26 September 2009

Entri Cepat

1. I just realized that my previous entry is damn crowded with all the colours and large font. Ouh. Feels like want to delete it.

2. I can’t find my digicam cable. How to upload the photos la?

3. I am addicted to guitar geek now. It is all Jijot’s fault because scored more than 20 millions. Ceh, I dah kejar.

4. Stressed with the final year project. Need to use forth gear lah after this.

5. Promise I won’t text her fiancĂ©e anymore. Oi guy, back off, you’re engaged ok.

6. Want to upload her photo with her family playing bunga api but I’m not wearing tudung at that moment. How? (Ceh, macam tade je gamba free hair I kat mana-mana)

7. My part time job salary will be kept safely. I need to save some money!

8. Siapa nak belanja I Marc Jacobs handbag? :(

Ok dah, want to sleep. Too tired lepas having 8 cars coming to my house. Pesta makan-makan serta bermain bunga api pula. My cousin pesan, upload gambar. Mana cable?

p.s: Agak-agak la weh, balak gua tu. (Kes kemaruk baru tengok movie bohsia. Lame, ok, as always lah!)

24 September 2009


Okaylah, good night.

Too lazy to upload the photo(s) tonight. Btw, BIG thanks to Kak Ann cause made my day. At least I'm not being a 'kentang' at home alone.

You know what is kentang?

Go google it. Miahahaha.

p.s: I don't even care what you care.
p.p.s: I had enough talking. So let me shut my mouth and just watch. Ok?
p.p.p.s: Why I always expect more? Why lah?!

Here we go again.
Good Night!

(Ceh hentikan aksi emo lah Diana. HIHI)

23 September 2009

My day!

Uh-oh. What should I say? I had a great nap just now after need to wake up early today. Ceh, memang I sedar diri I suka tidur. I wish the night is longer than the day. So I can sleep most of the time. Or maybe I can born to be a polar bear instead of being a human yang busy with her final year project tahun ni. No wonder lah everyone in their final year last semester being so weird and can’t stop talking about fyp. Stressfull rupanya. (-.-“)

So here it goes, I woke up early. Around 9 pun considered as early apeee. Tu pun after my friend did miscall me for few times and my phone is in the maximum volume. Hamek-hamek, if tak bangun I tukar tak nak jadi polar bear tapi jadi badak air. HIHI.
Then Shaf the ketua re-union ambil with her new car using her own salary money. Ouh, I jeles bila I nak kerja and use my own money to spend. Pegi rumah Wani and heading to Jusco. Dah agak it won’t be the CS because of population of budak sekolah sangat banyak. Watching Final Destination, okeh, even lambat pun at least I’m watching it. Btw, I want to watch G-Force, Momok && Gamers. Tolong la ajak saya nonton. Heee. Ouh, movie starts at 11.45 a.m. Awal gila kan? ;-p

Once the movie dah habis kiteorang terus heading back home because Shaf going back to KL at 3 p.m. Padahal jam baru tunjuk pukul 1.40 p.m. Once I reached home I texted Kak Ann. I need more entertainment mungkin, terlalu bosan dirumah. Heh, tak sampai 5 ketul messages I dah tidur kat my bed.

Realized there is a lot of miscalls but I am damn tired to pick it up. So, sorry la eh?! I am not bitching around. Eh-eh, ini ayat apa ni?

Dah-dah, need to freshen up. Buh-bye!

22 September 2009

Why I’m sucks while driving at Singapore?

1. Because of the expressway yang have 4 lanes and it is difficult if I want to change the lane. (ape kena mengena? Maybe byk sgt lane kat dlm side mirror)

2. The names of each expressway are damn weird. Eg; PIE, KJE, BKE ect. If kat Malaysia it stated clearly where are we going. Ye eh? Too blur to think lah!

3. Maybe because of the rules yang lain. How eh nak explain? It is different lah. The traffic light punya rule then the zebra crossing yang suddenly je ada kat road.

