28 December 2010

Ohh Malorea.

Semalam hari ini lunch I sungguh unhealthy, drive thru mcd. Jyeah man, enak sungguh prosperity beger dengan spicy chicken mcduluxe. Kalau makan hegeh-hegeh tak habis makan, bila kena mcd habis licin, tak makan sayur pun tersental separuh salad dengan bawang sebab malas nak asingkan. Last-last terperasan diri terjilat jari sebab enak tak puas makan kenapa dah habis. Pffft. Yang tak sihat jugak engkau suka kan Diana.

Oh, bukan nak cerita pasal makan mcd. Tapi pengalaman drive thru lelaki kacak yang kasi makanan.

Ceritanya bermula semalam. Order memang i suka buat suara konon-konon ayu sopan santun lemah lembut aww awww. Bila nak bayar akak itu senyum tengok i, sebab mungkin dia nampak i kelam-kabut cari syiling yang jatuh bergolek time berjoget lagi the time dirty bit. Kecah aje cakap dah prepare duit siap-siap tapi jatuh bawah kerusi malu kejap. Mujur akak bukan abang hot. HAHA. Bila nak ambil (masih lagu dirty bit part remix yang sedap itu) i masih menikmati beat rentak segala. Toleh kanan je, makkk aihhh!

Version melayu adalah kulit tak putih gitu terus. Ada la sawo matang tapi still, rambut sume memang stock korea ah!

Dia senyum sebiji panjang sweet gitu. Terpempan malu la siot! Sebab i tak jaga diri uollss. Dia sengih terus kasi makanan i. I terus tersepi terdiam mengaku kalah i memang suka termalu. Dia cakap "Terima kasih, datang lagi." I senyum malas terus drive. Dah lambat balik office.


Hari ini pergi lagi drive thru yang sama. Bila sampai tempat tu baru teringat cerita malu semalam. Nak patah balik cari tempat lain, dah lambat. Lenjan doa dalam hati shift orang lain hari ini. Bila sampai nak bayar, akak semalam senyum lagi, tapi kali ini dia buat muka eh-kau-datang-kan-lagi punya muka. Kuat betul dia cakap terima kasih, excited tengok muka gelabah cuak i-lah tu. Next, lelaki korea aku! (cehceh, korea aku la sangat) Senonoh mute radio, mujur takde lagu best. Bila toleh kaunter, yess mat korea lagi! Kali ini dia senyum lagi bahagia dari semalam sebab tengah bual-bual dengan kawan kerja cantik dia. Tapi tetap dia tak lupa cakap, "Terima kasih, datang lagi"

Kalau betul i datang esok dia ingat tak? Kalau esok i datang apply kerja part time ikut masa dia berkerja cara tak? Kalau tiba-tiba i non-stop tengok video no other sebab comel sangat LeeTeuk boleh tak?

Ok tahun depan kalau pergi korea i book tiket balik Malaysia extra, bawak balik suami persis Leeteuk atau mungkin Lee Min Ho. Tak nak orang malaysia tak nak, mesti kena rampas nanti. (T.T)

I punya Leeteuk sebab bestfriend dah pilih Siwon jadi husband dia. Haha. And lirik dia boleh buat i cair TIAP KALI baca. Awak tanak nyanyikan saya lagu sweet gini awak? ;-p

Ok bye! Nak balik sudah.

p.s: Malorea bukan penyakit macam maleria tapi Malay+Korea punya type manusia. Malorea. :D

27 December 2010

Gulliver's Travels Review

Last Saturday ada family day dengan family which kiteorang tengok movie bersama. I love holiday - lagi-lagi bila semua family member ada. But I still can't help it, sokmo je nak ubertweet and replying message or sometimes check facebook. Blackberry is a distraction!

As promised, my own version of Gulliver's Travels review. Sambil tengok sambil makan. Sambil pandang-pandang muka adik mak abah. We're happy family eyy! ♥

So ini adalah pengembaraan tak sengaja pergi Liliput Kingdom. Gulliver yang konon-konon nak impress gadis secara gamble pun pergi ke segitiga bermuda. But end up with dia tersampai Liliput bersama orang kecil-kecil. Kecil yang sangat emm pandai built benda, kalau tak macam mana boleh ikat si Gulliver si gergasikan. Oh, i tak nak spoil semangat korang tengok movie ini dengan cerita lebih-lebih, but I boleh cakap cerita ini kelakar gila - and bukan kelakar sengal ubi macam Hanti Kak Limah Balik Rumah. Tapi kelakar secara logik - i ketawa lupa diri dekat dalam cinema. Adik pun. Jalan cerita pun okey tak adalah macam merepek gila-gila. Jack Black rocksss! Gulliver is fun fun fun.

You Should Watch It - it worth every penny.

This week, I am going to watch, The Tourist! Its Angelina Jolie you people! And my super ex imaginary boyfriend Johnny Depp. Excited! Nahh, trailer!

Bye for now!

Hello distances

Its been 2 weeks and it is a goodbye now. You're three hundred and ninety something far from me now, but we're close in heart. ♥ And you're always with me, in my phone. As I have few of your videos in my gallery. Wish I could record more of you during our date. I still watching it each time I miss you. We should skype more don't we? Or maybe I am too busy for that, too tired of a hectic life - i think.

My favourite photo of all, we're still unsure about our future, pasal tu gambar begitu blur kan?
But still, we pray for the best. 

Good night lovesss. 

p.s: Surely most of you are Malaysian, lets pray for the next game - jangan suluh laser lagi haaa, nanti jadi trending topic. Laser sekali time awal-awal tapi tergoal 3 time tak main laser lagi. Enough okay?


24 December 2010

My 9 Minutes survey

Nabilla Iskandar kata, once read it, i'm tagging you! So yeha, I got something to do now. Lets get it started!

Instruction : Once you are tagged , answer all the question honestly. No lying or cheating ok?

Starting time: 11.22pm
Name : Diana Binti Naubi (do i really need to make it long?)
Brother(S) : one, Nasir Naubi
Eye colour : Dark brown - lens grey!
Shoe Size : 7
Hair : Long straight, never been rebond it people
Piercing : One
Height : 169cm
What are you wearing right now : pajamas
Where do you live : home, JB
Favourite Number : 7
Favourite Drink : pepsi
Favourite month : December!
Favourite Breakfast : i dont do breakfast, but i love cereal!


Broken a bone : nahh
Been In a police Car : i wish, but nahh
Fallen for a friend : yes
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short time : yes - a crush i might say
Swam In the ocean : yes
Fallen asleep In school : of course!
Broken someone's Heart : yes
Cried when someone died : yes
Sat by the phone all the night waiting for someone call : yes and i felt stupid
Saved E-mails : yes
Been cheated : yes


Your room look a like : neat as my sister already cleaned it up
What is right beside you : bubole - my phone. novel
What is the last thing you ate : ayam penyek mom's cook


Who did you last tell : tell what?
Who was the last person you danced with : i've got no idea
Who last made you smile : myself, tumblr thingy


What are you listening to right now : sounds of anugerah skrin, but not watching it
What did you do today : working
Are you the oldest : yes
Indoors or outdoors : outdoors


Talk to someone you like : yes
Kiss someone : nope
Sing : yes while i'm stuck in the car
Talk to an Ex : no
Miss someone? : yes
Eat : of course!


You talked on the phone to : Hakim
Made you cry : when is the last time i cried?
You went to the mall with : hakim
Who cheered you up : irena


Been to Mexico? : no
Been to USA? : no


Have a crush on someone : yes, lee min ho
What books are you reading right now : Lagenda Budak Setan - laugh people. mini shopaholic in the waiting list
Best feeling in the world : motivated
Future kids name : Got nothing in mind yet.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal : bears
What's under your bed : nothing, it is 2 layered bed bed
Favourite sports : futsal basketball. I miss old times
Favorite place : sea
Who do you really hate : negative side of me
Do you have a job : yes
What time is it now : 11.31pm

With however long it took you to complete this ,
post as "My 9 Minutes survey" and tag 15 peoples.

I tagged you who spent the time reading this, and left me the url! Might be visiting you and link you if you're not in the lists yet love. ♥

Merry Xmas!

Of the day

Equation of the day;

Esok hari krismas = esok public holiday = semua tak payah kerja = seluruh keluarga dirumah = hari bersantai dirumah = tidur dengan gembira = bakal tengok movie bersama keluarga = hari yang gembira ♥ ♥

*cuma mungkin tak feel krismas sangat sebab tak ada snow.

