Hello, I think I can breathe now. Done with synopsis, just a little bit edit for presentation slide, revisions - let put it aside for a while. I just need time to stop think educationally, I mean lets be a dummy or miss bimbo for a while - not serious type of person. I am fatigue right now, few days of sleepless night. No wonder when I read Nadiah Amalina & Fateen Nadiah blog last year, they seems like too stress with everything. I can’t deny that, TOO STRESS. ;-(
Sometimes, I am bored with my own blog because I always complain about my things and being too emotional because too stress. But yeah, I don’t really have a life since the last few weeks. Jealous of Carl because he always got the time to join cool event with JOHO, eve I am truly Johorian, I only join their activity once. Bahahaha!
So last few weeks, I got an award from Miss Uthe. Lets start from that award first. :)
Award from Miss Uthe – Beautiful Blogger Award.
1st Thank the person who gives you the award and link her
2nd Pass this award to 15 bloggers that you recently discovered and think they are bombastic
3rd Hello them and tell them that they received the award
4th State 7 things about yourself
Thanks Miss Uthe for the award. Even I know I am not ‘that’ beautiful blogger. But think positively, everyone is beautiful uols!
Need to choose another 15 bloggers, this is tough!
Dya // Ifar // Yatie // Irena // Nada Liyana // Fateen Dayana // Maria // Aryana // Farra // Mastura // Dill // Nelly // Najah // Qila // Aryanti
So babes, you’re beautiful in my eyes! ♥
Will do after this. Maybe.
The 7 things about me.
#1 I am tall. Sometimes, I wish I am at least few inches shorter but not too short.
#2 Skinny is my another something I don’t really like about myself. My weight is only 43.5kg.
#3 I have a straight hair. Even I tried Hanis Zalikha tips on how to have a wavy curls hair, its end up with a disaster!
#4 I have an eyebags now. Something I don’t really like, susah nak make up macam Gaga nanti.
#5 I love heels. Like so damn much.
#6 I am lazy and sleep is my hobby. Sometimes I wish I am the 2010 versions of Sleeping Beauty. Haha.
#7 Aloof. I rarely talk to someone I don’t really know. And I don’t do the bitch-type-of-gossiping.
So, this is the award. Thanks again Miss Uthe!

Tag dari Miss Uthe.
1. Siapakah anda di rumah?
Kakak sulung yang kurang matang. Anak yang paling suka membazir dan suka minta wang saku lebih – kadang-kadang malu dengan sikap sendiri.
2. Siapakah diri anda disamping rakan?
Tanya mereka. Tapi mungkin saya sombong sekarang. Haha.
3. 5 benda yang anda idamkan tapi belum tercapai?
• Kamera DSLR, Canon EOS D500
• Rambut berparas lepas tali bra serta lebat
• Untuk pergi konsert Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber ect
• Blackberry – tapi kalau kena pilih EOS & BB, I pilih EOS!
• Kereta persendirian untuk adik.
4. Siapakah nama pasangan anda?
Hakim Kamal a.k.a Little Monster
5. Ceritakan 5 perkara yang anda paling suka tentang pasangan anda.
- Senang pergi – (easy going)
- Pendengar terbaik dikala mulut kena berceloteh macam kereta api dalam mood marah dan tension
- Penyabar terbaik tatkala hormone saya tengah berterabur
- Pembaris. TET!
- Pengikut serta salinan kucing (copycat) perangai Diana yang Berjaya. Anak murid yang baik!
6. Bila tarikh anda couple?
15th May
7. Apakah kenangan pahit anda bersama pasangan anda?
Bila dia main Dota berterusan 4 jam tanpa mempedulikan bunyi handphone. Macam nak pergi kolej dia dan bakar laptop.
8. Lagu tema cinta anda?
Soko – You can take my heart
9. Apa perubahan yang ingin anda lihat dari pasangan anda?
Berhidup secara manusia. Bangun pagi dan tidur pada waktu malam. Normal.
10. Tag rakan anda yang lain.
Haha. Ok, tag diri sendiri. Tetapi macam seronok untuk tahu jawapan Carl dan Petisuara. So kamu berdua kena tag!
Done! And the last one.
Award from Carl Samsudin - Anugerah Terhormat Top Blogger 2010
1st Thanks and link to the person that give you the award
2nd Post this award onto 12’s bloggers you have recently discovered and think are fantastic
3rd Contact and let them know they’ve won the award
Alif, thanks for the award! Compared to your blog, mine is like a junk blog. But then, thanks again ex-scandalicious-friend! Heh heh. This is his link – Carl Samsudin
So the lucky 12 are;
Barthugs // Endang Harnani // Nelly // Amir // Chuck // Prinzcesz Shasheera // Zack Zukhairi // Dya // Yatie // Perez Hilton // Irena // Izdiyani
I’ll contact through the chatbox of Facebook. :D
Another award received. Yea!

Thanks uols! Btw, is this the longest entry that I ever post?
Bye for now.
3 in 1 ek..hee
waa..gojesnye bground!!
suke suke..hee
yeah. memandangkan dah free sikit.
heeeee. lady gaga hot!
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