I miss my kampung!! Well, time ni kat playground rumah my uncle. At that moment even my dad pun main mende tu. Hahaha.. can u see my happy face? Can u? ;p

Okay. Muka tak besalah gila kan? Btw, i miss my skin time ni. Well, completely fair! Tade la putih but kaler sekata. Haha. After survey camp, camping, bola baling & futsal tournament habis burn. But nak salahkan siapa pun, i love outdoor sport!!

This is my longest natural hair. Heee.. i miss this hair. Each time tgk pic ni mmg sure i will say, i want my hair to be like that! But dah tak boleh coz my hair now sgt gila tak cantik & dah tak lebat & dah tak hitam macam tu. Salahkan the chemical!!
Latest photo! My pipi did tembam a lil' bit, KOT. Hoho...
p.s: Click photo to enlarge. =)
i always have a thing for person yg pakai baju merah n suar biru. tak kire lah laki ke pompuan. n dang, tis is maybe the first tyme i c u in those n my, u look even hotter!
I loike!!!
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