01 March 2010

Cerita dia, dota dan saya

Dan semestinya, saya adalah orang ketiga dalam perhubungan ini. Sebab bukan saya orang yang akan berjaya buat dia bahagia ataupun tersenyum puas, bukan. Bila menang dota baru dia akan rasa gembira sampai boleh study. Betul tak tipu.

Mungkin boleh panggil saya Miss Big L sebab kalah pada suatu permainan internet yang addictive, tapi bukan saya sahaja yang mengalami masalah ini, mungkin ramai-ramai-ramai lagi mengalami dilemma Big L yang sama dengan saya. Nak marah rasa macam loser marah over a game tapi macam mana nak elak marah sebab 'mereka' boleh straight main sampai esok pagi.

Jadi kes saya macam gini. Selalunya waktu weekend saya akan balik rumah. Jadi bila balik rumah memang boyfriend adalah ignorance. Dan biasanya saya bertugas untuk mengejut dia bila sudah sampai waktu tengah hari melampau.

Malam sebelumnya, dia bagitahu saya yang esok rakan-rakannya ada tournament dota. Ulang suara, rakan-rakannya bukan dia sebab dia kata dia bukan dalam first team. Jadi bila saya dah di inform macam gitu ada instinct yang terdetik berkata esok dia akan bangun awal pegi tengok rakan-rakan main dota. So bila bangun pagi tadi, saya call dia dan Alhamdulillah, untuk ke sekian kalinya dia bangun pagi tanpa dikejut saya hanya untuk melihat rakan-rakan bermain dota. Padahal kalau nak kejut dia bangun lunch pada hari biasa akan memakan masa sampai pukul 12 lebih. Kuasa dota terhadap dia memang kuat. Sangat kuat. Undeniable.

So fine, sepanjang hari saya jarang kali telefon dia sebab tahu dia akan sibuk dengan rakan-rakannya serta dota. Jujur, saya rasa kalau saya nak keluar menggatal dengan lelaki lain, waktu tournament dota, itu adalah waktu yang paling afdal sebab saya tidak akan diganggu langsung. Langsung. Mungkin dia dah lupa dia ada saya waktu dia nampak dota. Mungkin. Tepat sebelum maghrib saya call dia, dalam hati berfikir, takkan tournament tak habis lagi. Dia dah balik, siap tidur lagi, minta tidak diganggu.

Mujur saya ini seorang yang mudah sejuk hati lepas diberi waktu untuk bertenang. Dia ajak saya teman dia makan. Memang saya baik hati, tapi saya tak boleh tipu, saya dah berbakul-bakul kutuk awak dengan dota awak. ;-p

Waktu dalam kereta on-the-way pergi tempat makan, awak bagitahu, team awak menang tempat ketiga dan first team awak menang tempat pertama. Ulang lagi, team awak menang tempat ketiga. Ulang lagi, team awak. Awak main rupanya. Ok fine mungkin saya ini bodoh tak sedar rupanya dari tadi lagi awak main. Dah terima kasih banyak juga sebab saya jadi orang terakhir yang tahu awak main bersama rakan-rakan. So nampak tak betapa pentingnya dota untuk dia berbanding saya?

So dapat tak at least korang rasa apa yang saya rasa sekarang?
Fine maybe some of the guys akan cakap, "Alah main dota je pun bukan pegi berfoya-foya." But please take note, korang akan ignore semuanya waktu korang tengah main dota. Seolah-olah life korang hanya untuk dota. At least kalau korang pergi berfoya-foya korang tetap contact perempuan untuk cover line. Dan saya tak akan rasa terhina sangat sebab kalah untuk sebuah game hodoh.

Pernah dia kasi alasan dulu, main dota sebab environment, kawan-kawan semua main dota. So saya kadang-kadang senyap tak merengek bila dia main dota, beri peluang pegi main dengan kawan. Tetapi FYI, waktu cuti semester lepas, tiap-tiap malam dia main dota guna Garena. Walaupun dekat rumah. So tak ada bezanya. Cinta dia dekat dota memang tak boleh dipisahkan. Dan FYI sepanjang cuti dia akan bangun super lambat. Dan tiap-tiap malam juga dia akan main dota sampai pukul 6.
Now bagitahu saya, patutkah saya berhidup dengan orang yang sebenarnya jatuh cinta dengan dota dan bukan dengan saya?

