28 June 2011

City Hunter

Today is day 2 I am wasting my time watching Korean drama online. Which I need to wait quite some time with the buffer thingy - it annoys me. So currently I am watching my dear Lee Min Ho on his new drama - City Hunter. Auwww. He is so so so so so hot. (if i could type 10 million 'so' - that is how hot he is in my eyes)

Gila tak sabar nak tengok juga before semua episod dah keluar siap-siap CD. Perasan Korean gila nak tengok cerita on going kat Korea. Hihi. I would do anything for Lee Min Ho remember? I even dream of him semalam - most probably sebab I fikir apa yang jadi kat next episode. Sungguh kurang senonoh, but at least ada can I tengok dia extra time. And that is why I sangat appreciate if termimpi orang yang I suka and akan stress bila bangun pagi tiap kali termimpi unpleasant thing. Sebab mimpi I dapat vibes happy hari ni.

Tapi, cerita City Hunter ni pasal revenge anak askar yang ayah dia mati dibunuh kerajaan Korea diorang sendiri. So bayangkan sweet adorable Lee Min Ho berlakon action drama - pergh cair wa cakap sama lu. Macho nak mati! But still - mestilah hero tak kejam sangat, dia soft-hearted which tak bunuh untuk balas dendam tapi buat hidup orang-orang yang terlibat dalam pembunuhan ayah dia merana. And cerita Korea mestilah ada cinta dan mestilah nak buat perempuan auwwwiiing non-stop. So yes, expect the sweet romance tapi hati kental punya lelaki scenes. But still, I keep falling in love with this guy. 

I jarang tengok cerita Korea, I mean, I don't watch every drama - I just watch what I want to watch. Probably sebab Lee Min Ho or ada suggestion yang menarik baru I tengok. But currently memang I tengok tempat-tempat yang seronok dilawati kat Korea. Seriously I want to go there Insya-Allah.

Lastly, what is my motif of blogging tonight? Bragging about I'm watching City Hunter. *lempang diri sendiri*

adorable creature ♥

16 June 2011

Jealous II


So last entry I am being so sarcastic and sambil-sambil tu meminta maaf which I consist as I really mean it. Heh. So today, I would like to share my opinion about wanita dan tahap jealousy. LOL. Sebab I keep repeating this thing for few days and I just think that I should share it here.

6 years ago, I'm having a relationship with a dude. At first it is so easy as I dengan dia sama tempat belajar, so tiap-tiap hari nampak muka, tau apa dia buat and we both macam adalah terberangan about getting married blabla. Until, habis matrikulasi - all the roller coaster begins. Bila dah jauh, dia ada kawan dia - I ada kawan I. So all we both need at that moment is trust. I am too immature at that moment so macam selalu I dengan that dude gaduh because of trust issues.

Selalu things yang I fikir, dia buat apa? Ada flirt dengan perempuan lain tak? Kenapa perlu amik gambar macam tu dengan girls? Kenapa selalu sangat lepak dengan girls sampai tengah malam? You know what, it tiresome bila kita tak trust orang - and it is just waste of time to fall in love but there's no trust between those couple. I ingat lagi i makan hati gila dengan that dude, macam-macam jadi - gaduh tu dah macam biasa sangat, drama lagi. Euw. Nak ingat balik pun I rasa malu, sebab you know I'm being so immature dulu. Sure that dude macam stress je time dengan I dulu. But we both managed to be together for almost 4 years until I've made my mind to move on. But dari that dude, I learn a lot of thing - a lot yang made me stronger now. Thank you Syed Nadzeem!

I can proudly say I sekarang dah boleh jadi more considerate in relationship and I tak buat benda bodoh lagi just because of gaduh dengan boyfriend. Pernah kau makan 12 biji panadol sebab stress dengan situation kau? Bodoh I, immature I waktu dulu sampai macam tu. *lempang* Sure kalau kawan-kawan UTM baca benda ni kenal sangat I macam mana dulu. Fragile, weak, sangat dependent.

Sejak tu, I belajar jadi kental. Kalau sakit hati macam mana pun I cuba untuk jadi positif. Tak ada masa nak layan kerenah hati geli-geli sebab sumpah macam membazir masa serta ia boleh menyebabkan proses penuaan menjadi cepat. Percayalah.

