Another something in my list is wedges. So berjalan pula ke webpage Jimmy Choo as dalam lagu t-shirt ada mention that brand. But seriously sedar diri la kan i can't afford pun the things there. Thats why i called it window shopping online. Haha. I can't find my fav heels pun as i am not into this girly things. But i had found my heels if i want to get married. Alahai.. the price is RM450. Ergh, not worth it!

Then, i'm going to Manolo Blahnik page pula. Haha. Heard bout this brand from Labels & Love song. But the shoes there sangat gila pelik and i can't find the price for me to konon-konon planning untuk beli. Heh. Out from that page googling for Nike, alemak back to somewhere i belong. Then i found this cute cap. Haha. Kawaiii-des! If anyone did jumpa this capkan, let me know ok.

Aduhaii.. need rest pula ini mata. Hihi.
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