So well, puas tengok I? Mind my muka busuk, pronunciation tah apa-apa macam lidah terbelit. Heuheu. Assalammualaikum people ♥
I am so excited until I really want to blog this tonight. Thanks to a friend yang inviting me to accompany him to this event, kalau ikut I - sure I swimming kat atas katil the whole afternoon tadi. At first I am not thinking pun to take photo as I masuk not as a press, so actually tak boleh ambil gambar. But then until I saw this one dress, I terus on camera and snap segala yang lalu kat stage tu.
Please I want one of wedding dress warna pink. Heuheu. Still I rasa suka kat dress tu, even I tak tau siapa designer dia. RUGI!
Present you, Amir Luqman and the dresses that he design. ♥
Look at his high waist pant, I've been look for it like everywhere but still tak pernah jumpa size yang sesuai sebab I have a small waist tapi tinggi (kot). Among all of his design yang dia bawa, I suka yang third from left. Elegant!
Another photo of his design yang I dapat snap dengan senonoh. Most of it like a failure sebenarnya, I just snap aje. I dont have any photographer talent maybe. Other photos are on my Facebook account. This is the edited version. :)
First one and the last one are the same design. The veil itself pun dah macam kelasss gitu. Hehe. And yes, I do grab the chance to take photo with him!
Why I tak pakai heels, why?!! Sampai sekarang I regret. (T.T) I felt so small among the fashion people. Lesson taken, pergi even wedding, perlu pakai heels no matter what. Wajib.
Here I know about BDA which it stands for Bumiputra Designers Association. And how important fashion magazine untuk designers semua. Peramah with everyone adalah perlu. Oh my, why-lah I tak berseni untuk design baju?
Anyways, I had fun today. I met new friends too! Hehe. Thanks to both of them for the day. Opss, I miss to mention their name, meet A'zi and Haekal!
p.s: Malaysian's designer wedding dress are way better than Memey's Vera Wang wedding dress. #justanopinion
p.p.s: Tittle sungguh geli. Skin tone sekarang sungguh geli. Skinny sungguh geli. Video lagilah GELI. Huahua
dress pink a way better than baju memey....
kannn. But it's vera wang cuma salah pilih maybe. Latest collection dia semua awesome, why on earth Rafelesia choose that one. (T.T) masuk museum pun I tanak tgk. HEHE
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