2. Thanks to Yah sebab sanggup sharing the bed with me. Sure Yah aneh gila I balik lambat and bangun pun sumpah lambat. Damn, blame hakim sebab always makes me awake till 4.30am.
3. Laptop faiz juga. Thanks-thanks-thanks. Certain time I use his laptop without permission. Nyehnyeh. Once dia balik I dah kedek-kedek lari cari Hakim. Oh, tak lupa juga sebab each time date dengan Hakim, Kelisa Faiz will be our ride. Thanksss! (macam la faiz baca. HAHA)
4. Uncle & aunty yang I rarely talk too sebab sumpah segan. Dan semakin segan because I got a lots of things from them. Thank you, thank you, for the sleep over, local fruits - fav kot, purse, bag & the shoe.
5. Ayie. Haha. Kena thanks juga sebab each time I tried to make a conversation at least dia reply. Siap kena paksa add kat fesbuk lagi. Nyeh-nyeh, jaga bear pink tu jgn letak bwh je. Kesian. (-.-“)
6. Hakim, remember the eyemo moment? Nyehnyeh. Enough laughing okey. If I heard about that in the future, memang I cekik you weiii!
7. Ouh, I tak sempat nak jumpa Najah. Sebal. Maybe next time. Make sure the plan is on. Yeyeah.
8. Ouh, you guys ingat the Arsengal-Chelaut game? Mzyhh, next time bawa Emran skali okey! Ouh, baru ingat tak sempat dengar suara boboy before balik. :|
9. & why each time I sleepover at you place you mesti demam eh Hakim? (muka tak puas hati)
10. Oh, baru baca blog Mzyh, upload the new hair okey nanti. Tak sempat tengok tadi. :(
11. I started to miss you guysss. Till next time. (if there is next time)
hepi belated bezdey
welkam to 22th club
thanks zarep. hiks, join the club lambat gila.
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