4. I saw like hundreds of camera kat tiang lampu. Wondering why tak kena curi HAHA.

5. If I did accident with a Singapore car, how much it will cost me and what is my dad’s expression. (-.-“)

6. My mom is so worried sampai she always complain the way I drive. And do you know how it feels? It is sucks. Macam nak keluar dari kereta and tidur lagi bagus. ;-p

7. Because my family is with me, all of them. I scared that I messed up and can cause serious accident. I just want them to be safe when I’m driving. :-)

Sleepylah. Bye!

20 September 2009

1st Raya

Okey, okey ini entry hari raya I. Semalam I dah mintak maaf kan? Hihi. As usual I bangun lambat, even pagi-pagi lagi ada orang kejut suruh solat raya. Apesal lah I tak terbangun juga. So here is my raya. Bangun pagi bersama muka busuk rambut kembang, I pegi pilih baju raya and nak gosok while tunggu adik I mandi-manda. Sememangnya adik I mandi lambat. Gigit kau budak!

So after I mandi, I turun makan, siap-siap lagi then process minta maaf pun start. Wuhu. The dialog is still the same and lame. Lain kali I nak pinjam skrip raya mana-mana pengarah terkenal so glamer sikit pagi raya minta ampun. After ambil mintak maaf session we moved to taking photo session. Yeay, the part that I love la kan. Padahal tak molek mana pun masuk kamera. (-.-")

Pegi Singapura, I drive dengan berhemah sebab membawa kedua ibu bapa. And the makan-makan session pula start. Makan kat sana, makan kat sini, salam-salam & duit raya. Ohh. Tak lupa juga sesi ambil gambar walaupun muka sumpah dah busuk sebab travel jaun. Jauh sangat. HAHAHA. Last-last ada satu rumah my aunt ni ada 5 ekor anak kucing parsi kat dapur. And I'm stuck at the kitchen sepanjang kat rumah tu without talking to humans. Teruk-teruk. But sangat adorable la kucing itu!

Then I balik mengadap laptop semula. Pura-pura nak upload gambar raya, tapi I stuck here pula. Oklah, mahu tengok kotak gambar bergerak pula. Bye-bye. Salam hari raya!

p.s: Fyi, I dah tak collect duit raya. Mungkin sebab umur yang dah tua. Sedih-sedih. Tahun akhir untuk dapat duit raya sebelum kerja raya tahun depan.

p.p.s: Apesal I suka sangat gambar raya yang ni? Mak-mak, lain kali buat pose peace juga ok!

19 September 2009

Hello raya.


by-the-wehh, dari siang tadi I'm busyy with cooking and cutting the ingredients untuk segala masakan bonda. dah nak buka baru everything siap. so overall hari ini I gelar hari busuk I. Bila orang-orang nak datang baru I mandi-manda pakai molek-molek.

Yeay, I am in the middle of my mom's big family. Makan dengan gembira, ambil gambar dengan gembira sambil menontong rancangan Siti. Konsert dia dari siang. Walaupun tadi dah ditegur emak sebab gatal nak bukak cerita hindustan malam raya. Aiyah. Hum dil de supke sanam kot, bintang dia salman khan & aishu. Dah la sangat kentang sweet. Tak dapat nak tengok. (-.-")

Realized tak most of my entry now is in malay yang sumpah rojak? Kenapa hah? I also can't find the answer why. Mungkin semakin malas mahu berbahasa. Mungkin.

Okey la-okey la. Need to mix up bersama sepupu. Hihi. Goodbye!

Maaf zahir and batin okey. I know certain time I'm being too rude and talk rubish that might be hurts your feeling. So, I'm sorry. For those forgotten hutang-piutang, I hope you guys halalkan, but I don't mind paying, just let me know okey. Salam raya!

