I had no idea what to blog about. So, pegi browse through Bulu's Ixus then jumpa some photo yang rasa macam related to current life, so hey! Dapat update blog yeay, yea! And thanks to Najah sebab kasi i assignment on doing layout thingy - seriously, i got something to do. And and, mood miang nak tukat layout blog dapat dihentikan dulu sebab nak buat yours dulu. Btw, i miss you najnaj and mzyyh too! Bila nak triple date hah? ;-p

So the #1 photo, ambil siang tadi sebab teman adik lelaki 'hot' pegi betulkan IC. Thank God budak ini dah hebat drive so kakak boleh cam-whore kat tepi while dia jadi driver. Walaupun sometimes dia drive sumpah laju. Grrrr. Adik hot ini jugak telah belanja kakak gorgeous dia makan cendol tepi jalan which the last time buat gitu when i am in form 5. Bahahaha. Gila rindu zaman bercendol with the girls. Oh, tidak cam-whore dekat tepi jalan waktu makan cendol sebab takut orang menyampah. Heh heh.

Dah cakapkan, i cam-whore waktu adik 'hot' drive. So say hello to casing baru ZA compact powder i. Hehe. Biru sangat uncool bila masuk dalam handbag gadis - pink is more girlish. So okey, i'm using this now. Tengok, the casing pun macam cermin - seriously i loike! Cepat 17th, need the allowance! Oh daddy, i seriously love you. :)

Last photo. Ini time part time job babeh. Ini my babes - ignore lelaki penguin kat belakang. Dia bukan babes saya. Part time job untuk sua rasa sucks! Sebab firstly i kena pisah dengan gadis i and combine with the KL's b*tches. Which i dont really like them. Then Kak Zila suckers baget dia bagus gila pegi maki kiteorang like we're total bimbo. Okay-okay, i dont really need to amplify marah right now. Waste of time - be positive.
But then i got the chance to see Fizo Omar live which i really had the urge to run for him and hug him. Nasib baik kerja, haih haih. Dia sangatlah amat kacak. Mind me, i tak suka Fiz Fairuz. Heh~
Enough with the pictures. My current life is lifeless - i sleep at 2 and woke up at 2. Hoo. and each time i woke up dont expect me to be energetic, no i am not. I am fatigue! I just dont know how bf really do need the 12 hours sleep everyday! (-.-")
So tomorrow i need to be more useful by wake up early at least at 10 am and read the stupid novel - vampire diaries. Eh, bukan i dah beli this book like a year ago ke? Heh, tak habis baca lagi. Now i know - i cuma suka Sophie Kinsella sahaja, if writer lain memang lambat nak habis baca. (-.-")
And and and, this song is keep playing in my mind. Heh, blame the blue bears yang joget-joget lagu ni time sua rasa. Heee. Comel betul. Sila take note ini anthem untuk fifa 2010. Heee. What team will i shout for? Emmm. Havent yet decided. HAHA
Enjoy the song! Eh, everyday pun nak promote something from youtube. I ♥ holiday! Bercinta dengan youtube itu cool. ;-p
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