Kalau sebelum ini saya bersyukur sebab ada boyfriend yang tak smoking ataupun telibat dengan nikotin yang membahayakan kesihatan. Tapi sekarang, saya sedar, lepas rokok, lelaki ada satu nikotin lain yang boleh membahayakan hubungan lelaki-perempuan. Dota. Mereka main hampir tiap-tiap malam sampai subuh. Mereka main tak kira waktu tanpa pedulikan deringan telefon. Mereka main siap masuk tournament walaupun esok ada test.
Ok fine, good luck untuk test kau esok. Saya sure malam ini dia sanggup tak tidur sebab kena study untuk test esok. Sanggup dia stay up untuk study lepas main dota seharian. Kalau esok test lepas tu saya ajak dia keluar dating hari ini mesti dia jawab, "esok i ada test, i nak rest siang malam nak kena study tak tidur." Dan selepas itu memang dia tidur sepanjang siang dan malam sibuk menelaah pelajaran. Nampak, saya kalah lagi. (-.-")

Sekarang dekat semua readers yang baca entry ini, saya nak korang post a comment atau leave something kat tagboard if korang agree dengan entry ini. If cukup 20 orang yang agree saya tak sepatutnya masuk campur lagi dalam hidup dia dan dota ataupun saya tak patut berkecil hati sendiri bila tengok kasihnya dia terhadap dota, saya akan melancarkan satu perang yang serious terhadap dia dan dota. Perang yang memungkinkan saya menjadi lebih ego dan lebih sayangkan diri sendiri.

Ok, enough. Saya anti-dota.


wan maryam said...

totally on ur side....

D said...

bakar je dota tuh! lol (on ur side!)

eFa said...

haha . yana !
mmg betul ! lelaki bila dah mendota mmg tak ingat dunia . meluat kan !
Saya anti dota juga ! :P

Unknown said...

i beg to differ.

blame ur man instead of blaming the game.

i played dota too, though i didnt have any gf, i didnt neglect n shirk my responsibilities :)

there's lotsa type of fish n d sea dude ;p

Anonymous said...

not to be on any side or what..but never blame the game..blame the player..

but the game is addictive..
stupid DoTA...

AnneAnne said...

u go girls. kita anti dota ramai-ramai!

heee. khruz, u tu fan dota, mesti la tak back up i.

but seriously maybe the one who i should really blame is the player. aish!

siapa buat dota ni? mcm nak bunuh org pulak. hahaha. (-.-")

irena said...

hahahaha. mok oooh mok. kesiaaan kaw.

benci dota jugak!

Anonymous said...

im not agree.
dota just a game.
dota cant compare to any girl.
play dota is better than cheat with any girls or have any scandal.
accept the truth about ur bf play dota with his friend.
*ur bf, not ur husband*
he also want spend his life with his friend.
it different when he got responsibility of work or married.
just bear with dota.

Anonymous said...

If he does love you, he'll never put DOTA on the first place.

What's the point of having a gf kalau macam tu kan?

Hope you can make a wise decision.
This is about you.


Boyfie said...

he give 1st place for you in his heart..
he also give his commitment with his friend for play dota..
why complaint??

who boring or stop when play dota is such a noob..
dota is game for gamers with a lot of strategies and skills..
men or teenager play game..
loser kot if tak play game..

!!MuTiaRa!! said...

yana saba ea...

Anonymous said...

in my opinion, what grates your nerves is not that he doesn't spend his time with you. it's not that u're jealous that he spends his time with his friends instead of spending his time with you. am i right?
but it's because you are so tired of him spending all of his 24hours on dota. it's like he doesn't have any another thing to do. this won't be a problem if he plays dota like normal people do, not staying up playing dota and wakes up straight to his pc, and dota again.

to the person who says that loser kot if tak play game:
okay, u think that someone will be a loser if he doesn't play game.
alright, and what do you call a person who spends most of his time for game or we can just call them game-servant? major loser i guess?

