16 December 2010

Stressed and I need desserts

Never realize of it before. No wonder each time i had a bad day I always craving for junk foods or anything happy to eat. Heee. 

If keyboard ni chocolicious macam gini. Fuhhh fuhh. Tense je terus telan!

I always want this at the office. If kena maki dengan bos terus potong stawberry cicah choc. Hilang stress.

Tengok kaler je dah rasa nyaman. Ice cream people. Yummey!

Brownie with ice cream and strawberries. A perfect desert i tell you. 

Paling murah dan gembira boleh makan sampai muntah. M&M's!

Ais kacang!!! 

Akay, need to stop this now as sendiri pun dah teruja nak makan happy foods. Damn, at least nak ais kacang please. Cari pasal jyeah. And all these photo is from Tumblr! And thats why I love my tumblr too. Dig out my Tumblr account at love-me-not.tumblr.com 

Bye people. Yeah, tomorrow is Friday!!


Anonymous said...

nak ais krim jugak :))

ili said...

you may have my cup cakes darling.. :)

AnneAnne said...

kan kan kan mas. kalau stress sakit kepala macam nak ais krim sgt sgt.

ili, if u dekat i dah mintak kot cupcakes u!! i gila malas nak buat sekarang. huhu

Anonymous said...

i suke post u yg ni,i pun hilang stress! like like like

Anonymous said...

lepas tu kan yana, rase macam syok dapat makan ais krim dekat kolej 11... rase mantap harge murah... wee~

AnneAnne said...

foods mcm happy kan babe. anyway, u punya blog mmg private eh babe?

aaaa. dah tade lagi seh. even ais kacang pun diorg tak jual lg. last few weeks pegi mmg sedih gila sume dah tade. :(

Anonymous said...

pkcik kolej 11 da tade ke?? tak bestnye .. :((