Tipulah kalau I kata I ni tak rasa jeles langsung. Tipu gila. Tapi it depend on how we deal with our jealousy. Semua orang memang akan jeles once dia dah mula sayang - tapi kena control. Takkanlah sebab dah mula bercinta semua friendship dengan orang berlainan jantina kena stop. Gila apa, baik simpan kekasih sendiri dalam poket buat jadi patung - bukan orang. Normal people need friends and what I've learn normal guys love to flirt or at least mesti tengok hot girls. Deal with it - tu macam lumrah. Macam perempuan yang can't say no to shopping and boleh freaking out sebab handbags. 

Maybe sebab dah banyak kali sangat I rasa down dulu, I macam rasa it is not worth it to be unhappy just because of someone else. Lagipun, in relationship - dont really give your 100% we never know what will happen in the future. Tapi jangan risau - sooner or later mesti jumpa the right one sebab semua orang hidup berpasangan. Everyone deserve a happy ending - even tak adalah macam fairy tales.

Lastly, I terbaca balik this entry and yes I am still agree - you cannot own a person all by yourself
So chillex, kalau betul orang tu untuk kau - berjuta hot girls, rich boys kawan dia, keliling dia - sure confirm dia kawin dengan kau jugak. Jodoh people, kita cuma rancang tapi Allah yang tentukan. So chillex.

Enough said.

13 June 2011


I may not like what you are doing but I respect who you are; because maybe who you are tomorow will be better than who I am today. - Tariq Ramadan

So yes, yesterday I am involved in a high-school type of drama role but the different is - it is a true story. Lol. I respected whatever people gonna judge me because I know no matter what I said to defense myself, they will still think what they wanna think and easily calling others as a slut/bitch without really know that person. I know where am I standing and I choose to play silent-dump-stagnant because I don't want to be a director of a drama. Excuse me, I am no Queen Blair to be dramatic. 

And somehow, my mood today are distracted by yesterday issues until I found that quotes. I've decided to not complaining anymore. I just hope sooner or later she will learn to be more wise. Insya Allah.

Maybe, I am childish. But sometimes, I learn to be more considerate and I hate to hate people or do drama or give chance people to hate me. We live once, so I would love to enjoy every second of it. It is just a waste of time to be negative or put yourself in a bad situation.

Still, I would love to apologize if I'm being such a slut. TROLOLOLOL. Never meant to be one. Judge me - but I bet you can't be like me if you're in my shoe miss. Got me?

p.s: I am into tumblring now; Diana's Tumblr. 

06 June 2011

Kungfu Panda 2

Minggu lepas, I tengok Kunfu Panda 2. It wasn't my plan pun cuma maybe memang jodoh besar dengan Po tu, tertengok sebab colleague cakap kelakar. And yes, can't deny sumpah kelakar si Po tu. Tapikan I rasa Po tu lucky in life and ada la passion in kung fu sampai dia boleh jadi 'hebat' in his own way. Dragon Warrior kot!

Alolololo, Adorablenya dia. Even ada hitam pusing-pusing mata, he still looks adorable. Tak macam I, kalau ada black circle bawah mata doesn't seem suit me. I wish I were a panda so macam tak rasa guilty dengan diri sebab tak jaga tidur elok-elok, minum air cukup-cukup, rehatkan mata lepas tengok PC for hours and paling teruk malas nak bukak lens. Tskk.

So, kalau kunfu panda 1 mesti kita aneh apesal-lah bapak si panda ni seekor angsa. Kungfu Panda 2 ni menceritakan history si Po ni apesal bapak dia angsa dan bukannya panda. And Dragon Warrior ada mission baru la kan. To those yang rasa need to watch something yang kelakar and comel - silalah tengok.

Seriously, my review takkan kantoikan the story line. Cuma jyeah, I cuma boleh cerita best ke tak. Comel ke tak. And benda yang I suka dalam each movie I tengok.

So well, my fav selain si panda tu, mestilah Tigress! Dia sangat amatlah tenang kot - coooool gila. And kuat of course. Muka sombong gila yet macam comel kucing jugak. And last-last baru I perasan suara Tigress adalah Angelina Jolie. Pffffft. Suara dia pun dah hot. And I ke yang lame eh baru tau ada suara Angie dalam tu. Tskk.

So well, gonna rate it 7/10 kot. Sebab actually I didn't give my full attention to this adorable thing - otak melayang terbang. Next, am really wanna watch Karak - even macam ramai kata tak best. I am still a big fan of KRU Studio kot. So mesti tengok. And, X-man!

Tolonglah I ada time and boleh dapat permission untuk keluar after time kerja and tengok.