it's not about game, people. some girls hate dota because their bfs spend too much time on it. but there are people who can manage his time wisely, like a guy above, he said that he plays dota, but he doesn't neglect his responsibilities. guys who play dota, you should understand this, we girls don't get angry because we don't have anything to do when our bfs are playing dota. but we just want u guys to be normal. playing dota is okay, but playing it for 24/7 is not okay. it's like you don't have anything else to do.

to the guy stated in this entry, i'm sure that yana wants you to be normal, spend your time equally with everything. by playing dota for that amount of time, you will have less time to do other things. that is what she doesn't like. am i right here yana?

to dota players who have expressed their angers above, chill okay. if you don't like it, well, relax. she just wrote what she thought, plus this is her blog anyway.

one more thing, 'ur bf not ur husband', what is that? does that mean we as the gfs don't have the right to interfere in his life at all?
come on, we care about our bfs, that's why we complain. if you expect us to wait until the time we call you husband, that will be late.

Cipan said...

dotA rocks!!!
Alah main dota je pun bukan pegi berfoya-foya."
thx for quoting me..haha..
if u love him..learn to love dotA as well..hakhak..saje bkr line
bye yana..

yanki_doll said...

Hi diana, it's me..one of the dota player's gf..(1st team)..
emm..i don't think its appropriate for me to take anyone's side..
but jz wanna share smthg..
actually..he should b honest with u..he seems 2 b keeping secrets 2 u..
myb takut kne marah kot..or else takut ilang u..i don't noe..
as long as dye xmarah u..even though u mrh gler babeng..it's okey kot..b'coz u should..n dye pon patut trima..
tp jgn la mrh sgt sampai bingit telinga..tegur x salah kan..
xkesah klo u nak kutuk dota b'bakul2 or b'guni2..coz..me too.xske dota..haha..

nway..understanding takes patience..
but..it's not b'coz of us..they lost their frens..n it's not b'coz of their frens..they lost us..

*hope u both will b not only da best of lover..bt also da best of fren..ameen..

shark said...

Apa yang pemain dota dapat dengan main dota sampai abaikan benda lain?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

yeahh...im agree with u fazura chan.

actually, aku adalah player 1st team.mesti ko dah rasa byk kesusahan sbb bf ko adalah salah 1 tonggak dota dlm team dia.dan juga salah sorg legend dikalangan kawan2 dia.tp igtla, kitorg xde plak berharap korg gaduh sbb dota.kitorg suka kawan2 kitorg bahgia dgn awek diorg, dan kitorg susah hati bila korg bergaduh.apetah lagi kalo nak putus.mintak dijauhkan

aku xde la cakap yana salah sbb cakap camtu kat bf yana, tapi aku rasa,lagi baik dia maen dota dr dia khianat kepercayaan yana dgn kuar dgn prmpn laen.

korg boleh cakap aku xpaham perasaan korg sbb aku xde awek.tp yg sbnrnye,aku maen dota sbb kecewa dikhianati dgn prmpn.aku xcakap sume prmpn camtu, but at least dota never betray me.its hard to find org yg baik cam yana n fazura.cakap jujur ni.korg patut gembira sbb bf korg sgt menghargai korg, walaupon diorg adalah pemain dota yg addicted.mgkn korg xnampak diorg kat sini camne,tp kitorg tau diorg sgt pentingkan korg.percayala

sbb dota, aku dapat berbaik semula dgn abg aku yg lebih dr 6tahun aku xbercakap dgn dia.abg kandung.jadi,adakah dota itu bodoh?xfair kalo blame dota.aku rasa marah sgt2 kalo org sewenang2nye cakap camtu sbb aku sgt sgt sgt hargai dota sbb dapat tolg aku berbaik semula dgn abg aku.
so, for the girls who her bf is dota players,stop blame dota.

tp la kan,yg aku nampak,samaade shahmi,lentok,akem,kecik n yg laen.aku nampak diorg dah berusaha bg komitmen n luangkan masa sebaik yg boleh dgn gf masing2.xpayah la nak marah lagi.tq

sorila panjang lebar.just nak kongsi ape yg sebenar.

AnneAnne said...

make sure hakim tak main dota dgn shahril. ciss. mesti diorg dah plan nak main ni.

