dengan penuh kasih sayang.

Jodohku, sabar dan tenanglah..

Aku disini masih bersabar menanti mu. Janganlah hatimubersedih, senyumlah.. kerana aku yakin kebahagiaan akan selalu menyertai kita.

Jikalau detik ini hatimu sedang terluka, berwuduklah.. dan dekatkanlah dirimu kepada-Nya. Tetapi disini aku berharap agar kamu baik-baik saja.

Jodohku, aku rindu..

Bilakah kita akan bertemu?. Begitu banyak hal yang ingin ku ceritakan kepadamu. Begitu banyak pula harapanku untuk menantikan nasihat–nasihat mu.

Hati ini kosong, dan hati ini tak sabar menanti kehadiranmu yang kan membalut dan menyembuhkan luka dihatiku.


Ehem. Tayah la I nak rasa bahagia sangat macam dah ada calon jodoh yang sah. Bhahaha.

Few days ni I tertengok cerita Nora Elena kat TV3. I memang bukan a TV person, cuma tengok Chinta sebelum ni sebab jatuh cinta kat Amar and now I macam tersuka watak Seth Tan (Aaron Aziz). Sure ramai pun drooling over his character. Gila sweet kot! Paling kegemaran I bila dia dah nak kawin willing sangat nak belajar agama. Oh my oh my. Since that I terus jatuh cinta dengan watak dia. Sure bersepah lagi yang suka Seth tu. Pelah-pelan I tengok Nora Elena kat tonton.com.my, and bila tengok starting cerita makin-makin-makin suka dekat Seth. Pfffft. Lepas ni kalau pukul 6 I dah hilang dari office semua sebab nak tengok cite ni live kat TV.

p.s: I memang suka gila watak lelaki gula-gula. Lagi-lagi Korean guy sebab diorang LAGI LAAA gula-gula. Hehe.

26 May 2011

Priest Review

So I've got the change to watch movie lagi. Thehehe. I dah tengok cerita Priest!

At first I ingat cerita ni sangat religious thingy which I macam mengucap dua kalimah syahadah kot before tengok. Tapi starting of the story baru I tau cerita ni pasal vampire. And priest ni macam hero yang in charge of killing the vampires. Oh, starting dia guna animation kartun komik gitu la - so kat situ macam I dah get excited macam woahh, katunlah! So lepas ni kalau I nak decide untuk tengok movie, mesti dan perlulah tengok trailer.

Even my friend cakap cerita ni boring, pada I cerita ni okay! Ada jalan cerita and interesting. Sumpah I nak tau vampire mana yang managed to kill 3 priest in a night. Sampai end baru tau. Dan ada seorang priest perempuan ni muka dia sangat emotionless. You know I adore woman yang fighter. Pasal tu la I memang kagum dengan Angelina Jolie - aksi lawan dia memang mengagumkan. 

Hero dia tak adalah kacak mana, gila apa la diorang letak tatoo kat muka. Hihi. But Sheriff dia yang on his way selamatkan Lucy (perempuan yang kena kidnap dengan vampire) adalah adorable. I rasakan, lelaki yang really fall in love memang ada satu spark sweet kot. Sambil bayang semua drama Korea yang yana tengok. Hihi. Perempuan normal sangat kot tengok diorang fall for love. So macam tak adalah kagum mana. Thehe. 
Rating untuk this movie is 7/10. 

p.s: Bilanya nak tengok Fast 5 ni? Tskkkk.
p.p.s: Karak keluar hari ni kan? Owwww, need to find time to watch it!

25 May 2011

When Us Became Me and You

This is my first time making an entry confirming about myself now. I would like to make things crystal clear now; I am officially over with Mikah. Its have been few months now.

Yes, things gone really ugly at the end of the relationship. Breaking up is the most painful phase in life, after you put a total stranger by your side. And from me getting so much of we and us. It stops, and all the promises and dreams that 'we' used to talk about it is just gone nowhere. Believe me, something in here (directing my hand to the heart) it missing something - there is a hole left.

I can put the end of our relationship is mostly because we're drifted away by the situation. He have his point of view and so do I - we don't think in sync. And we've been aparted by our own feelings and assumptions. Well, I also can't decide when we really drifted away - it is just gone without any signal. But I might say, I moved on. Yes, 'that' fast, because my assumption are; when its over - it is really over.

However, I would like to apologize to him of course - because I know I am not a good girlfriend. I messed up at the end of the relationship. And I've been so selfish and thick hearted till now. I'm so sorry if I hurt you.
I am so grateful to know his family and friends. When I'm with Hakim, everyone from his side supporting us and accepting me as I am. Thank you and I am sorry if I did disappoint you in any way - I am just a human, imperfect. Hopefully, our friendship is still there even I'm over with him. Believe me, it is something that I can't control. Some friends that I won't forget is; Najah, Yah, Iskandar and Yazid. You people are my dearest friends. And Hakim's family too, they have been really nice to me. I felt like a family when I am with them. Thank you for everything. ;')

When I've decided to blog about it, yes you should know how serious this thing are. I kept it for quite some time and now I am ready to let the others know. Not proudly bragging it, but humbly apologize for my imperfections that leads to this breaking up. I hope someday, he might find his right woman and they will be happily ever after. Yes, he is a good BF. Loyal, a good listener, humble, full of manners and he got looks. Maybe he is not the one for me.

So much memories to be kept. And I still have long way to go with this life. As I said before, I won't stop and look at my past - I won't stare and regret. Life is too short for me to regret, it is a learning process and it is a journey.

And so I moved on to my next chapter of life. Hoping for the best for both of us.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

24 May 2011

Curly Hair - Happy Tummy


So macam I promised nak post a photo of me time perasan rambut curly hot. Believe me, rambut saya straight dan sangat bosan ever since saya kacik lagi. Bila sampai dah kerja baru saya ada duit lebih beli hair curler dan taraaa kalau saya rajin sure rambut jadi gulung-gulung. Thehehe.

