Yesterday was sucks, I am damn sleepy and I need to finish my revision. Ergh, as Dr Khalida said Dr Johan’s questions is super susah, so the mood to read his part has gone nowhere at that moment, I’m giving up. So yeah, while listen to Lady Gaga remix version, so hello cam whoring. Eh eh, my bulu-bulu ixus dah charge lah!
3 down, 1 more to go babeh! And obviously my ‘sayang’ Dr Johan already gave us the tips but still, his question will be unexpectedly susah. Why lah lecture, why must give us tough paper while you know we want to graduate with flying colours? Seriously, the mood to study turned off once I browse through the notes. What exactly I’m doing in the SWM class for the whole semester? No highlighted words, no extra notes, nothing – the notes is super clean like I never bring it to the class. (-.-“) Need to study tomorrow, must.
Just now I had funnn with sayang Yatie. Heee. We swim like children, get to know new people. Eh apesal we being too friendly just because of nak belajar renang anjing laut tu? Ok babe, there is next time. Each time if you datang JB after this, let me know then we’ll say hello to Mayland. Love you love you! Obviously I’m not going to upload our pictures because we’re ‘hot’. ;-p ;-p
And lastly, I miss my little monster. Monster yang sombong si Gaga kesayangan. (^.^)
I can’t wait for Monday. I am tired of being stress. Guess what, for the first time ever, I’m being TOO EMOTIONAL which I cried for stupid things. Heh. I wish miss heartless feelingless numb hearted me will be back soon. Being emotional is just a waste of time – tolonglah jangan emosi dengan workloads. Ishh!
p.s: Can I skip on the 15th of every month? Ergh!
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