I am bored at my desk. Just looking at my phone waiting for my guy replying my messages sambil pusing-pusing my phone. I know pathetic. Suddenly En Abi looking at me and offered me his PC with internet connection. Hihi. Macam ngantuk dihulur bantal? Ok, I got D for my Bahasa. Lupa sudah!
Woah. Gila lama tak update blog. I miss to talk craps juga, tapi still not in mood to type kot. My intern was tiring. Even I am not doing anything selain kacau my friends doing their works, pet society-ing and reading people’s blog. And after my office hour pun surey I’ll get my rest dengan golek-golek for few hours then bangun for my dinner and check my facebook, then tido. Tade life & tak remaja. IDC, penat!
Ohh.. here nak wishing Najah & Alya best of luck utk korg masuk Matrix jap lagi. Haha. Eya, Lim Kok Wing kan? Errrr… soon dah masuk sane jangan lupa I tao. Sis Fateen Dayana, makan buku lagi byk so that u can choose where u want to go nanti. I know u can do it~
*Good luck la korg!
Dear Mr H.
Wish you luck with your intern.
Chill darling. Chill.
I miss you much.
Baru 3 hari beb.
Dtg Johor eh nanti.
*Start thinking*
Nak gossiping pula!
interning kalau tpt yg tak mnarik mmg xde life. eheh. chaiyooo!!!
sgt free bnyiknyer...
nway i da mls blik FBing..
bru men pet society...
da ilan smgt da...
haha...cner nie???
thnx sista! i'll take ur advice. kne mkn buku lg bnyk dr biasa ni. hihi.;D
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