Mungkin kat Asia tak ada Edwars scissorhands kot. Sumpah time tengok cerita ini saya nangis. ;(

Berita of the day;

Wanita warga emas ditangkap khalwat

ALOR SETAR: Seorang wanita berusia lewat 50-an yang juga isteri orang, dicekup berkhalwat dengan seorang lelaki warga Iraq di sebuah hotel empat bintang di pekan Kuah, Langkawi, malam kelmarin.

Wanita beranak dua yang berasal dari Selangor itu dikatakan dalam proses perceraian dengan suaminya, dicekup Pejabat Agama Daerah Langkawi (PADAL) kira-kira jam 11.50 malam selepas menerima maklumat berhubung kegiatan maksiat pasangan terbabit.

Sumber berkata, ketika serbuan seorang lelaki berusia 46 tahun yang berpakaian lengkap membuka pintu bilik selepas diketuk anggota penguatkuasa PADAL.
Katanya, lelaki warga asing itu yang terkejut dengan kehadiran sepasukan anggota penguatkuasa PADAL membenarkan pemeriksaan dijalankan dan hasil siasatan menemui seorang wanita di dalam bilik hotel itu dalam keadaan panik dan takut.

"Selepas disoal siasat mereka mengaku bukan mahram atau suami isteri dan PADAL mengesyaki pasangan itu melakukan maksiat di bilik hotel itu," katanya.

Beliau berkata, hasil soal siasat mendapati, wanita itu mengaku masih bersuami, manakala pasangannya mendakwa belum berkahwin dan menuntut di sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) di pulau itu.

Katanya, lebih mengejutkan anggota penguatkuasa turut menemui dua kondom yang dipercayai sudah digunakan ketika membuat pemeriksaan di dalam bilik itu, sekali gus mengukuhkan bukti mereka melakukan maksiat.
"Wanita yang berasal dari Selangor itu memberi alasan dia datang ke Langkawi atas urusan perniagaan. Walaupun menyewa di hotel mahal dan bertaraf empat bintang, mereka tidak akan terlepas daripada dicekup berkhalwat kerana kita akan membuat serbuan berdasarkan aduan yang diterima.

"Pasangan itu dibawa ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Kuah, Langkawi untuk dibuat laporan tangkapan, sebelum dibawa ke pejabat agama daerah untuk siasatan lanjut," katanya.

Kes berkenaan disiasat mengikut Seksyen 9(1)(2) Enakmen Kanun Jenayah Syariah Kedah 1988 kerana disyaki berkhalwat dan sabit kesalahan boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM2,000 atau setahun penjara atau kedua-duaan.

Haha. Anyways, siapa kata remaja-remaja, budak-budak je runtuh akhlak? Tengok mak orang - warga emas pun dah tersama. I mean, susah kita nak expect orang sekarang. Kan I dah cakap, setan zaman sekarang dah expert.

Text of the day;

Hey miss diana esok malam datang my house ok..jangan lupa.. bawak la adida and faiz.. - Mark Navin.

A good friend of mine back then. Each time krismas he never fail to invited me to his house. Might be going if cepat balik family day. :)

Tweets of the day;

@dianaubi 1k per day? Agak2 la. @PerezHilton pun tak camtu. Takkan kau tukar sepender pun nak cerita kt twitter.- Irena Naubi

I still can't stop laughing. Sengal ubi punya adik. Did i tell you that my tweet is missing? Kecah betul sebab from 4k tweet tiba-tiba jadi 100 je. Surely la unhappy with it kan.

Later people! With a proper entry. ♥
Today is a good day. Thank God Its Friday! Oh, I am no longer cam whore don't I?

22 December 2010

Review : Tron Legacy

Style betul rambut pendek muka hot gini.

So I officially dah tengok Tron lepas before ni tiap kali tengok trailer ni mesti akan cakap, "Nak tengok cerita ini sebab smart sungguh!" And lepas tengok, i boleh kasi 2 thumbs up lah! Memang type cerita yang I suka tengok cuma ending dia not as I expect. Kalau i yang buat cerita sure akan pilih happy ending. Si anak naik ducati dengan bapa bukan dengan girlfriend. HAHA

Basically even ada yang cakap tak best pada i cerita ini okey. I mean, if betul Tron Legacy does exist, memang sumpah i kagum gila dengan user tu. 3D dia tak segempak 3D Megamind sebab yang nampak cuma lampu LED dengan background - tapi time main game motor tu memang smart gila. Macam main game gitu! If PS2 ada game ni I nak beli la, konon-konon Tron Legacy la kan.

Go watch, kalau tak in 3D pun ok. Pada I cerita ini okey. Btw, do u have any idea nak tengok cerita apa this week? Nak tengok movie with babes, tapi tak ada idea cerita apa. ;p

p.s: Post ni dah bertenggek kat draft for 2 days kot. Tak ada time nak siapkan satu entry pun. 
p.p.s: Kalau i rambut gini, korang sayang I lagi tak?

19 December 2010

Tutorial bun donat

Pernah keluar dengan encik Hakim begini. Lihatlah, saya sudah berani keluar dengan mengikat rambut seperti ini! Pstt. Encik boyf pun tak percaya mata bila tak keluar dengan nenek kebayan rambut mengerbang version Cik-Diana-Naubi.

So okey, so macam all of the sudden macam nak share how to make a big bun bertenggek dekat kepala. Version konon-konon aku rambut panjang gila macam Fasha Sandha padahal lepas pinggang pun tak lagi. Hehe. 

But then all you need girls cumalah:
1) 2 head band. Kalau getah tempe pun boleh guna
2) Facy punya getah rambut. Lagi besar lagi comel
3) Donut - i tatau apa benda ni sebenarnya -.-"

So good luck people! Selamat mencari donut dan selamat mencuba. ;)

p.s: Rambut sumpah macam nenek kebayan. ;p

17 December 2010

Sneak Peak

I am done with this after few months abandoned it! Last entry posted was on January 2010 and here we are at the end of 2010. So we missed loads of things through the year; especially convocation! So yeah, http://hakim-diana.blogspot.com are back on track. 

“The more I know you, the more I can’t get enough of you.”
I am damn excited each time I know something new bout you. And you really do make me feel surprised when we had more things in common. I want to know more about you. I want to be part of you, your other half. As the time goes by, I hope we can figure something out to be soulmates. Haha. But we will be greatly in pain if something do break us apart. And again, I’m not sure I am strong enough to face it. Hey kamu, you’re like a painkiller for my broken heart. Fix it, and I’ll be yours forever. : )  - April 2009
*I never knew that I wrote this once before. I mean, is this girl still available deep down in me? (-.-")

It is just a sneak peak people. It is still in private, malu siot nak share love life. We won't know what might be happen in the future. Manalah tau kan tak ada jodoh ect ect. Surely people might say, kan hangat gila dia bercinta dulu, kenapa tanak kawin? or maybe dulu iyo-iyo je lah happy bahagia kau lah madu kau lah penawar, putus jugak.

p.s: We just dont know what's the future will bring. Surprise! HAHA


TGIF - Thank god it's Friday!

I might be working on Saturday but I still appreciate the half day of not being at the office. Not that I hate the office it's just that I am too tired with the atmosphere around the office – stress/workloads/bosses. And Friday spells extra lunch hour for the girls! And it might be the reason why I still awake at this moment, do nothing and listen to Korean song especially BOF ost. Blame Uthe because she got the song in her blog and it reminds me of Jun Pyo and end up with I can’t stand missing him so I watch each and every MV at YouTube since I woke from my nap. Maybe, I still can’t get over Boys Over Flower, I still in love with Gu Jun Pyo. It is sick, I know that.

I still having problem with calculating moment of inertia for sheet pile. Ergh, I wish Irena is here and she’ll help me figured this for me. I started to miss her. Haih. Boss might be asking about this again tomorrow *sighs* Need to wear a poker face to the office tomorrow and pretend that I am okay to get scolded because I still can’t figure out how to do it. :(
Haih. Please-lah boss in a good mood tomorrow. Amin!

Ohh. 2010 will left us in few weeks. And I can’t wait for 2011. Need to prepare the wishlists and must-do-things for 2011. Resolutions blablabla and of course aim! But then I am thinking, what is my resolution for 2010 eh? HAHA. See, at the end of the year I just realised that I don’t give a damn with all those crappy resolution. I just do things that I want to do and follow the flow. And see, I am still alive and happy and have a boyfriend and thank god I am not jobless and I still here at JB with family and yes everything seems like perfect. Alhamdulillah, this year is a lot easier for me.

Tomorrow is Fatin Nadiah’s wedding! Am so excited about it. I have been bbm-ing her talking about her wedding, preparations and her love life – I cant wait to meet her in person! Hehe. As in her bbm and blog, she seems like so easy going and happy go lucky type of person. ♥ I am so happy for you babe. See you tomorrow pengantin! When is my turn?!