Dah-dah, goodbye.
Enjoy raya!

p.s: Goodbye masakan biasa, mari makan rendang, ketupat, kuah lodeh, kuih raya dan kek raya sempena raya yang gembira ini. Oh, sila bergemuk ok rakan-rakan yang dah kurus itu. :D

18 September 2009

Mood raya

Bila lampu raya depan rumah bonda dah pasang mood raya makin melonjak-lonjak. Macam nak pegi kedai borong beli bunga api banyak-banyak main malam-malam bersama kanak-kanak. Tapi bila ajak adik pegi kedai beli bunga api bersama mercun saiz kecil-kecilan, dimarah. Dia kata nanti jari putus. Hilang terus mood kanak-kanak riang-ria yang seronok bermain bunga api. (-.-")

Dulu adalah mak pasang pelita depan rumah, tapi tahan beberapa hari je. Lepas tu sampai sekarang pelita pun dah takde dalam setor. Mungkin sebab kiteorang malas nak nyalakan pelita lepas perut full makan banyak waktu buka. Salahkan mak juga sebab masak sedap-sedap tiap kali buka.

Oh, I tak pernah balik kampung time raya. Petang raya adalah rewang bersama adik beradik, kemas-kemas, potong bawang sambil tengok tv. Malam raya adik beradik mak datang rumah, makan. Meriah, tapi maybe I expect rumah kayu, pelita, bunga api, kanak-kanak berkejaran. Bukannya rumah yang terang-benderang lampu, sepupu semua duduk ikut range umur sambil bual-bual kosong, tak pun si kakak-kakak sibuk tayang digicam amik gamba kat setiap kawasan rumah. Auwww. Kerja siapalah tu!

But kenapa dalam TV selalu tunjuk-tunjuk meriah raya padahal tade pun gitu? Mungkin tak rasa kot mood raya gitu kat Johor ni. Mungkin. Pagi raya, biasanya bangun lambat, gosok baju then bersiap-siap pegi rumah nenek dekat Singapura. As we know lagi maju dari M'sia. So adakah kampung dalam kamus hidup I? Haha. Ayat tak puas hati takde kampung ni!

Bila raya cina baru family ajak pegi kampung nenek belah mak kat Pahang. Tu pun nenek dah upgrade rumah dia lagi besar dari rumah I kat Johor ni. Cuma seronok lah, ada kerbau, lembu, angsa. Haha. Thanks to neneklah yang pergi pindah kat Pahang kalau tak, tak merasa I jalan-jalan kat felda. Heee.

Tapikan, kawan-kawan yang budiman, if your house ada padikan. Boleh tak sekali I nak pegi jalan-jalan kat sana amik gambar. *Sambil buat mata bersinar-sinar*

Oklah, mak dah marah suruh berkemas-kemas.

17 September 2009



I’m busy for few days lah, so the blog had been abandoned juga. As you all well known I’m working with Celcom for their roaming project. And to avoid working during raya I need to work 4 days straight and looking for Singaporean even on the weekdays susah bagai nak cari orang. But well, I still had fun. I just don’t know, why being with the Celcom babes is much better now. Maybe because we’re not really attached or we’re always let thing goes by it flow. Hiks, bagaihanging out with the ABG’s yang always understand me. Thank you darlings!

Kak Ann always be with me. Datang melawat and text me like a boyfriend. Seriously I’m getting close to her after joining this project. And the main reason why I still work even I know I am damn tired is because of her. Haha. Love you la sis. I would like to thanked Mikah juga because giving me the chance to work. Certain time you did come over to had dinner with me, I really do appreciate it. You mean a lot to me juga lah. So gaji 50-50 okey? ;-p

I also will upload photo kenangan dalam fesbuk even obviously I’m not wearing tudung. If before I said I do care, but now I just want to share the one of the great moment of my life there. Hihi.

Oklah, nothing else. Bye!

12 September 2009


Instead of make an essay for my blog, I think it is better for me to do my thesis. Damn, where is my life? Blame me cause taking those Celcom project as my part-time job. I am tired all over until don't have time for myself. Sad-sad.

p.s: Siapa nak belanja saya selendang cantik? I really nak collect banyak shawls now!

p.p.s: I'm watching cerita apetah kat TV3. Sweet!

Okay, before its getting longer I need to stop now.

11 September 2009


Hello hello!