Anonymous 1,
well seriously i really dont mind if that is the way he spent the time with his friends. but it is irrelevant for him to stay up late for few games and wake up late. Sadly, he makes it as a routine, waking up late everyday. it is not normal.
maybe it is just him. he just forgot his responsibility as a student and as a normal people.

thanks. i got lots of things in my mind right now. need to think wisely. u're lucky cause ur bf is not addicted to dota. ;-)

did i complaint? did i ever said anything after u told me that u're playing. no i'm not, but i just disappointed.
i told u many times, at least let me know when u're playing. but u always forgot.
(ok dah lu gedik nk cari gaduh dlm belog. jom aa msg, wa maki lu terus aa! ;-p)

btw, he is lucky because i am not emotional! *perasan diri!*

bersabar la ni ana. btw, mujur life yana bukan untuk boyfriend je. yana ada laptop, cd cerita, game yahoo, adik gembira. at least tade la mati katak bila dia bz bedota. ;-p

Anonymous 2
I can't agree more with u. i just need he to be someone useful, not the one who spend most of his night playing games. i'm not expecting him to be with me 24/7, we hv our own life.
i need him to respect me by letting me know each time before he play. and 2 hours per day is enough.
btw, thanks anonymous! :D

Cehh. baca juga, mesti wira bgtau ni. alah, u dgn wira kan dah cinta mati dengan dota. ;-p

i tak adalah nak marah. just a few words then ok i'll let him play. i dont have the right to stop him pun. and even now i really wouldn't mind, dia yg risau lbh i bising sampai boleh buat dia putus telinga kot. ;-p
i do trust him, and i think he should trust me by now.
Thanks! :)

hurm.. maybe puas kot. kan that game mereka kata addictive. so time tgh main mmg diorg terlupa pasal benda lain, bkn sengaja. Mungkin.

Anonymous said...

yana..tolg delete 1copy.tersend 2 kali.nampak serabut je.sorry

pada shark di atas,aku rasa aku dah boleh menjawab soalan ko.tolong terima.jgn la nak blame saje.sick with that.

org tanpa awek

D-H said...


can u count how many hours he spent with u a week?
and how many hours he spent with dota a week??

i think he go date with u more than play dota..

so.. u are 1st place.. n dota 2nd..

AnneAnne said...

Anonymous 3 & 4
alah comel back up kawan. ;-p
no worries, yana not the one yang minta break for a game. entry without reason ini maybe because yana being too emotional sebab disappointed tahu lambat gila hakim main. but seriously tade la yana marah sampai boleh bergaduh sejam. we did not, even marah 5 minit pun tak kan hakim? ;-p
i dont mind dia main, tp yana nak kena tahu b4 dia main, so tak ada lah yana rasa mcm di abandon sepanjang dia main. heh. we both pun ada life sendiri kan. :)
Btw, hakim main dota pun sbb dia frust dulu kan? so sang setia dota dah teman dia many years and yana ni br few months kenal dia. so nak bising byk pun tak boleh sbb life dia.
tp yana tetap akan bising if dia main tak kena time. heeee~ yana kan mak cik kuat bebel dia. lalala~

Again i'm telling u, I DONT MIND HOW MANY TIME HE SPENT THE TIME WITH ME. I DONT EVEN NEED HIM 24/7. But at least, he should know the limits.
tak adalah tidur sampai tengah hari everyday. get it?

baskettoman_sg said...

boleh tahan hot la entry yana kali ni kan?? hehe.. adi pun main dota. tapi, kena bajet masa la. there is other things to do. masa itu emas! rasa syg la kalau habis lebih dari 4 jam main game je.. demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia itu sentiasa dlm kerugian, kecuali org2 yg bramal soleh. surah al-ars. no colors in a day?? hate it. boleh baca entry adi yg dulu pasal hari yang tidak bermakna.

Anonymous said...

how about you ignore him back and let him feel how you feel and see where it goes from there. most guys dont change, they just hope that we do.

shark said...

Yana, emosi betul teman2 seperjuangan bermain dota bf u.. hidup dota! sekiranya kau graduate dengan pointer hebat, berterima kasih kpd dota kerana banyak membantu.. boleh dimasukkan dalam resume juga, kepakaran bermain dota. semoga menjadi bos besar dengan kelebihan tu..