Ok seriously need to sleep now. Good night people!
Have a good day ahead!

16 December 2010

Stressed and I need desserts

Never realize of it before. No wonder each time i had a bad day I always craving for junk foods or anything happy to eat. Heee. 

If keyboard ni chocolicious macam gini. Fuhhh fuhh. Tense je terus telan!

I always want this at the office. If kena maki dengan bos terus potong stawberry cicah choc. Hilang stress.

Tengok kaler je dah rasa nyaman. Ice cream people. Yummey!

Brownie with ice cream and strawberries. A perfect desert i tell you. 

Paling murah dan gembira boleh makan sampai muntah. M&M's!

Ais kacang!!! 

Akay, need to stop this now as sendiri pun dah teruja nak makan happy foods. Damn, at least nak ais kacang please. Cari pasal jyeah. And all these photo is from Tumblr! And thats why I love my tumblr too. Dig out my Tumblr account at love-me-not.tumblr.com 

Bye people. Yeah, tomorrow is Friday!!

15 December 2010

The only

My breakfast. My mood supplier. My apple of my eyes. My melody. Mike Tompkin is back with his new acapella video! *Happy-big-shining-eyes*

This time, macam different the video. But still, he is so adorable!!! Sangat amat adorable! ♥ Way better than Rihanna version. Tehee. Or am i obsessed with him? Durhh. Its been nearly a month or maybe dah a month lebih w/o his new video. Previous Dynamite pun still boleh imagine the way dia make it emm sumpah comel. Sampai i prefer to listen to his version more than the original version. I'm so in love with him!

Maybe he did change this and that in the video. The lyrics la kan, as this song lagu perempuan.

Only Girl by Mike Tompkin Lyrics

I want you to love me, cause you look so fine
Hold you like a pillow, make you feel right
So girl forget about the world, cause its gon' be me and you tonight
Baby I'll tell you all my secrets that I'm keeping, you can come inside

I wanna make you feel like you the only girl in the world
Like you the only one that i'll ever love
Like you the only one who knows my heart
Only girl in the world
Like you the only one who think of man
Cause you the only one who understands
How to make me feel like a man
I wanna make you feel like you the only girl in the world
Like you the only one that i'll ever love
Like you the only one who knows my heart
Only one


Repeat [Chorus]

I got you on my side to side
It is should be our life to life
And let me make you verse to verse
Cause you know, you know what I want

I got you on my side to side
It is should be our life to life
And let me make you verse to verse
Cause you know, you know what I am


Gila semangat sampai nak dengar each and every words dia nyanyi. Damn, I love him more after listening to this song. ♥ I'm so sorry if the lyrics turns out wrong. (-.-")

So okay, need to figure out how to calculate the moment of inertia of a damn sheetpile. Damn, i'm stuck! Need Mr Google help on this, I cant find the formula and sumpah malas to calculate manually. Goodbye fellas!

*muka stress*

14 December 2010

Review : Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah

Semalam selepas bergaduh berperang sebab i malas nak dating tapi bf nak dating last-last terpaksa mengalah even badan capek gila pun pergi juga berfoya-foya dengan kekasih. Akay, berfoya-foya kami hanyalah jalan-jalan makan tengok movie dan karaoke. Kami tak pegi kelabbing ataupun open table dekat hotel 5 bintang. Dan kami tidak check in hotel. Jadi semalam lepas bergigih tak dapat nak book online tiket Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah, memang tergelabah siap super cepat sampai lupa pakai eyeliner. (-.-")

So Diana's reviews on Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah people!

You guys & girls patut tau ini adalah kiranya macam sambungan cerita zomba kampung pisang. Heh heh. Kali ini bukan zomba yang digembar-gemburkan, tapi hantu. Overall i can say ada certain part memang i gelak sampai lupa diri. Sampai ada satu time tu macam tergelak sorang tapi yang lain semua senyap. Malu tau tak, macam excited sorang-sorang. Kalau korang nak tengok cerita hantu yang tak hantu sangat ini memang boleh belah. Sebab time tengah suspen korang akan fikir sama ada cerita akan jadi kelakar ke takut. Kira mood takut itu ada la kan - but tak fail buat i gelak. Kali ini si Husin lagi la hero kampung, kata pun pelakon utama. Tapikan bila lepas tengok cerita ini lepas gelak macam badut buat performance dekat stage, bila dah kat rumah baru i terfikir ke-tidak-logik-kan cerita ini. I mean, ada certain scene yang buat i confuse. Atau mungkin sebab i fikir terlalu banyak kali. Mungkin kalau korang tak suka cerita tak boleh blah mesti tak suka cerita ini. Depends la kan, but for me, even dia macam boring kat certain part, tapi time kelakar memang kelakar amatlah! *tergiggle*

Bintang : 6/10

And then we had our dinner dekat McD. Prosperity yippie yayoo. Tapi tak ambil gambar prosperity cuma ambil gambar muka sendiri. Couple in black. Hakim bawang Diana muncung. Teeheee. And I have him for another 2 weeks! Jadi yes people, i ada teman yang mesra with me now. ♥

Oh yes, perang dah habis. Peace y'all!
*Dia dah tak hemo-hemo badak air*

Oh bye, super-junior-engineer dah nak kena pergi site! Minggu depan sure mak gelab you know. But engineer hot pun tarak gunakan.

13 December 2010


- Available: yes. HAHA
- Age: 23 years old
- Annoyance: traffic jam, complicated person
- Animal: Persian cat, sugar glider
- Actor: Fizo Omar and Adi Putra long hair version. :))

- Beer: No-no. Haram.
- Birthday/Birthplace: 1st Dec/JB
- Best Friend: Sister - Irena!
- Body Part on opposite sex: Hair!
- Best feeling in the world: Satisfied.
- Blind or Deaf: Deaf.
- Best weather: Summer! :D
- Been in Love: YES
- Been on stage?: Emmm. maybe
- Believe in yourself?: Of course!
- Believe in life on other planets: I don't think so. Micro-organism maybe?
- Believe in miracles: Yup!
- Believe in Magic: No. Tricks will do.
- Believe in God: Yes of course.
- Believe in Santa: No.
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: Yes
- Believe in Evolution: No

- Car: Small car, cheap one. Hehe. Saving!
- Candy: Love it!
- Colour: Red purple pink natural colors
- Cried in school: YES. Shame on me
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
- Chinese/Mexican: Korean! ;p
- Cake or pie: Cake
- Country to visit: Paris, New York, Korea

- Day or Night: Night
- Dream vehicle: Audi A4.
- Dance in the rain?: Once or maybe twice. ;)
- Do the splits?: Nooo.

- Eggs: Telur dadar. Why all of the sudden rasa lapar? -.-"
- Eyes: Big barbie dolls eyes - green
- Everyone has a: secret
- Ever failed a class?: few times. HAHA

- First crush: HAHA. no answer
- Full name: Diana Naubi
- First thoughts waking up: Time.
- Food: Something i can eat.

- Greatest Fear: Dying
- Giver or taker: Both
- Goals: To be successful dunia akhirat.
- Gum: No idea
- Get along with your parents?: Yes
- Good luck charm: I got none for now

In guys/girls
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Depends
Height: Way taller than me.
Clothing Style: I don't really care about it.

- Hair Colour: Not blonde
- Height: 162
- Happy: Yes! My bf is here! ♥
- How do you want to die?: Peacefully
- Health freak?: No
- Hate: Facebook new version. HAHA

- Ice Cream: I want to try Haagen dazs
- Instrument: I dont know to play any of it

- Jewelery: Tiffany & co - cincin kahwin please!
- Job: Loads of things that need to get done

- Kids: I love em' sometimes.
- Kickboxing or karate: kickboxing!
- Keep a journal?: Yes

- Longest Car Ride: Not sure
- Love: Lee Min Ho
- Letter: D
- Laughed so hard you cried: Yes, few times
- Love at first sight: Like at the first sight. Tehee

- Milk flavour: Full cream
- Movie: Action, scary movie
- Mooned anyone?: No
- Marriage: I need money, nak kawin!
- Motion Sickness?: Sometimes
- McD’s or BK: McD

- Number of Siblings: 3
- Number of Piercings: 1 pair
- Number: 7

- Overused Phrases: Currently Tehee. Heee. Annoying an?
- One wish: Doraemon
- One phobia: Cacingss

- Place you’d like to live: Full House house. AHAHA
- Perfect Pizza: Domino's
- Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi

- Quail: Blur
- Questionaires: Love it

- Reason to cry: Moods
- Reality T.V: ANTM
- Radio Station: Fly

- Song: Depends
- Shoe size: 7.
- Salad Dressing: I dont eat the green things
- Sushi: Nope
- Skipped school: Yes
- Slept outside: Yes
- Seen a dead body?: Yes
- Smoked?: Few times. I'm so bad i know. -.-"
- Skinny dipped? No
- Shower daily? Yes
- Sing well?: Nahhh.
- In the shower? like right now? NO lah!
- Swear?: Sometimes
- Stuffed Animals?: No
- Single/Group dates: Single
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries.
- Scientists need to invent: IDK

- Time for bed: Depends
- Thunderstorms: Ergh, i love sunny day
- TV: not into it anymore
- Touch your tongue to your nose: No way

- Unpredictable: Diana Naubi

- Vegetable you hate: all of it, kangkung is the only exception
- Vegetable you love: Kangkung
- Vacation spot: Beach - Maldives!

