Biasanya, time bangun pagi siap-siap, mandi, pilih baju. I selalu dengar lagu. I jarang dengar radio kecuali dalam kereta on-the-way pergi kerja balik kerja time lunch. But most of it I selalu dengar iPod I. Lagu yang I suka I dengar. Lagi satu I memang anti betul dengan advertisement.
Motif, yes, I guna benda yang Steve Job invent. Walaupun cuma sebuah iPod. Nak iPad tak mampu pakai lagi. Nak MacBook macam dah tua-tua gini tak guna lagi dah. Pagi sampai petang kerja, malam penat cuma online bila perlu je. Ipod I tu dah macam bestfriend sebab if I sorang kat bilik takut nak tidur, I dengar lagu sampai tertidur. Heuheu.
R.I.P Steve Jobs. Without you, I probably don't have the chance to have 2 iPod with my name graved to it. Heuheu. Yes, I have an iPod touch and iPod shuffle. ♥
& I'm using itunes to play music on my laptop. I wish some day I've got the chance to have a Macbook, insya Allah, it is on my wish lists since I was 21. ;-)
Oh, not using an iPhone because, my mom bought me a Blackberry few years back and it is still in a good condition even dah repair dua kali but I am comfortable with it. Nvm, I am okay with BB plus iPod. Both darling gadgets.
Yesterday, taken using iPod touch 4th generation. Hehe
Oh, my condition is terrible now. I am at the middle of my down time. Work-loads, hormones and life doesn't falls perfectly now. Memang some of them dah perasan I'm being aloof now. And I don't give damn to unimportant things - ampun to those yang ada terasa dengan my attitude now, I can't think much right now. I just can't wait for a date next week and long vacation on the other week. Looking forward for it, at least it gives me hope that things gonna be better soon. Better soon. Better soon. FML.
p.s: Sure rambut I bakal ditumbuhi uban uban. Mungkin kalau straight I stress gini, possibility I blonde by the end of this year adalah positive. Heuheu. Apehal blonde?
blonde in red la... huhuhu
Agree! I pun anti advertisement. Abes bat remote astro i ase tukar jer kalau i lepak umah. xkan biakan ads mengganggu penglihatan i :P
huuu.... blonde? wow! can't wait to see it ;P hiks!
red headed kwn I dah buat. so yana nak special sikit mas, blonde. hehe.
eeqa, astro lagilah i tak suka tgk ads. siaran berbayar tu! rugi rugi. radio free at least boleh terima lagi. hehehe. mak i dah larang i warna warnikan rambut lg. heuheu.
HAHA! samelah kite! ayah da marah. xper.. original itu hot :) hehe..
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