My BFF are here for the weekend so I havent got the time yesterday to do Day 9 challenge. Ganti today. And suprisingly, I macam nak buat video but the quality tak okay as I tak tau nak buat macam mana with the lighting semua. So yeah, bagus juga you guys/babes tak boleh tengok I betul-betulkan. And suara mak garau you know bila masuk dalam PC. Sah tak boleh jadi penyanyi. HAHA.
Day 9 - Give your definition of love.
Still nak write jugak boleh?
Day 10 Write a letter to your boyfriend.
Dear boyfriend,
I miss you but I hate you. I hate you because you spent too much time with sleeping or dotaing or do nothing each and everyday. Hehs. Take care buncit! I don't love you like I love you yesterday. It might be either love you more or maybe everyday I love you less and less. Harhar.
Lepas tu boleh tak rasa macam menyampah tengok diri sendiri kat video. Tengok boleh, nak mengumpat sendiri-sendiri sudah. And yeah, I am done with the challenge. Sumpah malas nak buat challenge lagi. Macam too obsess pulak dengan BF sebab bf challenge tiap-tiap hari pasal boyfriend. Muaks. ;p
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