And as I said, only light curls which after few hours sumpah dah macam nenek kebayan je rambut ni. I tak guna any hair product - sebab tanak obvious nampak fake and keras. Nuff said about me.

Semalam, I install new application to my Ipod Touch, Princess Camera. Sumpah kalau sebelum ini I sangat into Purikura thingy, sekarang I boleh buat sendiri guna Ipod sahaja. Thehe. So korang cuba bayang mesin sebesar alam tu lepas amik gambar tinggal nak edit, the edit thingy tu ada dengan korang.

So ini adalah first attempt saya guna application tu.

Mind the tulisan buruk dan over blush my face. Bhahahaha. Malas nak pergi undo bebanyak. Comel kan the application? Tak adalah gambar macam boring kosong segala. Cuma maybe need the right mood kot nak buat, jari wa besar bhaii nak tarik-tarik benda pun tak kena tempat. HUHU

And Ahad lepas I pergi kenduri pun dengan rambut pusing-pusing. But this time fake sampai mak cik I tanya pakai rambut extension ke. Oh very much no cause seriously rambut I memang panjang dah sekarang. HIHI.

But, I am thinking to chop my hair after had my Aunt Flow visiting me. Maybe a trim would do. Oh people, I've gained my weight. I'm 46kgs now. Bhahaha. Keep bragging about it like I have a Jesicca Alba body curve, effing no way - I just have a happy tummy now.

Oh may, seeing so much of me don't you? Later darlings!

p.s: It's 25th tomorrow - workloadsssssss!

21 May 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean 4

Now I boleh berlagak sakan sebab at last I tengok movie awal, bukan tunggu dua tiga minggu atau tak tengok langsung. Thehehehehe. Semalam I dah tengok Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. What I can say about that movie is yessss it is still the same macam previous Pirates of the Caribbean punya cerita. Captain Jack Sparrow is always be him. Kelakar sengal alam.

I tak boleh comment banyak as I pun macam dah lupa previous punya POTC macam mana. But then, I rasa the movie worth the penny la kan. I tengok 3D and the 3D quality dia pun ok, takdelah macam fake or tak nampak.

Jalan cerita dia pun logik and tak membosankan even cerita dia lama, lebih kurang 2 jam 20 minit duduk. Tapi I tak rasa lama means cerita dia best la kan. Maybe sebab kelakar kot and I am enjoying each and every scene - 3D bhaii. And merakam detik detik abe Jack Sparrow. Tapikan, Angelica (Penélope Cruz) pun sangat irresistibly hot - sangat adore rambut dia okey. Selekeh lanun yet macma tunjuk I-AM-STILL-HOT-Y'ALL.

I am suggesting you people to watch this! Even orang rate cerita ni 7.7/10. I might give 9/10 sebab sumpah I tak boring and kalau disuruh tengok for the second third time, I would watch it.

Still tak tengok Fast 5 lagi. Going to watch it next week if I got the time. Haih.

Semalam I make attempt on going out with light curly hair. At first bergulung senonoh - berakhir dengan omo-omo that girl tak mandi berapa minggu sampai rambut ala-ala nenek kebayan. Normal plain Diana yang comot. Will upload the photo later as my Ipod Touch tertinggal kat rumah. Tskk tskkkk.

Till then people!

p.s: I am looking forward to meet, blogger JB, lagi-lagi the girls. Plan something lovely people!

p.p.s: I'm going to Kota Tinggi tomorrow for a wedding thing with family. Family time owjyeah.

20 May 2011

Tioman Trip

So, last weekend, I pergi Tioman. Specifically pergi Salang Indah punya area. Tempat dia Masya-Allah cantik gila. Yes, I suka tengok laut and lepas bertahun tak pergi pulau I dapat pergi pulau semula. Yeah! I am so not going to brag like everything macam perjalanan ect ect here sebab normallah, dari JB pergi Mersing naik kereta then naik feri pegi Tioman. Approxiamately macam 4 hours jugak kot baru sampai pulau tu. And bila je tengok laut. Breathtaking! Penat semua hilang entah pegi mana. Excited sepah-sepah.

So let the photo talk now. 

Yes, second day memang the whole morning kami spend time swimming with the fish. Snorkeling people. And seriously once terjun dalam air saya terus rasa macam nak amik lesen diving. Kalau luar laut nampak cantik, bila tengok hidupan dalam air siap kaler biru laut, lagilah I jatuh cinta. Kalau bawak roti korang boleh feed the fish thats why one of my friend dapat ambil gambar dengan ikan bersepah dengan dia. 

And oh, I am not a camera freak anymore! Maybe it is because of my flaw as kulit muka makin uneven due to sun burn. Thehehe, I don't really mind seriously. And first night I main volley ball. I'm sucks at it! Siap pernah terkenakan kepala orang. I met a foreigner Max, he is 20 year old but dia siap dah jalan-jalan Asia. Sungguh beruntung budak tu. So macam I have a new goal in life - but I'll keep it by self la kot. 

My camera rosak sebab tercelup air. I assume that as a fate. Need to save up money to buy new one. But this time I am so going to buy camera capable of being underwater! So tak ada possibility on masuk air dan rosak. I seriously need a part time job. 

I sangat enjoy the trip, especially when I've got the chance to meet new kids. Which I dah rindu gila kat Najwa. Tskk. Seriously need to take her out jalan-jalan when I have the time. And, I am planning to bring my family there! Need to discuss with my parent about this. Paksa mak abah snorkeling jugak! Thehe.

So long people! 

p/s: Nak pergi Pulau Perhentian please?