Amir! Thanks for tonight ok. Haha. Seriously gila lama tidak jumpa you! You had change a LOT. The one yang sangat buat i keep complaining is about your smoking habit la kan. You're not smoking before ok, but now sampai dua kotak sehari memang mahu buat i pengsan. And your hair too, lagi panjang dari my hair. Wavy++nakal lagi, penat i sikat, serabut juga akhirnya! Mahu saja i letak sunsilk biar tak degil. Haha.
Thanks coz remembering me while you're at here. Next time if i'm going to KL i'll let you know eh. Haipeng? Haha. If i ever jejak my kaki kat Kemaman lagi ok. ;p Need to plan a vacation with my gfs so i'll choose your place la. Tioman, i'm coming! You need to be there with Abas ok, ajar saya surfing wehh. And give us discount tau. OK?
Our pixie. Haha. Crazy us! Am i getting dark? *sighs*
*Kak Yana & Abg Nash. Sudah link kamu-kamu. Love you guys much-much-much. Sorry coz i'm being too malu-malu-meow tadi. Hope to see you guys tomorrow. ;)
*Arsenal draw. Heh. Tired of winning eh?
*Owh-owh, tadi while i'm driving back alone from meeting Amir someone followed me. Nasib baik i am a good driver, dapat melarikan diri from that car. Gerun weih!
*My demam getting better. :)
kite comment yana happy x? lain kali kalu ade org kejar yana lari masuk istana je.. nasib baik x jadi ape2..
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