- Weakness: Malas. ;p
- When you grow up: I wanna be a hot mummy. ;p ;p
- Which one of your friends acts most like you: IDK
- Who makes you laugh the most: Hakim. HAHA. sengal
- Worst feeling: emotional
- Wanted to be a model?: Nope
- Where do we go when we die?: Heaven
- Worst weather: raining heavily

-X-Rays: Twice

-Year it is now: 2010.
-Yellow: Not my fav

- Zoo animal: Elephant!
- Zodiac sign: Sagitarrius baby

1. Slept in a bed beside you?: Irena
2. Last person to see you cry? Myself in the mirror.
3. Went to the movies with you? Friends - officebabes
4. You went to the mall with? Family
5. You went to dinner with? Family
6. You talked to on the phone? Boyfriend
7. Made you laugh? Matun. Sebab Korean guy thingy. :D

11 December 2010

Cerita Putus Cinta

Its been a while and suddenly something in my mind yang buat I rasa damn, i need to brag about this. Firstly people, did you know about Alvis Kong? If you don't, read this, Oh! Tidak. Dan boleh search dia dekat Facebook juga. Rasanya dia mati terus jadi feymes, feymes gila sampai jadi bahan buat dekat office sebelum pergi sarapan. How cool is that? Mati sebab bunuh diri kerna cinta kejap lagi engkau feymes macam artis seminggu. Sure, orang search kau dekat Google gila-gila kot sekarang.

Cinta-cinta-cinta. Dah berapa ramai orang jadi senteng akal bunuh diri sebab cinta?

Untuk Alvis yang probably i pun tak sure dia dapat baca benda ini atau tak or maybe dia tak faham but yeah nak share jugak! Alvis, kau hensem baru 22 tahun kenapa engkau pandai sangat pergi bunuh diri sebab dia? Aku tau dia memang cantik macam pari-pari korea jepun tapi engkau pun hensem boleh jumpa girlfriend cantik baru. Kenapa pergi bunuh diri? Menyesal tak engkau sekarang? Berjuta orang sure simpati dengan engkau sekarang - simpati engkau terkorban sebab perang hati je. Mungkin berjuta juga akan panggil engkau gila bodoh seteng otak. Mungkin sekarang engkau baru perasan ramai yang sayang engkau sebab mesti diorang tengah meratapi pemergian engkau. Puas hati kau buat orang sedih sebab keputusan senteng kau ni? Nasib engkau bukan Islam, kalau enkau Islam mungkin kesian aku double triple miple. Kesian mak bapak engkau jaga engkau dari kecik engkau buat diorang gitu sebab perempuan yang engkau baru kenal beberapa tahun itu. Dia appreciate engkau macam mak engkau nangis happy time lahirkan engkau ke? Kalau engkau masih hidup sekarang lepas itu aku kenal engkau, memang aku ajar engkau tips move on. Putus cinta bukan the end of the world la bro/ Tapi dah terlambat, kau sure dah selamat bersemadi tersenyum sebab engkau feymes dapat buat orang menangis sebab engkau dapat buat dia meratapi pemergian engkau.

So rakan seperjuangan yang masih hidup dan tengah bercinta atau bakal bercinta atau yang bakal tengah akan berkahwin, mari beringat-ingat bersama, cinta sejati hanya pada tuhan, bagi yang Islam, hanya pada Allah. Jadikan, jangan jadi buta hati sebab benda yang korang panggil cinta dunia. Even orang yang dah kawin pun boleh cerai, contoh Sean dengan Nana sehati berdansa - haih, padahal itu favourite couple i time SB kot. Sobs. So yeah, janganlah down sangat bila kena tinggal sampai nak bunuh diri or buat anything yang boleh affect yourself in the future. TAK WORTH IT PUN. Entah-entah ex kita gelakkan je time kita buat benda yang senteng gitu.You see, love is harsh so don't be too nice with them.

Kena ingat, dia tinggalkan kita bukan sebab tak sayang tapi mungkin kita deserve untuk jumpa orang yang lebih baik. Mungkin bahagia kita bukan sekarang tapi kena tunggu turn kita bahagia. Tak payah risau sangat pasal jodoh sebab Allah cipta manusia ada pasangannya. Jadi tak payah nak give up atau fikir sangat sebab cinta. Lagipun, cinta sebelum nikah macam more to nafsu sendiri. Padahal patut sedar diri jaga batasan lelaki perempuan lelaki perempuan. (-.-")

Ah sudah, dah over time kerja pula duduk kat office ni. So bye people! ♥

R.I.P Alvis Kong.
Kurang satu jejaka hensem macam Korean dekat Malaysia.

"Kadang-kadang, Allah sembunyikan matahari.
Allah turunkan hujan dan kilat.
Kita tertanya tanya, ke mana perginya matahari.
Rupa-rupanya Allah berikan kita pelangi.

07 December 2010

Tahun Baru.

First of all, Assalammualaikum dan selamat menyambut tahun baru Islam. 

Kejap tadi mak tanya saya apakah harapan tahun baru ini. Tersenyap kejap, bila difikir-fikir balik memang kadang-kadang diri naif kalau cakap pasal agama. Ayat kasi selamat diri dari diceramah emak, "Insya-Allah tak sexy lagi, jaga tiang agama biar tak roboh iman dalam dada." lepas ucap benda itu sempat lagi sambung dalam hati, "Tahun ini nak khatam Al-Quran kali ke-3, Insya-Allah."

Kalau korang kenal aku dari matrix lagi, mesti korang perasan memang aku ada masalah dengan tutup aurat. Memang swing gila kalah lalang yang ditiup ribut. Tapi aku sedaya upaya nak tunaikan yang wajib lagi-lagi tiang agama dan nak elak dosa besar. Kau pun tahukan, setan zaman sekarang ni makin advance, sampaikan orang buat dosa sekarang ni pun tak dipandang dosa dekat mata kita. Gitu punya advance setan dan gitu punya lupa diri manusia.

Ah, malu dengan diri sendiri bila taip entry ini. Kalau dihisab sendiri salahdosa sendiri, takut. Kecil je rasa diri sendiri dekat mata Tuhan. Kenapalah aku ni naif sangat. Kenapalah aku ini buta hati sangat?

Kadang-kadang, aku rasa benci, jijik dengan diri sendiri. Bila baca buku Aisyah si Ummul Mukminin, memang rasa macam langit dengan bumi. Mungkin kalau aku betul-betul ikut kesopanan dah keanggunan Aisyah (oh include keimanan) boleh buat orang sekeliling happy. Mak abah adik-adik serta si bakal suami dan bakal anak - semua pun mesti tak pening-pening nak jaga Diana si nakal. Salah satu doa yang tak pernah lupa lepas solat, "Jadikanlah aku wanita solehah seperti Aisyah" - memang aku kagum dengan Aisyah. Kagum.

Aku memang takkan expect banyak tahun ini. Cukuplah khatam Al-Quran dan pelan-pelan kayuh aku nak cuba berubah jadi lebih baik. Semua pun nak terbaik dalam hidup-kan?

p.s: Mungkin aku kena kurang obsess dengan orang putih yang selalu buat aku lalai. Mungkin. Enough with, what if like a G6 catch a grenade stop telephoning me oh na na whats my name?

p.p.s: Dan, lagu Opick - Rapuh mungkin untuk hubungan aku dengan Tuhan, sebab selalu lalai.

06 December 2010


So jyeah people, I am currently at KL. But nope, not going to promise to meet anybody, yet. Will be here till Tuesday. And anywayss, this is the best Monday that I've ever had. No Monday blues huahua.

