03 June 2009


My lecturer yang should be evaluate me for my intern dah datang tadi. Everything goes well as I know him. Please ask me who is him. ;p

Hoyeh, I had nothing to do now pula. So, I did go to the 'guys' places and forced them to read my blog. Yeah, one of them is still reading la oh. Another one dah lari pula so i use his laptop to update my blog. Pinjam la oh your laptop mister, i didn't bring mine today. :(

Nak bebel ape eh? I lost my appetite since bila tah. Everything semua macam tak sedap. Sure my weight dah kurang sebab each day memang makin lupa nak makan. Don't blame my mom. Dia masak sedap cuma I ni je yang tak reti nak appreciate makanan. Tolong la hantar I pegi Africa so that I know how they suffer sebab tak makan.

I dah start to minum weight gain balik but nothing happen. How sad is that?

Oh, i watched Bionik sikit again tuari. My fizow is there too!!! But dapat watak jahat. But then, he still hot like always. Apesal tah i can fall for Hero Remaja. ;p Serious, even watak jahat pun i still can see that he is gila damn sweet. Haiya. Btw, someone said Intan Ladyana itu cute. Eishhh... mana ada!

Ahh bosan. Later!


me said...

lecturer call before datang kan?
cmne de evaluate?
de suruh present apa2 ke?
daily report u buat everyday?

intan ladyana so tidak cute

sekian harap jwb soklan huhu
thnks! :)

Syafiq Suraji said...

siapa lecturer kamu?...
i da tnya...hee...
intan ladyana?...
hurm...cute skt kot...
tp i lg suka fazura
ngan sazzy falak...
they r the hotttteessstttt!!!!
kn3...tlg la ya

affanazami said...

setuju ngan Chuck kat atas ni! Fazura is like the bomb okey! die lah paliiingggggg Hot! Intan ladyana dlm cte tu kelaka la. i wont say cute. but she's kinda adorable la dlm cte tu je ye. hahaha.

i like Nik!

AnneAnne said...

haha. lctrr call dulu b4 dtg. tak tanye byk pun kot. tp buku log mmg kene buat sbb ade markah. so buat la ye. yana kantoi kot buat a day b4 die dtg.

sazzy tak sgt ade time je die hot. Fazura sgt unik muka dia! alaaa.. che ros, u knal ke? ;p

alaaa... i da start tak suke intan tu since jelatang lg. influence watak die time tu kot. ahaha..

affanazami said...

yess! cte JELANTANG tu, memg kelaka oke. lawak gile cara die berlakon. kayu gile. hahahhaa

Anonymous said...

intan ladyana cute seh..

Syafiq Suraji said...

che ros tu sape?...
if u refer kt my mum...
mmg tu pn org2 pggil dia...
plak u knl my mum?...hurm