07 November 2010

25 Randoms Things, Fact, Habits, Goal

Got tagged by Miss Ellisa, so hey let getting started babehh! ♥

First, need to write a note with 25 random things, fact, habits, goal about me.

1. I think I am a happy go lucky person. The one yang always pun nak happy. Pegi site pun nak buat muka bercahaya macam masuk Universal Studio. HAHA

2. I am addicted to BB. Ohh yeah, 24/7 pun nak BBM, tweet or do something with the damn phone. So macam sometimes tak cakap dengan orang because of phone. Not cool.

3. Love to make friends even sometimes orang pun rasa aneh pelik sebab tiba-tiba je berbaik dengan orang kan. Padadal bukan baik pun. (-.-")

4. I love fashion tapi I bukan someone yang berani untuk try jadi aneh gila. Huhu. I wish I am a freak monster like Gaga. But no, I masih tahu malu. ;-p

5. Used to be obsessed with Lady Gaga. But now memang dah start menyampah but still suka her music. Freemason huh?

6. Fact; I have a rabbit teeth but dulu i used to be segan gila but now I dah boleh terima diri sendiri. HAHA. You can call me chibbit people. ;-p

7. Fact; actually I ingin sangat pakai pendakap gigi/braces but abah tak kasi so I dah start untuk redha. But I'll make sure anak i semua tak hisap botol till 7 years old. HAHA.

8. I'm doing this thing in my office. Even I need to check the memo thingy but I put it aside for a while demi blog. :D

9. I love to sleep. Sleep is my passion. I can spend hours for sleep. :D

10. Fact; I can't stand waiting too long. Easily lost my temper kalau disuruh tunggu lama-lama.

11. I am a perasan good driver. But in fact sometime i suka drive dangerously. HAHA

12. And I easily lost my temper time drive. Selalu je termaki dari mengucap kalimah Allah. Not good.

13. Teringin nak permanent pakai tudung but why still takde courage betul-betul lagi. Another not good thing.

14. Used to be a horse rider, tapi dah pencen which I pun dah tak hingin naik lagi. ;-p

15. Currently rindu perasaan nak nangis sampai sneak peak cerita My Girl diam-diam sambil nangis dalam hati. Haha. Sila gelak!

16. I think i still hate my ex and who is related to him. Bwahahaha. My heart is full of vengeance.

17. Ehem. I still in love with Tyson Ritter, Theo Walcott, Justin Timberlake, Lee Min Ho, and who ever yang I pernah puji I jatuh cinta with.

18. I want to have new housing for Bubole for my birthday boleh? Huhu. Please anyone, belanja i. :(

19. Currently, I am broke now. Even I macam baru lepas gaji few days ago. Guilty dengan diri sendiri.

20. Goal, nak kawin dapat anak berhenti kerja jadi ibu yang hot. HAHA

21. Fact; I am a Gunner. Arsenal fan okey. And I anti Man U.

22. Kalau cakap I suka perempuan you girls takut tak? But seriously I memang suka perempuan. At least girl friends takkan rogol I and someone yang I boleh trust.

23. Goal, I need to be patient and strong and do whatever i can to stay put at my current company. Huhu.

24. I am so in love with Bruno Mars. Most of his song can make me happy - in heart. Listening to Talking to the moon and missing boyfriend. :(

25. I blog for fun. And I dont ask people to follow me, i dont expect any readers. So yeah, for fun. :D

Need to tag another 25 person including the one who tagged you.

I am not good at tagging other people. Obviously I'll tag miss ellisa. Another 24 person would be; Nelly, Mastura, Eim, Azizul Afandi, Aryanti, Wanie, Nany, Carl, ahhhh. cant think of anyone else. Maybe too ngantuk kot. So do it if you would like to share 25 facts about you. And leave your link here.

Hugs and kisses! Till tomorrow darlings!


Rebelle said...

yana bunny!
i baru tawu nama tu..
yana kuda!
carl yang bagi..

miss u!


peeewiiiitt, arsenal fan beb, kita sama ! hehek =D

Anonymous said...

baru perasaan la dear kawan... sekarang juge saye cube sudahkan... hehe