Woah, I am impressed with myself sbb abandon my laptop for quite a long time. Hiks. I’m busy packing my things and helping my sis with her things. Heh. With extra tengok movie and bake cupcakes and kak yana’s wedding on the weekend tuari. Busy kot. ;p
I got my hair done today. Hihi. And I lurve it lah! Macam nak upload the pictures but I stopped myself from doing that so. Haha. Since I’m wearing tudung it seems like my hair ni makin tak terurus. Before something bad happen to my hair, I chop it out first la. And it is already April. Another hair do will be January 2010. Merancang, impressed!
What else?
My UTM room sumpah gila unattractive. Perlukah? But I will do something to make it cuter. Tomorrow will be the day of cleaning up my room. And I will upload the photo soon. :)
p.s: Last goodbye, GOODBYE MJ.
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