SP - Philander said...

hi shark, u dah berpunya? i ada gold medal tau..

Anonymous said...

c'mon la..why making this a big deal..let me give u one advice as a dota player..a player can never and never play dota 5 hours straight in one strike...at least there will be 7-15 minutes intermission before the next game..why dont u use up that time to change pleasantries. sounds like a fair deal to me..

SP said...

kitorg main dota pun pointer atas 3..
dean list pun ramai..
dr 10 org, 7 scholar petronas..
ko ade main game ape2 ke??
tak main dota pointer ko bagus sgt ke??
tak perlu salahkn dota..
kitorg main dota tak de la abaikan benda lain..
kitorg student pun study jgk..
setakat test td ape la sgt..
sume player dota blh je jwp..
bersukan?? kitorg pun main sukan lain jgk..

negdokporman said...

sp..rilek la...ko tu bukan pro pun..kalah ja ngan team aku aritu..dota jgn touch2..sebab dota aku makin rapat ngan awek aku..kawan aku ada ja gurls main dota..lawa kot depa..ok ja...aku kadang2 ajar dia strategy and cara main...kadang2 aku jadi killer dia jadi supporter..so, in a nutshel sven kodok jadi pancingan aku dan awek aku makin mesra..

AnneAnne said...

sebab yana kecah kt fesbuk kot. heh. but mcm dah pening seniri. Jijot mmg jarang main dota, tp main game lain. heeee.

Anonymous 5
heee. it is no use, besides of playing dota, he also will spend most of his time sleeping. i already get used of it, we spend our time together during lunch hour and dinner. :)

rakan-rakan sekalian, ok dah-dah.
shark i tak boleh deny about their results, they still good in their studies even sokmo diorang main dota. Yes, tak boleh deny mereka genius. :)


oh darling`~~~
Ngepokz-runner up
WLA- 2nd runner up

best player(killer)- hakim kamal ariffin

best player(supporter)-mohd nasir mazalan

best player(tanker)-mohd shahmi md shah

best player(bait)-munawir akbar

best player(newcomer)-azman

best player(overall)-syed abdullah hilmi

best player(feeder)-mohd nazeer

best player(ganker)-mohd syazwan

best player(philanderer)-mohd hamiz

best player(same hero)-khairul faiz

best player(cooler)-Mohd hazlan

irena said...

wahahahaha. panas panas panas!
relax la semuaaa. jangan gaduh2. tak puas hati, meh aah lawan dota. cakap lebih2 kat sini pun tak guna. =P kikiki. padahal log in dota pun akuw tataw.

mok, kaw blaja ah main dota, ni ramai je kawan kaw pro dota. lepas ni boleh lawan hakim. agak2 kaw call dia tak dapat, kaw carik je dia dalam game. lepas tu bunuh dia pakai pisau dalam game tu. chare tak? shahril cakap sape kena bunuh pakai pisau mesti rasa sedih, sebab kan macam kesian, dengan pisau pun kena bunuh. akuw pun tak faham.
agak2 kaw nak start kelas dota nanti boleh ajak akuw. kita buat team. lawan hakim n shahril. tak payah kaw main cafe world ke poker zinga lagik. tak rock ah.

AnneAnne said...

Wah hakim best player(killer), baru tahu!! congrats! cehh, cukup hebat aa die main dota tu. ;-p

mok, asal kaw pegi coment je akuw sure guling-guling gelak boleh byg mcm mane muke kaw seh!
kaw jgn suruh aa, dr buat lab sumpah lembab jd tak buat lab lgsg akuw ni. (-.-") kaw pun tahu akuw cpt melampau addicted. lalala~
bunuh pakai pisau real la weh, famous betul kot akuw.
eh, kwn hakim pun lg hbt aa main cafe world. dah level 60+, akuw ni je mcm siput baru lvl 51.

Anonymous said...

cik irena..
yg pisau tu counter strike la..
sy appreciate awk lebih drpd dota ye cik irena..
n 2 yana..1 ari nnt dia akn bosan gak men dota..sengal la dota ni..asal aku leh addicted gak ?? lemah nye aku! hahahahahahaha


kentang said...

