27 March 2010

Hey ladies!

“And I know that it’s complicated, but I’m a loser in love.
So baby raise a glass to mend all the broken hearts,
this is to all of my fucked up friends.”

-Lady Gaga

To the single ladies babes, lets mingle! Broken hearts is not the end of the world, we can google for another new hot guys. Like what u said yesterday chucksagacious? "Nice view from here" -> while looking at the hot stuffs. ;-p

Damn, I miss to hangout with my geli-geli friends. I miss the laugh, I miss the conversation, I miss the geli-geli ahh I miss everything!

p.s: Aryanti, must, must, must belanja Starbuck next week and another week and another week again till forever. Unless, if i thinking utk diet baru boleh stop from giving me one each week ok?

p.p.s: Boyfie, lets have a baby! CarlSamsudin already have one. Canon EOS 500D? Then then then, collect lens aneh aneh aneh ok. Adik bulu-bulu Ixus I dah boleh letak dalam drawer.

p.p.p.s: Going home. Like ye-yeah!

Thanks Gaga, you're my inspiration. Credits to ChuckSagacious! ♥


Anonymous said...

haha about the EOS500D,its been a dream wish for hakim kan?
so wait till her 2nd gaji,1st gaji die nk beli iphone kan!ahah hakim dah bergaji WAJIB belanja aku starbuck!tpi bkn kat alamanda.haha

bila dah ade baby kamu,ahah lagi bykla koleksi gmbr yana,
n ahah boleh buat double date photoshoot,eheh
tumpang suke.

so cuzzyy,btol ckp girlfie kamu tuh.

AnneAnne said...

yeah, dream wish kami sampai sanggup panggil that thing anak.
yeah, but kerja pun mcm both tak sure lagi. if dia kerja wajib belanja kita bercuti! ape kelas starbuck.

naj, u tahu tak ixus i by gamba dia but sikit gamba i. i lg suka main cam compared to hakim. sure, photoshoot sume muka hakim. (-.-")

Maria Elena Zarul said...

yana nampak gangsta gila! hahaha!!

lol said...

ituww aku kat belog kaw,auw!-asmaa'

AnneAnne said...

maria, yeah, yana dah ganas gangsta.
bleh join mafia. ;-p

asmaa, tiba-tiba terkidnap muka bobo elle masuk dalam blog. nak kena bayar tak ni? ;-p

lol said...

tak..sile2 promote2..

Syafiq Suraji said...

suddenly ada chuck bass
kt ctu...lalala~~

md saidi md ibrahim said...

pompuan skurang ni ganas2 dah...cam mane nak wat bini..he3