03 August 2011

Pirates Diana

Ehem. I baru ingat entry hari ini cuma nak buat wordless Wednesday until tengah hari tadi I pergi klinik dengan mak I due to tembel kat mata I dah 4 bulan tak reda-reda. Siap dah macam Ada lump. At first memanglah I malas nak layan, pada I as long as tak sakit it is nothing. Sampailah semalam I baca paper Kosmo about a kid yang mata dia sakit sampai buta. Not cool.

Terus hari ni buat appointment pegi klinik mata. End up with I balik jadi macam pirate. Hehe

I never knew it is that serious. I ingat by time nanti lump itu hilang like a magic. It won't. Benda tu siap dah attached to my eyes lagi. Sampaikan time doctor nak potong it takes time. I wish my mom could record it tp mak nak tengok pun tak sanggup.

The feeling sama macam bila pergi dentist, cuma this time mata sendiri jadi taruhan. And tak boleh pejam mata and kena tengok bawah. Kalau tertengok atas memang nampak doctor dengan gunting kecik. It was a great experience eventhough macam scary. LOL.

I am off to bed, dah dozed myself with drugs tadi. MC esok yippie.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Mr. X said...

oit.. pirate.. haha..
ciss.. dpt mc.. jeles..

Anonymous said...

bestnye dapat mc!

classmatemu said...

moga kamu cepat sembuh,
take care yana.... =)

AnneAnne said...

Mr X & Rapunzel Cikilolo
MC best tapi the fact that mata ni kalau pejam pedih tak best. but then, seronok gila weyy tido dah la jb hujan. hehe

Classmateme, thank you thank you! sure will, yana kan kental. :D

cEro said...

jadi apa sebab sebanar kejadian itu berlaku??

laila latif said...

hye sis! sy pun pernah alami keadaan.almost 1 year,sy biarkan je.mcm2 ubt ltk end up stil sama je. check this out. =) http://lailalatif.blogspot.com/2011/01/mata-dan-anda.html