My test was over and the term is over for me as I planned to skip all my class next week. I can’t adapt anything related to study because the Raya mode is here! Ceh, ceh, padahal I am pretty sure puasa tak cukup. ;-p

I already got my baju raya and the shop with my babes’ sangatlah sleeply cause I don’t get enough sleep that day. So I seem like sleep walking and wandering looking for baju raya. Sumpah my face at that moment memang mamai. I got losta new tudung with kaler berbagai-bagai and will find more soon as I planned not to be like my sis yang cuma pakai tudung hitam plain setiap waktu. Haha. Sorry sis.

Yesterday I did having steamboat as my breaking fast. My friends know that I ni jarang makan steamboat sebab I think it is weird, takut salah rendam makanan and tak masak kot. Haha. Merepek bagai. Kejap-kejap, why am I telling you I makan steamboat? Sebab it is for the third time of my life. So that you know, next time boleh belanja I makan steamboat ok. Nak udang banyak! Haha.

What else eh? Oh yah, since I have twitter, I always talk there until I forgot to update my blog. Padahal jarang pun bukak twit. But then, to those yang ada that account and want to be my follower you can find me, dianaubi. Hiks. I loveeee tweeting around.

Oklah, need to sleep, good night! Oh silap, morning for the normal human time. Gaha!

09 September 2009


Tadi dengan confident I texted my celcom friend talking about watching movie tomorrow. But I tak realized pula I’m using gelaran Yana and not Dian as diorang selalu panggil time kerja. So she replied, “Siapa ni? Yana mana ni?”

And I was like, damn berapa banyak nama do I have?

08 September 2009

An explaination

Hey I would like to make something clear here. Heh, before you-you-you being curious and judging me baik I say something. Nanti jadi macam kris dayanti pula. Semua orang macam salahkan Kris. So well, my guy just now let me go. So you know, maybe he amplify his madness towards me using facebook. Reason? You will think it is lame and laugh all over if you know the reason. Untuk menjaga hati semua pihak, I malas nak explain kecuali to those yang suppose to know sahaja. And it was lame okay sampai I malas nak comment.

Moral of the story in a relationship we need trust okay anak-anak, without that better tayah move on. Besides that we should understand each other. And as usual, something happen with a reason. (:

Ceh, konon-konon pura-pura strong. (-.-“)
Oh, I am good okay. Trust me. HAHA


07 September 2009


Again, suddenly the mood to blog is here. Padahal baru semalam hu-ha kat rakan-rakan nak pencen blog. (-.-“) Ni semua angkara internet connection yang sumpah baik ngan I and suddenly I jadi malas nak type sem ni. Apesal tah.

For me blog is a place to express or something to share. Pasal tu kadang-kadang rasa my blog ni macam diary harian yang sangat bosan untuk dibaca. And usually I talk non sense kat sini. So you know, I don’t expect readers melainkan my friends. Ceh, macam diorang baca pula. Ok da lari topic.

Then, once I share it is just a feeling at that time. Example I marah someone, then I shared it here dengan saying all about him yang more to tak puas hati or my disappointment. But then after a few hours I dah okay and another few days I dah ok dengan that person siap apologize segala dan boleh bergelak ketawa. But suddenly that person read my entry which is after few days pergaduhan and by that time we’re chill orang kata. And that person started untuk tak puas hati and ungkit segala. Hello, can you see its clearly stated that the entry is few days ago punya? Lame ok you.

Haha. It is not my situation pun. But I used to be like that dulu-dulu and I felt sorry to myself and them. Myself is because I can’t control my anger and let the whole world know if they did baca that entry. And towards them, because they did not taking it as sharing moment tapi think negatively. Kasihan ok. So I end up by private my blog and give myself space untuk talk everything I like. But lama-lama I stop being like that and take everything dengan chill.

So dear, my advise, relax. Not everything yang kita buat orang suka. And we doing it with reason kan? So stick with what you think, even dia sumpah irritate gila, I’ll always support you lah!

