At last, my blogee looks different now. The banner photo taken when i was 18 years old. Haha. To Syed, do you still remember this pixie? I have lots of our pix at my hard disc rupanya. Will delete it soon ok, like what you did. Fair enough for us, no more memories to keep. Lets seek for a better future. Opss.. Being too direct?
You change your mind like a girl changes clothes.
I hate it seriously! But i am not at your everyday-must-contact list anymore, coz i am not replying your message and i won't reply it for these few days or maybe week. I won't pick up your phone call either. So egoism, i know i am when i really mad. You know me better than others, i know it. I like you but at the same time i hate you more, so how? ;p I am serious la!
Owh, i already spent HALF of my duit raya for my PC. My siblings keep complaining spending their money to pay for the new mother board for our PC at home. As they planning something with that money. Padan muka, kita merancang tapi tuhan yang menentukan. ;p But then i also regret to spend my money for that. Heh. Wasting! But if we ask abah to pay for it, surely he will pissed off. This is the fifth time we repair the PC this year, gila kokak.
Babe Yat, i miss u too. Can't wait to see you! Well, i need to save some of my duit raya for your wedding present. Haha. Can i know who is your future husband? You suddenly confidently saying that you're getting married. I know you are HAPPY now with him, i know you always do. Btw, i miss your kaki bangau when it comes to excited mode. Show me your new 4 pasang baju kurung baru eh, i'm saying that words with your style. ;p
Berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu yang memikul.
Perempuan itu mengandungkan anak luar nikah. Mujur lelaki itu mahu bertanggugjawab. Tapi dalam sifat bertanggungjawab lelaki itu dia lupa tanggungjawab ayahnya menjadi dua kali ganda. Aku kesian tengok si ayah lebih daripada tengok betina itu. Sila jangan berdrama dengan kami. Kau tak pernah layak berada di kepompong kehidupan aku.
And the best couple of this year is dedicated to 'them'.
Because they hurts their loved one.
Najib, thanks for the card. I just received it today. BIJAN? Seriously tak penah fikir pun bout that even my signature is ANAID. Haha. Urs lagi best la coz it means something, mine punya macam nama alien. Walaupun saya ini weird-kiddo tapi tak sampai alien mode la kan. Raya jemput datang rumah eh, nanti Yana bagitawu bila. :D
Downloading Heroes Episode 3.
Need to sleep now, have to drive to Singapore tomorrow. Hope to see Kak Yana & Abg Nash. ;)
To Amir Psycho, welcome to JB. Tomorrow i will belanja you if boleh keluar malam ok.
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