Yesterday it is my first time tengok tournament Dota, usually cuma akan dengar Hakim spent his whole day tengok orang main dota. But trust me, nothing special pun about dota - i am still wondering kenapa the crowd sanggu diri an hour sebab nak tengok the heroes killing each other. And jerit excited macam goal each time ada hero lain mati. Maybe bukan dunia saya. Maybe. And so semalam terpaksa redah jam pergi Lowyat Plaza semata-mata nak cari Razer Orca. Demmit and people, i am so in love with it too!

Gamer sure kenal the Razer brand - Razer.

Seriously macam ada wishlist baru, Razer Megalodon. Sure I akan buat macam Mike Tompkin khas untuk korang. Version perempuan la kan. Sanggup hadap laptop tiap hari sebabb dah jatuh cinta dengan Megalodon. Kalau kat office biaq pi everything or anything yang  jadi kat office sebab dah cucuk Megalodon dalam jiwa. Guna Orca pun dah cukup masyuk. Dum-dum-dum-dam-dum-dam. Haha. Untuk mice would go for Razer Mamba. Damn damn. Comfortable gila bila letak jari you know. Enough, but please lah nak Megalodon. :(

Hakim is going for an interview this afternoon. So please-please pray for him people!

Bye for now.

04 December 2010

Family time

Aite now I had a great time with siblings talking stuffs. The last time we spent time together is like before Nasir furthers his study to Segamat. Currently we talk about our last trip to Singapore. The bbq was great - I ate a lot of chickenS. My tummy is very happy and yeah I am currently buncit! Blergh.

Btw, at last I got BR birthday cake for my birthday. Have been craving for it since last month. And Nasir are so happy with the dry ice thingy. Irena are happy with the ice cream and me are so happy to be with them. Yes, I actually have friends to talk with after few months without them. :)

Going to KL tomorrow. Meet boyfie Insya-Allah, and going to celebrate our belated birthday together. Accompany him for his interview and find razor orca! But most of it, I'm going to spend time with him after we had a rough few weeks before this.

Ok people, need to clean up the mess aite now. Later alligator! Goodbye!

P.S: I want that heels I saw yesterday. But tak ada size dah! Cantik sangat maybe. Sobs. ;(
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

03 December 2010

So today

Firework - Katy Perry

Victoria Secret Fashion Show

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

After a hurricane comes a rainbow. Am I in my rainbow stage at the current moment? 
The hurricane week was sucks. Plus with the additional PMS and things that i need to get done and not to forget superlious sulking boyfriend. November is playing rough with me. How i hate November 2010, everything is messed up. You see, i usually blog when i have the time or when the mood to blog is there to put me stick in front of the PC dealing with keyboard thinking what should i share and things that should be kept secret. But most of it, i don't have anything to be kept - darn people i am no one, not the Paris Hilton do drugs or Linday Lohan the problem teenager. Atau mungkin kalau dekat Malaysia sibuk orang tanya, "Apa cerita Erma dengan Nabil?"

Btw, December is playing nice thou. Got tonnes of birthday wishes from darling friends. And i've got back my Mickey. Probably will have a great weekend, maybe. And people, i got the feeling to chop my hair or maybe do something with it. Please-please-please give me some ideas on how not to chop it off. I mean, i love my current hair - but sometimes tak tipu bosan sebab it is too boring. Not going to do perm, but how en at least nak dia wavy? Like Alessandra Ambrosio gitu and yeah, i already watched Victoria Secret Fashion Show 2010-2011 people. And tengah drooling sekarang. Kagums.

I've got nothing in my mind. But seriously i can't stand the noise pollution from the next door shop lot. It killing my moods and i can feel it knocking my head too. Thump-thump-thump. And it still thumping like a ticking clock - non stop. Pfffft. 6 more minutes to 5pm, so goodbye people till the next boring entry. HAHA.

p.s: Dilla's engagement day tomorrow. ♥ am so happy for her. (:

p.p.s: Most of my colleagues is not working on Saturday and my god I need to work alone. Boleh tak nak nyanyi lagu Rihanna the only girl tu? Ciss. Siot! 

02 December 2010


We fight not because we hate each other but because there is something wrong and we have to make it right.

Hey Mickey, hey Mickey, hey Mickey!
Enough please? 
te echo de menos amor

Wedding Plan Tag by Cik Eeqa

23 years old

Taken. :)

28 maybe. Maybe. Maybe.

It depends. Who am i with now? Bruno Mars? Justin Bieber? Jason Derulo?

I got none in my mind aite now.

Of course my ABG darlings. Especially Yatie! ♥ Bestman, let the hubby choose.

Traditional of course. But I want to have photobook for the wedding! Grand punya uolss!

If berangan, it would be Venice naik gondola sama. But macam happy if spend a week together working on our new house kan. JIMAT!

Its mom's decision. But of course schoolmates, u-mates and friends semua di invite. :)

Of course! I mean, we're still friend don't we mr ex-es? HAHA

Havent think of that yet. But not the type of rocket cake time astronaut Malaysia kawin tu.

Nikah morning. Sanding malam. HAHA. Tengah hari petang macam panas je. -.-"

You can take my heart - Soko

Fine dining.


Days after the wedding. Nak settle down dengan family dulu.

Money. I mean, kalau boleh i want to choose sendiri la kan household things.


Yes. Make everything into video. Kecuali the censored time la kan. HAHA

Yatie darling!

01 December 2010

Hello December.

*I should have posted this yesterday but yeah, saved it in draft sebab too busy with things. So please assume i posted this yesterday please. ;p

I love December the most. Sebab usually time sekolah or maybe belajar, December je mesti cuti. Which akan duduk terperak kat rumah macam jeruk bangun lambat bergigih untuk gemuk. Atau mungkin tengok drama marathon. Sungguh gembira waktu bercuti. Rindu. December this year id wayy different which tak ada dah cuti but probably i spend the day dengan kerja. Thank god malam ni the office-babes ajak tengok movie. Ngangkung babeh! Even baru tengok trailer kejap tadi, tapi being with friends macam more important than the movie kot. So yeah, going out tonight! ♥

And people, it is my birthday!
Yeah, i am a December baby and Sagitarrius babe y'all.

Sagittarius (the archer) is optimistic and full of life. You are adventurous, energised and an extrovert. You continue to have a positive outlook even when your ideas are put down. You are always on the side of the underdog. You have good judgment and enjoy starting projects. You have a nagging need to feel free, which can get you into trouble. You also tend to be impatient.

You are on good terms with members of the opposite sex and enjoy a friendly relationship with them. As an extrovert and a sensible person, your personal relations should give you happiness and satisfaction. Due to undue sentimental attachments you tend to get into trouble. You should look for reciprocation in inter-relationships. Go slow when not sure. This phase can be full of joy or agony according to the way you act. As far as the opposite sex is concerned, though you have a good rapport with them it will be wise to be discreet. The opposite sex fascinates you and you maintain good relations with them without getting into frivolous acts.

I tak hope banyak sangat as makin tua gini, but people, I just want to live my life like as i wanted to be. And I kalau boleh takkan gain haters or  takkan tambah enemy. Nak life yang macam happy - no drama. I am no longer a drama queen people. Besides that, kalau boleh i nak travel satu dunia before kawin - which now i memang seriously nak learn untuk hidup tak depend sangat dekat orang. Akay, tak adalah travel satu dunia, but at least nak travel la mana-mana tengok life orang lain dan bukan pergi melancong tempat gembira saja. And please, nak pegi sorang or dengan kawan perempuan. Bukan honeymoon before kawin. HAHA.

Kenapa orang selalu enjoy birthday padahal sepatutnya macam rasa sebal sebab semakin tua semakin menuju kepada kekerepotan dan kewrinklan. Dan obviously semakin besar tanggungjawab dan semakin stress dan semakin unhappy. Kalau happy pun sebab kahwin atau mungkin pergi vacation mana-mana. Tapi tak apa still Alhamdulillah sebab masih ada peluang untuk hidup sampai 23 tahun la kan. Tak adalah mati kecil-kecil tak sempat tengok dunia. :)

So bye!

p.s: Nak beli hadiah untuk diri sendiri, tapi tak terbeli lagi. Belated birthday present la nampaknya.

p.p.s: Nak sikit hint kalau ada sugardaddy nak belikan i present. ;-p

Superlicious pink darling baby. Not too big and too expensive.  

But must must must be pink darling. Luaq dalam baru chara. Jantan lain nak pinjam kereta pun malu nak bawa sebab too pink.

And yeah, HOT PINK wokey!

29 November 2010

My November.

The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all ur mistakes and weaknesses and still thinks u're completely amazing.

Sila berjemu tengok si perasan cantik tayang gambar yang dia rasa dia cantik besar-besar dekat belog. 

