Bored. So I’m doing this tag from Affan. Even I said before that I don’t want to do the tag. I had found the folder. So, lets do it!
The rules:
Snap or just sift through the photo gallery and pick 3 pics of yours which u think are sexy.
Don't have to be revealing (though some said SEXY IS SKIN),
Explain why u think so,
Tag 3 friends (who you think is sexy)

This picture was taken when I am in year 1. My hair is quite long compared to my current hair. Haha. I think this photo sexy because of my hair. Maybe. Most of hot girls have a long hair kan. And for me pula, I love to cut my hair. So, this is my longest-sexy-hair. Hiks.

Siloso Beach Party last year. I am chubby at that moment. So macam curvy sikit compared to now yang macam skinny. Sexy la tu kan. I’m wearing my cousin things at that time. Haha. Fat=sexy! ;p

I think wearing our love one t-shirt is sexy. Haha. Play for me t-shirt song! Hiks.
I'm tagging:
Cik Faten
Cik Huda
Cik Farra Deyla
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