09 November 2009

Kerinting? Derrrr

While my classmate is busy memorizing for the paper tomorrow, I’m at my room watching ghost whisperer then get stressed with the papers. Memorizing is so not my thing. Ye ke? Heh, to be frank, I am bored with the finals, macam nak duduk rumah and pretending it is holiday.

So I’m having my lunch at 5p.m as usual. It is not a big surprise because my tummy already gets used with it. Bahaha. Padahal habis satu tin biskut makan time lapar tadi. (-.-“) Suddenly someone ask me to go for a hair do. Well, as you know me, it is hard for me to say no for those kinds of things. Lagi-lagi bila baru dapat allowance dari bonda. Yeay.

We heading to my favourite place. Jadi favourite place sebab each time lepas treatment or gunting rambut there, I rasa rambut I cantik for a week! As usual, people there will promoting about the treatment and bla-bla-bla. My intention is just to get my hair trim and do something with my fringe. So I just ignored what the girl promoting me and start to think what is the best statement to reject the promotion what so ever tu. But suddenly, my friend yang I go with tu boleh pula tengok muka I sambil blink eyes cakap, “Jom buat treatment.” Damn, you know I just can’t say no, sebab memang I sumpah sayang rambut I even dia pendek and serabut. So here we come another an hour doing hair treatment. Geeezzz.. Dalam mind I keep trying to remember what I had read this morning, tak boleh buang waktu, study dalam mind. Ouh, it is not true trust me, I enjoying looking at the Chinese girl doing my hair, btw, she is super cute!

So, I talked to her. From hair thingy to boyfriend, school ect. Then she said, after treatment I main rambut you okey, I buat curl. OMG, I am so excited. I just can’t imagine how it will turns out. Yeah, we spend two hours there and I can feel that my hair is much-much-much more healthy now. Eh? Really?

And I really do love the curls. Cepat panjang and I’ll make it permanent. ;-p
Oh, and I got the treatment for free. Suddenly the person who bring me there pay for me. Yessss, I love you la darling. It was a best gift! Sambil blink my eyes and showing off my hair. Gahaha. Next time bawa I lagi if you nak pegi treatment rambut okey~

p.s: Tak nak mandi rambut sebulan boleh? HAHA

I know, ANEH!


Rebelle said...

oh my Prada!
cantik gler darl!
seswai sgt ngn ur face..
2 thumbs up!

Rebelle said...

oh my Prada!
cantik gler darl!
seswai sgt ngn ur face..
2 thumbs up!