Seriously last time update blog awal bulan, now gila dah akhir bulan baru datang mood untuk blog. Padahal macam-macam benda aje nak share tapi sangat amat penat tak larat nak update so called online diary ni. Life sangat hectic, even final exam week kat UTM pun tak harsh gini. At least kalau kat UTM boring tension penat bosan boleh hang out dengan kawan suka suki keluar beronggeng joget dangdut. But since dah berkerja dan berhidup bersama keluarga, say HELLO to curfew dan operasi perap diri dalam rumah sebab kurang sanggup dengar parent membebel marah sebab anak dara dia rajin gila merayap. Fine, mungkin sebab disayangi ibu bapa sampai diorang tak nak anak dara dia lemau berembun main kat luar malam-malam.

Kadang-kadang ada sampai angin, rasa macam nak lari dari rumah pegi cari rumah sewa belajar hidup berdikari. Hehs. Berdikari la sangat, macam lebih nak hang out je macam zaman muda-mudi dulu. Teruk-teruk!

So, setelah lama memendam hobi cam-whore dan photogedik, akhirnya Carl Samsudin lelaki hero kegemaran since beberapa tahun lepas terajak or i ajak dia amik photo-gedik i. And dengan menggunakan pakaian yang seringkali tidak dipakai ke mall, i berjalan tunduk tersipu malu dekat Istana Garden. Sungguh rasa macam orang kurang betul bila semua yang lain kat sana jogging, i pegi pakai skirt labuh segala. (-.-") But then FUN gila okey kerja dengan Carl (sebab nama belog u carl i pun gedik nak panggil u carl) Dia macam sangat sempoi and sangat cool and sangat obsess dengan muka orang. Jadi semua gambar pun nampak muka i yang lebar ni tapi badan se-kin-ni (sebutan adalah skinny)

Mungkin juga bagus amik tema Indian, sebab sedar diri muka semakin gelap sekian hari. Bukan muka sahaja, kaler badan pun dah pale. Sedih. Tapi tak macho-lah kalau engineer tak gelapkan. Tak macho. Tak macho. Eh macho ke? Fine i tak peduli pasal cantik. 

#nowplaying  Senyum - Malique ft Najwa part cantik luar cantik dalam cantik dengar sini
Jangan lupa senyum. Tips awet muda untuk avoid kedut bahagian pipi. 

Enough pasal photoshoot. Then macam dah berminggu tak update blog, dengan so called kekasih pun macam tengah berpusing dekat bawah. Atau kalau orang lain cakap berpusing macam roda, ada kemungkinan roda tu tengah pancit sekarang, PANCIT. I won't explain more about this, hal dalam kelambu tanak la kecah satu dunia. Cuma kalau orang tanya apa current relationship status, mungkin kena fikir panjang. Dia panggil saya single tapi saya sure saya tak available tapi tetap saya kena enjoy every second berhidupkan. So kita ikut flow, macam ikan ikut arus sungai tak ada makna nak berpenat lawan arus masa air deras.

Mungkin sebab takut tershare cerita dalam kelambu pasal tu tak update blog? Ada kemungkinan.

Kerja sangatlah amat bercampur baur. Kejap rasa happy kejap lagi stress nanti gembira sebab nak gaji then tension sebab duit gaji ghaib macam tu je kejap lagi kene marah sampai nangis then boleh gelak-gelak sebab kekadang terjadi sengal alam. Kerja ni macam in relationship juga la kan. Komitmen. Suka tak suka kena hadap juga demi masa depan. Sungguh gedik. Tapi serious, kalau kerja ini orang memang awal-awal lagi i tak hingin letak dia dalam list calon pun. Stress, penat nak layan. 

Oh, terupdate blog time office hour. Sambil dengar lagu. Mungkin nak tuka hobi jadi DJ radio lepas ni, sambil putar-putar lagu buat remix macam The Time BEP. Atau mungkin auwing tiap kali dengar lagu Bruno Mars. 

Bye people! 

Jangan lupa makan pisang goreng dengan air teh nanti. Cekodok pun okay jugak. ;p

p.s: Eh esok dah last day November? Happy!

07 November 2010

25 Randoms Things, Fact, Habits, Goal

Got tagged by Miss Ellisa, so hey let getting started babehh! ♥

First, need to write a note with 25 random things, fact, habits, goal about me.

1. I think I am a happy go lucky person. The one yang always pun nak happy. Pegi site pun nak buat muka bercahaya macam masuk Universal Studio. HAHA

2. I am addicted to BB. Ohh yeah, 24/7 pun nak BBM, tweet or do something with the damn phone. So macam sometimes tak cakap dengan orang because of phone. Not cool.

3. Love to make friends even sometimes orang pun rasa aneh pelik sebab tiba-tiba je berbaik dengan orang kan. Padadal bukan baik pun. (-.-")

4. I love fashion tapi I bukan someone yang berani untuk try jadi aneh gila. Huhu. I wish I am a freak monster like Gaga. But no, I masih tahu malu. ;-p

5. Used to be obsessed with Lady Gaga. But now memang dah start menyampah but still suka her music. Freemason huh?

6. Fact; I have a rabbit teeth but dulu i used to be segan gila but now I dah boleh terima diri sendiri. HAHA. You can call me chibbit people. ;-p

7. Fact; actually I ingin sangat pakai pendakap gigi/braces but abah tak kasi so I dah start untuk redha. But I'll make sure anak i semua tak hisap botol till 7 years old. HAHA.

8. I'm doing this thing in my office. Even I need to check the memo thingy but I put it aside for a while demi blog. :D

9. I love to sleep. Sleep is my passion. I can spend hours for sleep. :D

10. Fact; I can't stand waiting too long. Easily lost my temper kalau disuruh tunggu lama-lama.

11. I am a perasan good driver. But in fact sometime i suka drive dangerously. HAHA

12. And I easily lost my temper time drive. Selalu je termaki dari mengucap kalimah Allah. Not good.

13. Teringin nak permanent pakai tudung but why still takde courage betul-betul lagi. Another not good thing.

14. Used to be a horse rider, tapi dah pencen which I pun dah tak hingin naik lagi. ;-p

15. Currently rindu perasaan nak nangis sampai sneak peak cerita My Girl diam-diam sambil nangis dalam hati. Haha. Sila gelak!

16. I think i still hate my ex and who is related to him. Bwahahaha. My heart is full of vengeance.

17. Ehem. I still in love with Tyson Ritter, Theo Walcott, Justin Timberlake, Lee Min Ho, and who ever yang I pernah puji I jatuh cinta with.

18. I want to have new housing for Bubole for my birthday boleh? Huhu. Please anyone, belanja i. :(

19. Currently, I am broke now. Even I macam baru lepas gaji few days ago. Guilty dengan diri sendiri.

20. Goal, nak kawin dapat anak berhenti kerja jadi ibu yang hot. HAHA

21. Fact; I am a Gunner. Arsenal fan okey. And I anti Man U.

22. Kalau cakap I suka perempuan you girls takut tak? But seriously I memang suka perempuan. At least girl friends takkan rogol I and someone yang I boleh trust.

23. Goal, I need to be patient and strong and do whatever i can to stay put at my current company. Huhu.

24. I am so in love with Bruno Mars. Most of his song can make me happy - in heart. Listening to Talking to the moon and missing boyfriend. :(

25. I blog for fun. And I dont ask people to follow me, i dont expect any readers. So yeah, for fun. :D

Need to tag another 25 person including the one who tagged you.

I am not good at tagging other people. Obviously I'll tag miss ellisa. Another 24 person would be; Nelly, Mastura, Eim, Azizul Afandi, Aryanti, Wanie, Nany, Carl, ahhhh. cant think of anyone else. Maybe too ngantuk kot. So do it if you would like to share 25 facts about you. And leave your link here.

Hugs and kisses! Till tomorrow darlings!

03 November 2010

Hari minggu saya

Hari ini hari meroyan sebab tak pasal-pasal Aunt Flow bawa sekali hadiah sakit sewaktu keberadaannya didalam badan saya. Cukup setan. Tapi tak apa, mak cakap hadiah itu macam practice untuk proses beranak bila dah cukup dewasa nanti. Wow, macam tak cukup dewasa lagi je kan. Padahal boleh saja nikah esok kalau cukup duit. The fact, masih tak cukup duit.

