11 June 2009


I received this message before from my bf.

“I sayang u bermillion million million million lemon.”

And I replied him.

“I sayang u macam atom-atom yang ada kat UTM and it will grows sampai satu malaysia due to time. Atom-atom includes semua benda tau.”


Certain time when I asked him,

“Sayang, how much did u love me?”

He replied,

“I sayang u sampai I rasa nak bunuh you.”
(Actually I’m the one who invented that word.)



One day I did seriously bored while waiting my lunch, so I text him.

“U, I sayang you macam penguin yang sanggup jalan kat gurun.”

He asked me.

“Pengguin mana boleh hidup kat panas.”

I replied.

“That’s why I say, I am the special penguin yang sanggup do anything for its love. Unique. ;p”

And it was like, I know I am weird.
I tell my friends bout my new ‘perumpamaan’.


Dayah drive the car and it is jam at the moment. Suddenly she says.

“I sayang u macam semut yang sanggup seberang jalan 4 lane with crazy traffic.”

Uh oh? All of my friends laugh.


Hakim, ilysm.
Simple, tak payah all those words. ;p


affanazami said...

this is almost like,
"seperti ayam diuli2"!
so cute! n funny. hehehe

p/s- but truly sincere.

ilysm too! (berpura2 menjadi Hakim)

~::khalif::~ said...

hebat. kagum. ske bace. idea. thanks!

AnneAnne said...

hahaha. it was a joke okay.
and we both love to laugh kot sampai boleh truly memain.

affan, seperti ayam diulu2. cute!!!
i ta penah terfikir pun.

haaa.. alif idea utk ape? getting back ur love? :D
Good for u~

~::khalif::~ said...

i just falling in love babe.. waaa..

Syafiq Suraji said...

kalo smut tu nyorok2 di celah
tar tu...coz tar kn xrata as
it made from batu2 hitam yg
kcik tu...n 4sure batu itu lg
bsr dri smut...so smut xkn mati
if nyorok kt ctu...huhu

AnneAnne said...

hihi. love=pelik. so alif, get used with it. ;p

hahaha. chuck, bkn i cipta benda tu sbb i pun ade pikir possibility semut tu selamat lintas. haha.