Haha.. post yang menarik.. Suka aku baca..

Kalau ko nak masa lebih spent dgn bf ko senang je. Amek taw pasal DotA.

Cthnye, kalau ko minat pasal novel dan bf ko tanye pasal novel-novel yang ko baca pastu tanye camne ctenye. ape ko rasa? mesti bestkan? mesti salu nak sembang.

dlm dota pon camtu gak. bila bf ko menang tournoment ke ape ke boleh je ckp nak tgk replay. pastu tgk dia main camne, kutuk-kutuk sket ke ape ke. So, benda akan jadi better.

Senang ckp ko mesti kisah tentang aktiviti bf ko bukannye kontrol, halang or ubah dia

at the end, one day dia bole sedar yang ko sanggup buat mcmtu utk dia dan akan buat dia appreciate ko the most.

suPomen said...

kesian nye la.. tp mmg dota lagi penting dari deringan telefon kot..

ex-DotAplayer said...

DotA tak salah,
perangai dia yg salah,
say to him,
call me or msg me
when u can organize ur time
between Study,Me and DotA..
in the mean time,im gonna flirt
with other guy,hopefully u get to
organize them fast before i got
hooked with other guy.. :)

Shfq said...

Hey, so I stumbled on your blog when a friend posted a link of this post. I just thought I might drop by and share my personal experience. I started playing dota when I was in form3. At first I thought it was just a stupid game, but yeah, it definitely was addicted and eventually became my everything.

Then I met this stunning girl whom then became my girlfriend. I love her but I behaved exactly like your boyfriend. Spent so much time obsessing with dota.

But one day, after almost a year with her, it suddenly hit me. What if my ignorance will eventually cost me her love. Then I quit dota. It's been two years now since I last found myself playing that dumb little game.

A man can be obsessed with dota today and still,someday, find it in him to quit. But he can never live a day without his woman. But every man needs a little nudging or maybe a smack to the head just to bring him back to earth doesn't he?

So I humbly suggest that you find it in you to forgive your boyfriend and try to make him see your pain. Maybe not today, but he'll get it someday. Cuz guys are dumb :)

I just hope that its not too late though, since it's been a month since u posted this. All the best!

Anonymous said...

blame the player...
sy main dota juga, tp saya lebih pentingkan gf sy drpd dota, n gf sy fhm hobi sy, igt dota game bodoh je, jgn sbb game clash :D

KoedeQ said...

agak ar2 weh... at least ko sendiri tau pe dye wat... + guyz are dumb?? weee tak beragak tuh.. dota tuh hobby yang xmembosankan.. slalunye biler stress n xde mud lagilah maen smpai pg... ko try upset en laki ko.. gerenti maen dota release tension... pas maen baru rase lega kot... pawn people... :P xde kait ko nk salah en dota.... nape ko lagi prefer laki ko curang ngan ko at least dye caver line? ko lagi xbtol kot..

KoedeQ said...

oh dan btol cakap kentang...!!
Selame nie asek laki je memahami perempuan.. tryla fahami budak dota

Roy Roches said...

ok ler tu die x isap rokok...xmembazir duit~

dota even noob haha

Anonymous said...

wah menarik ni :D

ok share ckit..sy main dota..sy xde gf..tp sy ada perempuan yg sy minat..stiap hari msg..even tgh dota pon bole je sy msg dia..kalau dia call time sy tgh dota, bole je sy afk or leave trus game tu n ckp dgn dia..if dia ada problem ke, xde mslh pon sy nk ignore dota tu jap..dia pon phm sy tgh dota mcm mana..so dy x ksah sgt pon kalau sy reply msg lambat ke psl dota..dia diam je coz dia phm..the point is, bkn dota yg patut nk highlight kt sini..tp org tu sndiri..cuba u fhm kan minat bf u tu..try join "dunia" dia..blaja term2 dota yg biasa diorg guna..xde la bf u tu rasa mcm xleh lepas kan dota even u call or text dia..fhm kan ckit2 psl dota..tnye ape2 ke..dia mesti suka lah..ok?
All d best! :)

currently at room 61
*who got 5 pro lai draft..tournament player?bo gentar la ;)

Anonymous said...