Minggu lepas, kawan baik bff waktu UTM datang JB. Melompat kegirangan I, u know. So weekend lepas i memang entertain kawan i dengan kaw-kaw punya. Tapi kejap gila la diorang kat sini. Dah terindu semula. ;'( Siap tambah rindu dekat si abang sekali sebab abang dia pun sama comel and meriah macam adik dia si Yatyat darling i. Sabtu Yana dengan Yat kerja half day, jadi you see, memang masa kena potong lama betul. CISS. Nasib Melaka 2 hours drive je. Time sampai terus pergi JJ Tebrau sebab nak tengok barang Roxy Quicksilver sebab member dapat 50% off. Ya Allah, rambang mata, nasib belum gaji lagi. Kalau tak sure dah borong. Which sepatutnya i cakap Alhamdulillah saving sikit gaji i. Huhu. But i dapat beli purse pegi site baru. Siap ada langsir abang Yat cakap. :D

Cukup pusing-pusing JJ Tebrau sebab first time abang Yat first time datang kite orang head terus pergi Rawa steamboat. Heh. Dah berbakul cerita kat Yat time belajar pasal Rawa, baru dapat pegi lepas sebulan grad. Gila lama. Sebab makan dengan Yat kami bermakan, berbakar, bercerita sampai 3 jam dekat Rawa, cuma 3 orang. Sungguh kagum dengan diri sendiri sebab kami 3 kurus tapi duduk makan 3 jam. Sungguh kagum lagi. Udang 3 pinggan you know. Puas makan, perut happy, hati happy semua sebab diorang.

Lepas Rawa, kami head pergi Danga Bay. Suddenly je tiba-tiba I ajak main basikal. So kiteorang amik family bicycle yang ade payung tiga orang, main 45 minit. Orang lain malam minggu pergi merempit motor bawak kereta laju, preng preng vroom vroom. Yang kita bertiga kayuh basikal sampai Festive Street Mall, redah semua motor, kereta hot dengan guna basikal ala beca. Ya Allah, berderai gila ketawa, tade makna nak sopan control ayu. Udang-udang dalam perut semua dah pergi hilang mana. Sungguh gembira. Lewat malam baru balik.

Dah kat rumah, tak end situ. Main jengga gelak-gelak pukul 5 baru hegeh nak tidur. Lepas itu siap plan pukul 8 nak keluar swimming. Hamekk, pukul 12 baru terbangun tengok Melodi. Pukul 1 baru siap-siap nak pergi berenang kat pool. Memang stock minta kulit terbakar la kan. Memang saja cari pasal. Lepas gembira swim, masuk sauna sambung cerita pasal jiran sebelah rumah Yat dekat Melaka. Gelak lupa diri. Pukul 4 lebih, hegeh nak balik UTM demi merealisasikan harapan dan impian Yat makan cucur udang dan ayam penyek. Operasi makan petang depan tasik pun bermula. Then baru tapau ayam penyet untuk Yat.

Dan begitulah pengembaraan bersama Yat dan abangnya Didi. Saya sungguh terharu dan gembira dan bagai mahu ada next time. December okey babe, Singapore end year sale! ♥

Aktiviti malam ada keluar karaoke bersama Arniza adik baru dan adiknya. Karoke sampai pukul 12 pagi. Sungguh bertenaga waktu hujung minggu tapi kurang tenaga waktu minggu biasa. Aneh betul. Dan sampai lupa buat BF challenge. So dah tau kan kenapa. ;-p

Baru kejap tadi jumpa lagu ini terus jatuh cinta dekat Katy Perry. Lagu pemberi semangan untuk I yang lesbian serta suka moral down tak pasal-pasal. Firework. :D


01 November 2010

Day 9 & Day 10 - BF challenge

My BFF are here for the weekend so I havent got the time yesterday to do Day 9 challenge. Ganti today. And suprisingly, I macam nak buat video but the quality tak okay as I tak tau nak buat macam mana with the lighting semua. So yeah, bagus juga you guys/babes tak boleh tengok I betul-betulkan. And suara mak garau you know bila masuk dalam PC. Sah tak boleh jadi penyanyi. HAHA.

Day 9 - Give your definition of love.

Still nak write jugak boleh?

Day 10 Write a letter to your boyfriend.

Dear boyfriend,

I miss you but I hate you. I hate you because you spent too much time with sleeping or dotaing or do nothing each and everyday. Hehs. Take care buncit! I don't love you like I love you yesterday. It might be either love you more or maybe everyday I love you less and less. Harhar.


Lepas tu boleh tak rasa macam menyampah tengok diri sendiri kat video. Tengok boleh, nak mengumpat sendiri-sendiri sudah. And yeah, I am done with the challenge. Sumpah malas nak buat challenge lagi. Macam too obsess pulak dengan BF sebab bf challenge tiap-tiap hari pasal boyfriend. Muaks. ;p


29 October 2010

What do you guys do often?

Dinner around Taman U or UTM always reminds me of him. We always had our dinner together. Besides of that he is my movie partner and my karaoke partner. Heeee. He's the best. But he is not a good companion for shopping. Which he easily gets tired/bored when we're our for shopping.

28 October 2010

Day 7 - BF challenge

What was the last movie you last saw together?

It was The Child 3D. We wasnt really plan to watch movie as we don't have any idea what movie was in theater at that moment. And suddenly he starts complaining that he never watch any 3D movie. So suddenly he head out to Ulu Tiram and hello The Child. I rabun, so kena pakai 3D punya cermin mata memang tak nampak subtitle as ini cerita Hong Kong. So I keep bebel-bebel tak nampak sampai for the first time Hakim tak segan bangun untuk pindah tempat depan gila so I boleh nampak. Yes, sometimes Hakim unexpectedly romantic memahami or maybe sebab dia penat dengar I cakap, "Ape cine ni cakap wehh?" HAHA. At least we had fun and we learn something new, tengok 3D movie kena amik sit tengah, kalau duduk belakang TAK puas.

p.s: Sebab challenge sanggup gila on laptop mengamuk dengan Screamyx. Bongok gila tade connection tadi. Pffft.

Hari meroyan jiwa raga

Siang siang lagi rasa macam dah malang sikit. Time nak on PC suddenly semua gelap gempita dan system32 dikatakan corrupted. Alaaaaa! Macam nak menjerit bagai tapi consider diri dekat office and ini pc office jadi macam boleh tahan sabar. Kalau laptop buat perangai gini memang dah mengamuk jadi hulk version pink. So yeah okay, mesti hari ini hari tak produktif sebab tak ada pc, I meroyan tak boleh nak online. Kalau nak harap Bubole si kecil ini, tak puas! :(

Esok pagi meeting. Macam tiap-tiap minggu je pun meeting, tapi tiap kali meeting I tetap rasa otak I kosong pegi tulis apa yang semua orang cakap. Sila take note, semua orang. Heh, patut jadi secretary I ni. Tapi tanaklah berboskan bos yang garang dan selfish dan kaki perempuan dan gatal dan dan dan, mestilah nak yang best aja. Paling koman pun boss mesti baik sokmo belanja makan, sambil tu wife dia yang datin pun baik hati, kasi beg LV lama-lama dia kat I bila dia beli beg baru. Fuhh. Memang bahagia betul kerja gitu.

But hey, I bukan secretary, I cuma seorang jurutera tak sampai sebulan umur. Kira kalau parent paksa jalan makan sendiri memang I merengek nangis. Haha. So I pun tak expect pape dekat diri sendiri. (_ _") <- muka putus asa nak berhidup, belajar malas, kerja tak tau, tapi kena sara hidup sendiri. Kenapa dah 22 tahun 11 bulan beberapa hari I dah hidup? Kalau baru bulan-bulan mesti sedap je masih tidur dalam pelukan hangat ibu menyusu bergigih jadi baby montel. Tak adalah kurus begini bagaikan kurang nutrisi padahal makan cukup 4 kali sehari.

Padahal nak mengadu pc office rosak meroyan, dah berjela entry. Huhu. Aah, dalam diam-diam I berharap laptop hakim rosak, biar meroyan dia tak main dota sehari, lagi bagus sebulan. I memang menyampah betul dengan dota luar dalam. Heh.

Lagi, macam tak boleh buat je challenge hari ni. Ganti esok boleh? Dan lagi, boringkan blog kalau tiap-tiap hari pun cerita pasal boyfriend, kau ingat blog couple apa, bukan kau suka obsess dengan diri sendiri ke cik Diana? Hehs.

Bai pembaca beberapa ketuls. ILY. Esok junksale dekat City Plaza, yuks? :)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

27 October 2010

Day 6 - BF Challenge

What did you two do the last time you hung out?

We're out for a date. Karaoke and had dinner together. We both are so into karaoke! And we love to play kid pretending we're on stage, jumping and dancing. HAHA. Try imagine us in My First Kiss song. Funney! I wish I had someone to capture that moment. Ok enough, as we're not going to go out for a date for quite some time after this, usah dikenang kenangan manis. Heeee.

