Uh-oh. What should I say? I had a great nap just now after need to wake up early today. Ceh, memang I sedar diri I suka tidur. I wish the night is longer than the day. So I can sleep most of the time. Or maybe I can born to be a polar bear instead of being a human yang busy with her final year project tahun ni. No wonder lah everyone in their final year last semester being so weird and can’t stop talking about fyp. Stressfull rupanya. (-.-“)
So here it goes, I woke up early. Around 9 pun considered as early apeee. Tu pun after my friend did miscall me for few times and my phone is in the maximum volume. Hamek-hamek, if tak bangun I tukar tak nak jadi polar bear tapi jadi badak air. HIHI.
Then Shaf the ketua re-union ambil with her new car using her own salary money. Ouh, I jeles bila I nak kerja and use my own money to spend. Pegi rumah Wani and heading to Jusco. Dah agak it won’t be the CS because of population of budak sekolah sangat banyak. Watching Final Destination, okeh, even lambat pun at least I’m watching it. Btw, I want to watch G-Force, Momok && Gamers. Tolong la ajak saya nonton. Heee. Ouh, movie starts at 11.45 a.m. Awal gila kan? ;-p
Once the movie dah habis kiteorang terus heading back home because Shaf going back to KL at 3 p.m. Padahal jam baru tunjuk pukul 1.40 p.m. Once I reached home I texted Kak Ann. I need more entertainment mungkin, terlalu bosan dirumah. Heh, tak sampai 5 ketul messages I dah tidur kat my bed.
Realized there is a lot of miscalls but I am damn tired to pick it up. So, sorry la eh?! I am not bitching around. Eh-eh, ini ayat apa ni?
Dah-dah, need to freshen up. Buh-bye!
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