Btw, I’m going out with my babes on Wednesday for my shopping raya. And I just can’t wait for it. Macam nak lajukan masa pegi hari Rabu, but tanak terima kenyataan that I have test on Friday. Ciss. Dah la totally memorize punya subject, bagai mahu tukar otak jadi hard disc then copy paste je notes dalam otak. Heh, fikiran orang yang stress. ;-p

Okey la, need to get ready for my class. Goodbye for now!

boxer? brief?

Suddenly malam ni I ada mood untuk blog. Setelah menonton sayang saya sambil tersipu malu sorang-sorang kat meja belajar. GAHA. Sumpah buruk perangai. (-.-“)

So well, last week I kerja and something funny jadi in front of me sampai I would like to share. It’s begin when I dengan my friends tengah bergurau bersama pelbagai repekan suddenly one of the girl menjerit and non-stop laughing sampai tutup-tutup muka. So yang the others ni memang sumpah buat muka blur. And dia tunjuk kat a creature yang duduk depan kiteorang.

Usually a guy will wear brief, or paling koman pun they will wear boxer kan. But this time for the first time ever, I saw a guy wearing g-string. And I was like, is it real guys? And I cant stop laughing since I nampak that thing. Memandangkan tengah puasa I tak tengok sangat, just giggle-giggle kecil-kecilan je. I don’t even care if nak pakai that thingy kot, but make sure no one see lah, kiteorang yang nampak pula malu sbb jarang oii lelaki tayang mayang their. ;p

And this is another story about a Singaporean ni. Ok, this woman amik satu troli but dalam troli tu ada sampah, not sampah actually but flyers yg previous user tinggalkan. That woman tanya kitaorang ada tong sampah tak. I just answer tong sampah kat depan sana which mean memang jauh dari tempat woman tu. So dia cakap, then mana I na buang sampah ni? i just senyum je kot, paham-paham seniri la miss. But then dengan selamba she drop the sampah kat lantai and assumed like she never saw that incident. And I was like, ohh mak cik ni, mana manners? Tolong la, dah la shop here untuk save, tak bayar taxes, time puasa lagi, sudah agak matang untuk fikir, but apesal perangai kalah budak-budak?

I amik the sampah balik and tengok muka that woman sambil cakap, I nampak bukan tak nampak the things happen kak. Then I geleng kepala terus blah. Tolong la, be kat other country boleh tak respect sikit? I know maybe Malaysia is not clean as Singapore, I do admit it, but I do believe jugak la orang yang kotorkan M’sia ni pun include sporean yang selalu visit sini. Penah je nampak Sporean car buang sampah thru window, padahal diorang tak buat kat their country. And why is that?

I never mean to say all of the S’porean like that, but this woman memang makes me feel annoying. (-.-“)

p.s: While I’m having all this fun today, I had no one to share the story ‘live’. Biasanya I got someone yang akan dengar I bebel all the stuffs ni. I miss you lah kot. ;p

04 September 2009

Tag Yantikus!

Nyatakan 6 Fakta menarik mengenai pemberi award ini:

1. Seorang pengunung yang berjaya walaupun kecil. ;p
2. Sangat kagum dengan cara persembahan tudungnya tiap-tiap hari. Jarang sekali tudungnya kurang comel. Kagum!
3. Kami sentiasa bergaduh untuk tambah berat badan.
4. Hati lembut. Ego la sikit yangg oiii!
5. Pandai++rajin. So you know result dia camne kan?
6. Kaki saiz display. Tayah mintak orang lain amik saiz. Ciss, jeles.

Setiap Blogger mesti menyatakan 9 fakta/hobi diri sendiri:

1. Pentingkan diri sendiri
2. Ego
3. Pemarah
4. Sengal
5. Kuat tido
6. Pemaki berjaya
7. Pemandu yang teruk
8. Pemalas
9. Hilang akal


Pilih 10 orang penerima Award Sexy ini dan describe tentang mereka:

Ciss, its been a long time tak update. So i tak sure either ade reader yang still hanging out here. So to those yang nak buat tag ini, go on darlings. :D