23 March 2011

Thank you!


For some of my friends they would know what is happening to my life now. Lemme say, I am having an issue with my love life. But surprisingly, as I getting older, I rasa macam, yeah tak ada jodoh so let it be let it be. Again, I bersyukur gila sebab time I jatuh gini, adik perempuan I selalu je layan I BBM. Which macam most of the time pun nak BBM. So I need to thank my mom too la kan sebab bought us BeriHitam. Hihi. Not to forget other girlfriends and some guy friends yang text me showed they still care even lepas graduate dulu memang jarang cakap gossip ect ect. Thank you, thank you. ;')

Frankly speaking, I don't really have close friends which I told them most of my secret. But when they showed that they care. I feel blessed. Hoi, nampak tak saya dah jarang cam whore sebab jarang keluar sebab I got no girlfriends here. (T.T)

This was last Monday. Chilling with my sister. Anyway, I am so in love with that cat scarf! I wear it all the time. Macam rasa nak meow-ing Catwoman style. Bahahaha. Anyway, I pergi Alibaba karaoke for 2 hours - two of us je. Suara I dah hilang that day - and lepas tu I am wondering macam mana artis boleh buat concert non stop nyanyi? Hebat!

Alibaba punya tempat cantik! Macam arabic. I ambil room Cleopatra which apesal dalam gambar cantik bila masuk room tak semegah gambar? Time nak balik memang menyempat I dengan adik berfoto-gedik dengan unta. Comelkan unta?

Still, I masih google Bruno Mars concert ticket, sambil dengar album Doo-wops & Hooligans. *nangis*

Anyway, I pergi Melaka this weekend! Any suggestion where should I go? Places of interest ke? Tempat makan best ke? Sebab I nak bawa family I jalan-jalan lepas attend wedding kawan. At first I tot cuma nak bawa my sister chilling dua orang - but then macam fikir why not bawa the parent sekali have some quality time together. Going to meet my darling Yatie and his brother juga! 

Ada orang cakap I rasa I hot. Tak, I tak rasa I HOT, I am great in my own way - super great which I am proud of myself. I am not a drag, I am a queen. The queen who is in charge of my life. Cehceh, tanak King juga sebab King untuk lelaki. Pfffft. 

Peace out babeh, nak pergi Kulai. Love-love. 

*Current profile picture. MEOWWW!*


Anonymous said...

saye rakan setia blog anda... miii-aw~

AnneAnne said...

hehehe. sayanggg mas! :D

!!MuTiaRa!! said...

saya juga...yana kte konvo ahad nih...yana g melaka???? x bez nyer x dpt jmp...huhu

AMOI KUSUT said...

best kan tempat ni..
i suka : )