26 October 2010

Day 5- BF challenge

Make a list of the things you like about your boyfriend.

Caring, childish, talkative, someone i can trust, loyal, sweet, shy, good listener, patient, sometimes he can be romantic, someone i can depend on, happy go lucky. Ect ect ect. I like him because of him.

25 October 2010

Day 4 - BF Challenge

5 facts about your boyfriend

#1  I hate the fact that he spend most of his day time by sleeping and awake during the night like an owl. So to Hakim's next girlfriend, you need to be patient if he ignored your call during the day. It is hopeless to wake him up. Pfffft,

#2  He is patient. I had a terrible mood swing and sometimes I just mumble/complaining/cursing at him while I had a terrible day. He just listen to me without any word. Or maybe he pretend to listen to me while playing dota. But at least yeah he lend me his ear by listen to me.

#3  He is not a guy into car or driving. Basically we always had a problem when it comes to drive. We hates driving so much until sometimes we just don't go anywhere because we're too lazy to drive. So Hakim is not a gentleman type guy who drive when we're out for a date. Em-em'

#4  Name it, Hakim is so into sport even he seems like a weak-I-don't-have-strength type guy. HAHA. He watch football more than webcam-ing me and same goes to badminton, F1, Motor GP ect ect. Twice in a week he will be out either playing futsal or maybe badminton or whatever it is, i just don't give a damn on it. Guys, they just loves hanging out than staying at home don't they?

#5  He is different when he is with me. Totally different. I don't date a cold hearted, aloof, boring guy - that is just a damn mask he wore in front of the others. He is the one who talks much, childish, and he is the one that I comfortable to hang out with.

But then again, I do hate him as much as I do love him. Or maybe I hate him more than I do love him. He is the pain in my ass, he is a damn boyfriend, but still, he is one of my option. I won't let myself totally fall for someone. :-)

Monday Craps

I don't need you to be me. My life would be just my family, me, me, me, me, me and me. So I don't care about you or your opinion or whatever you might think because it is just me. And why did you care if I am the freaking b*tch? It is me and I am the only one who knows what am I doing or why am I acted like this. Heh, self obsession in the middle of the night. (-.-")

And why on earth I am still awake as tomorrow is Monday and probably it will be a blue Monday and it is a mooday for me . At least I should get enough sleep tonight so I can be wise tomorrow. Eh, did I ever act wise? Oh, you don't need to tell because I don't really give a sh*t to it.

Oh, I don't think I am a b*tch yet because I am not the freaking prostitute and I always follow the curfew that my parent have made and I am still aware of limits of a Muslim girlwoman. But yeah, I don't wear hijab yet, not good, not good. But girls who don't wear hijab is not a b*tch don't they? Now I feel bad.

Akayy, i started to be emotional because I am sleepy and I can't accept the fact that tomorrow is Monday and I need to wake up early, drive through the heavy jam, do things to earn money and need to stay awake till 9p.m at least. Haih. I wish I am a new born baby. (-.-")

I better get my ass off to bed. Night earthlings if you're still awake and get yourself read this stup*d entry. And enjoy your Monday/Mooday or what every you want to call it for those who read this emm  during the day. Harhar.

p.s: I've watch 3 episodes of True Blood, so much of naked warewolf, 2 or 3 censored parts, and lots of killing scene like killing is not a crime. Whatever it is, vampire, warewolf, shifter - they don't really exist. So why do I waste my time watching it? Oh, yes, the hot guy I remember. I love watching hot guy acted like a vampire. But excuse me, I don't adore Edward-Twilight because he is too skinny, I need muscles here and there. ;-p

p.p.s: I totally need to sleep now. For real BYE!

24 October 2010

Day 3 - Boyfriend challenge

Favorite picture of you and your boyfriend

Ehem, favourite picture? Oh well, he is not photogenic but well, I had one in mind.

We're at Delicious at that moment, and suddenly Mzyyh snap our picture so tada both of us posing like a sweet couple but we're not. Hehs. And we won't. I love the bright shirt colour. Oh yeah, he didnt touch me hokey at that time, no dia tak pegang belakang i sebab kami memang tak romantik. But eyy, why lah i love the peace pose, buat i rasa childish. (-.-")

Ehem, there are story behind the shirt he wore. ROTFL. He need to learn more about shopping after this. Sambung giggle. Night earthling! I though tak sempat nak buat day 3 challenge due to the screamyx, but then okey pula. So yeah. Done with day 3!

p.s: I've watched Life As We Know It yesterday! Wait for the review okey. ♥

23 October 2010

Day 2 - BF challenge

Favorite picture of your boyfriend

Heh. He is not the guy who love the camera. So I rarely satisfied with his photo. But then among all of his photo or our, i might say i would love this one. ♥

This photo was taken when he was on vacation. So called top of Europe. So he wrote my name on the snow. I might say it is a romantic act as emmm i'm not going to think of him kot when i was on vacation with family. Kot. So i felt touched bila suddenly he showed me this picture. But I didn't make it as my wallpaper la kan.

TYSM, frienemy.

22 October 2010

Day 1 - BF challenge

Where did you meet your boyfriend?

First time i met him is during the end of 1st year during my studies. He is Aryanti's friend. I just give a glimpse to him and continue eating or maybe texting my current BF at that moment. But i can't deny that he caught my attention la kot that moment. So our first meet will be at keropok lekor Pulai la kot. ;-p

Only when i was in 3rd year baru we start knowing each other. And another unplanned meeting is at Bibik's ayam penyet. Which all of the sudden he pop-ed up and join our table and eat with us. And yeah, i don't talk much at that moment. Third time meeting baru macam planned punya thing, i asked him to join me and my friends do bowling. And yes, as usual i kalah. (-.-")

We usually date around utm, i guess. We watch football together at P19, eat ice cream at Azah or maybe Kolej 12. We watch movie at U-Mall because it is near and cheap. Where else? Hurm, i think i miss UTM and him and friends. ;(

FYI, now we rarely date. Or we just do the skype-ing thingy with the webcam. We talk for hours and play games and brag about anything.

21 October 2010

10 Days Boyfriend Challenge

I found this on Tumblr. And I'm about to do it. Hopefully mr so called boyfriend didn't read this. Yes, I dont know what to blog about and I am scared I complaint too much so lets do something more fun! And yes, lets do this too girls! ♥

01. Where did you meet your boyfriend?

02. Favorite picture of your boyfriend

03. Favorite picture of you and your boyfriend

04. 5 facts about your boyfriend

05. Make a list of the things you like about your boyfriend.

06. What did you two do the last time you hung out?

07. What was the last movie you last saw together?

08. What do you guys do often?

09. Give your definition of love.

10. Write a letter to your boyfriend.

p.s: Can I start doing this tomorrow? ;-p

18 October 2010


Ini first attempt i untuk masuk contest. Sebab baru konvo pun nak berlagak masuk contest pic convo. Heh heh. I terjumpa contest ini dari my friend Qila Azman, so macam nak cuba nasib juga hantar gambar masuk pertandingan.Wish me luck! ♥

Click banner kat bawah ini untuk tengok contest ini. Kalau berkenan silalah masuk rakan taulan. :)

So ini adalah gambar beruntung pilihan hati. Even ini pun secara candid bila tiba-tiba dengar orang jerit kuat-kuat, "Diana!!", bila toleh nampak camera so ajak kawan yang kenal dari minggu orentasi tengok camera sambil buat muka gembira. Yes, kami graduan UTM yang periang, penggembira serta meriah.

So, so, so kena tag orang. Makin ramai di tag posibility menang makin besau orang cakap. Tapi kawan saya yang blogging boleh kira pakai jari. So rakan-rakan baru grad, lets masuk contest ini. Sure korang pun ada gambar kegemaran time konvo and sure lagi grand dari i punya you. 

 Aryanti Rashid ; Maria Elena ; Epa ; Eim ; Mastura ; Najib ; Nany ; Wanie 

Disamping itu juga, ingin diucapkan kepada rakan-rakan kelas dan fakulti dan seuniversiti yang mengenali saya, serious dohh, belajar 5 juta kali ganda lagi best dari kerja. Pegi mam la dengan gaji dapat every month, tapi tuhan je tahu stress dalam jiwa tambah rindu kat korang lagi. Kalau boleh turn back time, memang i takkan complain assignment beriban, final dah dekat. Sekurang-kurangnya ada kawan yang akan back up. Bila kerja tak ada kawan macam korang. Gila rindu.

Hoish. I lupa ini entry masuk pertandingan. (-.-")