08 July 2011

You make me wanna say I do

#nowplaying I do - Colbie Caillat

Sometimes I choose to store all that has happen in my life all by myself but when I decide to let it out, I guess it's just at the wrong timing. I didn't mean to hurt you or drive you away, it's just for you to know what's going on with me and let you know how I feel. 

Sometimes I'm just afraid to express my feelings due to your reactions. I am not someone cool to be with but I guaranteed one thing, if you meet me halfway then I'll for sure meet you on the other side. :)

The grass is greener on the other side but I wanna stay right here with you.

p.s: Blogging, tweet-ing is not my thing anymore. Am I getting older or what?

p.p.s: That photo was taken last week by Davis Chai. And please do visit to this two pages, Newlywedbigday and Newlywedphoto. Pada I rare nak tengok barang kawin comel diorang.


mikah said...

nampak gigi vampire..
cover la skit..

Farra Rebelle said...

you cute sangat lah! cubit pipi boleh? hahaha