Some of the pictures yang bagai seronok untuk diletak dalam blog. Well, most of my activity there was swimming and makan. Haha. Sangat best okey to spend time with my family sebab sangat susah untuk bergumbira begini. Swim sampai 2 hour plus. Ohh.. fun-fun-fun!

My baby Fika. Excited with that car but bermuka sedih while pose. Dush.

The guys awal-awal lagi dah lari pegi adult punya tempat. Heh. Tanak jaga adik betul! Grrr..

And the kakak belajar berenang dengan boya tu. Haha. Well, muka excited kan? ;p

Then my daughter nih dah malas na naik itu kereta dia pegi tolak that kereta around the pool. And kakak yang baik itu menemani si kecil. Haha.

Motif? Menunjukkan skill snap gambar. Haha. Ignore lah baju itu!

After swimming. Terus cari susu. Hiks. And tak layan the mamarazzi. ;p
p.s: My picture? Tiada sebab tidak memakai tudung. Uwaaa... I want to buy muslimah swimming suit lah after this.
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