Oh my oh my, sepatutnya pagi update benda ini masa hari Jumaat. Tapi emm. tiba-tiba malam itu jadi semangat nak tidur awal sebab the next day ada part time job lagi dengan celcom. So yeah, tak sempat nak upload. As promised, cham-whore entry. Obviously with new black hair and fringe depan yang senget sebab gatal pegi gunting sendiri time mamai. Haha. Thanks to Allah, in the pictures tak obvious rambut senget. HAHA again.
So yeah baby, an entry of cam-whoring pictures. And say 'hello' to my bulu-bulu ixus! N-way, i'm thinking of changing new 'baju bulu' for ixus. :-)

And obviously a picture of me. Time siap-siap nak keluar. Oh my, the hair is black lah! Black even kena flash ixus yang super duper terangg. And, i love the lens too. Even dah plan nak tukar lens kaler hazel lepas ni. Btw, the pimple under my mouth obvious gila kan?? Even dah pakai concealer segala pun nampak. Like damn!

And guess who i met that day. My darling Yatie! Jealous betul - makin cantik darling i sorang ni. And and, dia confirm will be working at Melaka. So far, her payment paling tinggi compared to the others - 2800 babeh! Happy for you sayangness. You deserve it! I dah start hantar resume ke Melaka darling. Mesti nak stay with you!
And both of us pun cam whore dalam kedai kasut. Sebab looking for my cheap sport shoes untuk part time job. Heh heh. Jimat. And that shoes akan duduk kat stor for long time after this.

Then Yat baik hati teman i tengok Ironman 2. Lame gila i sebab had no one untuk tengok. Heee. Yat tengok for the second time. Oh, btw, even i tak tengok Ironman lagi, Yat baik hati explain sikit-sikit to me. Love you sayang. Then, we konon-konon heading to taman bunga - but attempt tak berjaya sebab sesat for few times tambah jam orang balik kerja lagi. End up with - dating dekat Stulang makan buah. Look, Yat enjoy makan jambu.

And I makan tembikai besar depan laut tercemar haha! Tapi cantik juga bila ambil gambar sebab tak nampak sampah sangat. Heee. Besides that both of us makan jajan - and Yatie baik hati kasi burung gagak makan. Mula-mula sekor then berekor-ekor sampai we giving up sebab takut and pergi tinggalkan our spot. Bad raven!

Thank you Yatie darling for the day! Seriously, i dah rindu kat u! If i knew you balik awal - mesti i stay ajak u pegi bazar JB. Sobs. Next time if u datang lagi kita pegi okey. And obviously kalau i datang KL -mesti jumpa u. Mesti.
Eh, dah balik rumah pun nak cam-whore juga. Atas katil lagian. Haha. Mind the hair yang berterabur. And if nak nampak lagi cantik - terbalikkan your laptop readers! Oh my, sayang rambut kaler gelap. :D

So it was on Friday. Happy day! Before the stupid weekends strike. Goodbye for now!
rambut 2..ngeeeee
i nak rambut panjang mcm u. then nak curl. cepat doakan rambut i panjang okehh. :D
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