I did promote bout SUKSES simpack, do I really do need to explain here? Malas-malas. But then our target is Indonesian, so I did need to speak in Indonesia. The girls semua hebat dowh tukar their language once dapat the target. After few times of promoting baru la dapat mengayat mengancam sikit. Hihi… our place of work this time, semua lubuk-lubuk orang Indonesia.
But then there is one time our dealer leave us kat pasat malam full of orang Nepal and Bangladesh. They don’t even know how to speak in English. Hampeh tol, sales memang drop habis that time. Next time I want to take Nepal or Bangla classes, so boleh communicate ngan diorg. ;p
Last day I did hang out with the girls. Ajak diorang pusing JB. Well, I really enjoy being with them. We talked about everything. We laughed like crazy and do crazy new stuffed together. It’s been a long time since my last date with the promoters. Promoters’ rocks babeh!!


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