* link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
* share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird
* tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
* let them know they're tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
* Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
Farra Deyla. Heh. Give me another assignment huh?
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird
My 7 Things
1. Out-going. I can talk about anything but my major topic when I talk is, craps. Hahaha. I love to talk bout this and that but at the end I don’t even know what I’m saying. I can easily got a new friends if the other parties accepting me as who I am.
2. Drama queen. I love to be a drama queen. My life is so damn bored without drama. If the things can be settle down by a straight line, I love to draw some curvy-curvy line or round-about to make it more interesting or looks like a story in the tivo. Haha. Life is once so I want to make it interesting.
3. Pretend-er. I can cry and laughing, I can mad and make jokes, I can sad and just smiling. I am too good in hiding my true feeling. Only closed person can see it through my eyes. Yes, my eyes can’t lie but my mouth and face still can hide those feelings. I am suffering babeh, but who knows? ;p
4. Lesbian. I always said that I love my girlfriends. I did. Love them much! I will choose the gf’s that that guys that broke my heart into pieces. Until now I am sure I don’t have that proper heart like other girls have. Duh.. Thanks to my gfs coz always be with me and supporting me. Don’t worry I won’t rape you guys. Hahahahhaha.
5. Lazy. Yes I am. Everyone knows that, especially my family. Hahaha. I can sit and doing nothing for few hours than helping them do the chores. I rather sit and read my magazine than read my educational book, even I know the exam is just around the corner. I rather drawing than do my assignment. I really do hate this habit!
6. Unpredictable. I can change my mood in a minute. I can be extremely down and sad at a moment but after a few second of thinking I will be a totally happy-go-crazy girl on earth. Do stupid crazy things just to make sure I am happy and enjoying my short life. I can suddenly mad at you but after a while I will ask for your forgiveness. Sometimes I don’t know what I really want in my life. It is just so complicated!
7. Anorexia. Yes I am. I don’t know how to get fat. Each time I eat it is just go nowhere. I still like this, the walking skeleton. Is it? Arghh.. I really do want to be chubby like a teddy bear. I don’t mind to be fat, at least if I fat I can jog to balai cerap everyday to maintain my body. But with this skeleton body, I had no reason to jog. And if I eat like jin mentakedarah pun, I can’t be fat. So my conclusion is diet more and be an anorexia model.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
* Let them know they're tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
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