20 June 2010

#1 Abah

Hello earthlings!

I might guess today will be a happy day because it is Father’s Day! Most of you might be happy celebrating your daddy. But I bet some of the others will miss their daddy so badly as they’re no longer together with us – Jijot, Nelly, Bella and; Farah bertabah!

I might say, my dad is the best dad ever. Even he is not as rich as Hilton’s family or maybe he is not as hot as Brad Pitt, but he plays the role of a father so perfectly! He always motivated me to be positive, always give me the ideas to save more money and he is the one who’s responsible for who am I right now. Without him, I might say, I’ll probably lost.

I love my dad. I just can’t imagine what I would be without him.

#1 Abah comel sebab abah suka buat magic.
#2 Abah comel sebab dia suka up-to-date dengan lagu muda-mudi.
#3 Abah comel sebab abah selalu belajar main drum guna youtube sampai berjam-jam.
#4 Abah comel sebab kalau abah reply email mesti sangat amat formal. :))
#5 Kalau abah balik kerja buat muka penat mesti rasa bersalah sebab I suka bazir duit.
#6 Kalau abah buat muka marah mesti semua bulu roma pun nak tercacak.
#7 Kecik-kecik dulu kalau buat salah abah selalu cubit peha sampai lebam. *kenangan
#8 Abah selalu cerita benda yang boleh motivate diri jadi positif.
#9 Abah tak kedekut, selalu kasi duit poket. Tapi abah penjimat gila!
#10 Abah suka senyum dan penyabar. Pasal itu I makin sayang.
#11 Rambut abah sorang je yang kerinting kat rumah. Haha. 
#12 Abah selalu geletek kaki I waktu I tidur. :D
#13 Abah orang Singapura yang sayangkan Malaysia.

Thanks Abah! I love you like so damn much. Can't wait for dinner tonight. Mee sup as usual nyummy-yummeh! And thank you for all the supports abah. :)


nabillaiskandar said...

:) krem slam abah kakak cantik yea :)

AnneAnne said...