27 June 2010


I memang seriously tak tahu nak buat apa, eventhough kena upload photos banyak gila dekat facebook kejap lagi, tapi menyempat suka-suki buat vids dulu. First attempt on buat video sendiri. Sure lepas ini ramai lagi yang nak judge panggil i gedik. (-.-") But i don't really give a damn seriously. If korang annoys or loathing with me or my blog or anything related to me - please i don't really mind of not having a hater in my life. I won't ask you to like me, but i don't want to get involve in any drama anymore.

Here's the vid! I know bila you guys tengok sure perasan cacat cela. But hey i suka PJ i dalam vid ni. Enjoy! And wait for my nest entry on a day with the babes! ♥ ♥

p.s: I can't wait for Wednesday but I don't want any Thursday. How could i survive without the girls. :(
p.p.s: Yes, it is my darling Theo in the video! Oh, i haven't show my Mikah yet. Sorry Mikah.
p.p.p.s: GERMANY! I'm going to watch football now. Bye!


Fara said...

Sure u can survive syg :)BTW, Yana, cute gila!!

AnneAnne said...

angkara u guys yg suka amik vids balik terus na pinjam laptop adik buat jugak. HAHA.

lain kot korg tade nanti. sunyi sepi for sure!

Carl Samsudin said...

babe! jom buat video skali! colabrate!

utHe mauRa said...



AnneAnne said...

yeahh!!! boleh, bkn kite dah plan dr dulu ke na buat? i on je dude! :D

heeee. i gila bosan. so tadaaa buat vid satu!

amalina said...

kamo0 d lady diana gaga... chomel sangat.. i <3 + loike it..

Qila, Azman said...


AnneAnne said...

thanks sayangss! <3