DOTA ~ dunia orang tanpa awek...so..?? (on ur side..) :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha dotA players eventually akan berenti..when?..soon after they at the peak of glory..at that time they'll change into a better person..maybe a person who will discover secrets of the world or found a way to change addictive into something benefits "them"..all bad things can be change into good thing if "they" are guided..~hahahaha

dota oo dota said...

hahaha kesiann... x de ar... bile men game tu... sume mmg la nak mng..mane ade nak kalah (-.-) ..tu yg fokus sgt tuh wkakkak

baqie said...




Anonymous said...

Who got 5? :P

Aizul said...

me also like DOTA, every day,time,second i play its....
but...my gf ok jer...
better u play dota too,and u will forget ur bf...huhu

Anonymous said...

hi, call me anna, im a female dota player, here i want to share something la, i have to agree one of the comments saying "blame the guy not the game", my bf also play dota, but im more addicted than him, but still, im a medic student, loads of frens, love cooking, play dota, commit to bf and do all Islamic compulsories, train for tournaments, tapi takde lah smpai abaikan manusia?i think its the bf time management prob. tapi maybe sometimes bende yang bf awak suka, cuba u try to understand, layan dia time die cerita and take interest, and maybe if u did that and support him, he will eventually open up to u and listen to ur opinions jugak, means 2 way communication, kalau die pergi tournament,support and cheer untuk dia, tak salah jugak mcm tu,tp cakap kat dia "if u wnt me to support u, u have to stabilize btween the game and ur time management", bertolak ansur and try to make the first move doesnt hurt,kalau dua2 tanak start mendengar dulu, then who will?

Anonymous said...

kelakar la gaduh sebab GAME!!!
menda la korang ni.. but YES!!! dota boleh dikategorikan sebagai satu penyakit yang menyebabkan ketagihan.. jadi kan, player tu sendiri yang kena pandai control diri untuk bahagikan masa untuk kekasih, untuk study, makan...

sekarang kekasih ku jua bermain dota :')

bila da main sama2, seronok sangat main dota! tapi awek ku memang beginner.. mati memanjang (kesian~~) lepas main, gi makan, dating, ada benda yg nk diceritakan pada si dia (DOTA DISSCUSSION) hahahahaha~

I LUV ma GIRL and DOTA 4eva :D

Chinese Alpha Male said...

woi perempuan lu ingat sikit lu punya tempat

hormat la kt laki kau tu, kalau aku da lama sepak pastu dump terus kot

jangan mempersoalkan lagi lelaki anda, it is not your place ok , girls should only concern herself in kitchen affairs only

k said...

ala ,lama2 dier akan sedar jgk...dota bukan segalanya..w8 till the time come..hahaha...kawe pun men dota,same je pattern lelaki jadi lupa benda lain ...hahah ...ok lagi dari diorang tak setia....ahahha

k said...

saya ada kawan nama rosdan..dier comel ..dier suke men dota..hari 2 dier men dota...dier tak suke pick hero,dier suker random hero..selalu jadi host kat gerena room 25..nick name rosdan_bachok...sila add yer/..die nih pro ...hope gadis 2 yang minat sedam sila bagi koment anda..jejaka terhangat..nih fb dier ...hahahahaha

P/S sedam marah wer ker?


rosdan_bachok said...


add him at fb, super pro dota
latest skill: imba potm leap at roshan and stealing aegis from opponent!

Garena ID: XeLLos^Puppeter

want 2 be pro? beat diz person 1st!
add-on: very cute, SWEET, this is reply 2 da person above!
want a gud bf also can, he is the SWEETEST person in da world, nvr ignore girls, wont regret 4 having him as a bf!!

P/S: wer jange maroh deh, oom!

Mazlan said...

hoom.sedak r jd wer.promote saim kt sini.mari ramai2 lepak room 25.

k said...

sedak arrr jadi alerm...doh la nama mazlan ..hoom pro molek ales...play aleria sinim...

t0msky said...

rosdan teach me li0n peliss....

♥ ciqqaqa ♥ said...

sy anti dota gak.hrp mklum =)